# Enki Theme A color scheme and UI theme for **Sublime Text** with clear, disparate colors to help differentiate between all syntactic aspects of code, including syntax highlighting for the console. The UI theme itself is a **modified version** of [@equinusocio's](https://github.com/equinusocio) amazing work, [Material Theme](https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme) and [Material Theme Appbar.](https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme-appbar) Specifically, the overall UI colors have been changed in Material App Bar and Material Theme to better align with this color scheme. ![Screenshot - Enki](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enkia/enki-theme/master/static/enki.png) Tokyo Night color scheme (Ported over from my Vscode theme) ![Screenshot - Enki - Tokyo Night](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enkia/enki-theme/master/static/enki_tokyo_night.png) Alternate color scheme: ![Screenshot - Enki - Alt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enkia/enki-theme/master/static/enki_alt.png) Aster color scheme: ![Screenshot - Enki - Alt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enkia/enki-theme/master/static/enki_aster.png) Aster Red color scheme: ![Screenshot - Enki - Alt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enkia/enki-theme/master/static/enki_aster_red.png) Light color scheme and UI theme: ![Screenshot - Enki - Alt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enkia/enki-theme/master/static/enki_light.png) ## Installation 1. Download the package **Preferred Method:** With [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) installed, open the command palette and type `install package` and search for `Enki Theme.` *Alternate Method:* [Download](http://github.com/enkia/enki-theme/archive/master.zip) or clone this repo into `Sublime Text 3/Packages` and rename the folder to 'Enki Theme' 2. Open preferences and change the color scheme and theme lines: ```javascript "color_scheme": "Packages/Enki Theme/scheme/Enki.tmTheme", "theme": "Enki-Theme.sublime-theme", ``` #### Alternate Dark Color Scheme A color scheme for those who prefer something less purple: ```javascript "color_scheme": "Packages/Enki Theme/scheme/Enki-Alt.tmTheme", ``` #### Aster Color Scheme A color scheme for those who prefer fewer colors: ```javascript "color_scheme": "Packages/Enki Theme/scheme/Enki-Aster.tmTheme", // red instead of green: "color_scheme": "Packages/Enki Theme/scheme/Enki-Aster-red.tmTheme", ``` #### Light Color Scheme and UI Theme: A color scheme and UI theme for those who prefer something lighter: ```javascript "color_scheme": "Packages/Enki Theme/scheme/Enki-Light.tmTheme", "theme": "Enki-Theme-Light.sublime-theme", ``` ## Options Because this is essentially Material Theme, it comes packed with many of the same options as the original and one additional option: ```javascript "enki_theme_color_expanded_folder": true, // Set expanded folder in sidebar to accent color // If no accent color is specified, it simply gets brighter "enki_theme_bold_tab": true, // Bold tab labels "enki_theme_compact_panel": true, // Compact panel "enki_theme_compact_sidebar": true, // Compact side bar "enki_theme_disable_fileicons": true, // Disable file icons "enki_theme_disable_folder_animation": true, // Disable folder animation "enki_theme_disable_tree_indicator": true, // Disable active file indicator "enki_theme_panel_separator": true, // Panel Separator "enki_theme_small_statusbar": true, // Smaller Status Bar "enki_theme_small_tab": true, // Smaller tabs "enki_theme_tabs_autowidth": true, // Automatically adjust width of tabs "enki_theme_tabs_separator": true, // Add separator in between tabs "enki_theme_tree_headings": true, // Show sidebar tree headings ``` Color options: ```javascript "enki_theme_accent_samon": true, "enki_theme_accent_bluegray": true, "enki_theme_accent_fuschia": true, "enki_theme_accent_white": true, "enki_theme_accent_green": true, "enki_theme_accent_lime": true, "enki_theme_accent_purple": true, "enki_theme_accent_pink": true, "enki_theme_accent_red": true, // Changed to a deeper shade "enki_theme_accent_orange": true, "enki_theme_accent_indigo": true, "enki_theme_accent_teal": true, "enki_theme_accent_blue": true, "enki_theme_accent_cyan": true, "enki_theme_accent_yellow": true, ``` Preview Accents Options to mimic the screenshot: ```javascript "enki_theme_accent_red": true, // or white for Light theme "enki_theme_compact_sidebar": true, "enki_theme_panel_separator": true, "enki_theme_small_statusbar": true, "enki_theme_small_tab": true, "enki_theme_tabs_autowidth": true, "enki_theme_tree_headings": false, "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled", "line_padding_bottom": 2, "line_padding_top": 2, "bold_folder_labels": false, // or remove this line if you set it to true for Material Theme "always_show_minimap_viewport": true, "indent_guide_options": ["draw_normal", "draw_active"], "font_options": ["gray_antialias", "subpixel_antialias"], // for retina Mac & Windows ``` ## Plugins UI Plugins shown in screenshot: * [Color Highlighter](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Color%20Highlighter) * [BracketHighlighter](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/BracketHighlighter) ## Iterm Color Schemes Get schemes [here.](https://github.com/enkia/enki-theme/tree/master/iterm) ## Notes * **Ruby developers:** Try removing Ruby Slim package if syntax appears muddled. * **SCSS/SASS developers:** This theme is best used with the [SCSS - TextMate SCSS Official Bundle](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/SCSS) because the Sass package has fewer syntax definitions to work with. Unfortunately, it's no longer maintained. Feel free to download [my fork](https://github.com/enkia/SCSS.tmbundle) where I've made a few necessary updates. * **Javascript developers:** This theme is best used with the [newly updated (see build 3114 notes)](https://www.sublimetext.com/3) default Javascript syntax definitions or the ones from the [Babel](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Babel) package. * **Color Scheme palettes:** [Color Palette 1,](http://colorpeek.com/#3f414d,425c7c,6d3b66,8d4d85,a966a9,d57cd5,d93232,c33c4a,ff435b,eb606b,d24d57,f99157,fac863,ca9b55,dbc08a,1abc9c,50b4dc,6189bb,7ba1d0,83aada,afbad4,e5e5e5) [Color Palette 2](http://colorpeek.com/#3f414d,425c7c,455682,62758b,1abc9c,65dec2,d93232,c33c4a,ff435b,eb606b,d24d57,f99157,fac863,ca9b55,dbc08a,1abc9c,50b4dc,6189bb,7ba1d0,83aada,afbad4,e5e5e5) * **Font:** [Operator Mono](https://www.typography.com/fonts/operator/overview/) ## Issues / Requests / Contributions #### Color Scheme: * If a syntax definition doesn't appear to be supported, please [submit an issue.](http://github.com/enkia/enki-theme/issues) * Use the supplied YAML file for use with [PackageDev](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/PackageDev) if you'd like to contribute to the *color scheme.* #### Theme: Despite this being a modified version of the Material Theme, please submit UI issues here as a bug may have been introduced when modifying Material Theme. This will be updated with all major bug fixes released by [equinusocio](https://github.com/equinusocio) for [Material Theme](https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme) and [Material Theme Appbar](https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme-appbar) but understand that since this is not the original UI theme, these updates will not occur immediately.