=head1 LICENSE Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2024] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =head1 CONTACT Ensembl =cut =head1 NAME CADD =head1 SYNOPSIS mv CADD.pm ~/.vep/Plugins ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin CADD,snv=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz,indels=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/InDels.tsv.gz ./vep -i structural_variations.vcf --plugin CADD,sv=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/1000G_phase3_SVs.tsv.gz ./vep -i structural_variations.vcf --plugin CADD,snv=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz,indels=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/InDels.tsv.gz,force_annotate=1 =head1 DESCRIPTION A VEP plugin that retrieves CADD scores for variants from one or more tabix-indexed CADD data files. Please cite the CADD publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24487276 The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. The CADD SNV and indels data files (and respective Tabix index files) can be downloaded from - http://cadd.gs.washington.edu/download The CADD SV data files (and respective Tabix index files) can be downloaded from - https://kircherlab.bihealth.org/download/CADD-SV/v1.1/ By default the plugin is designed to not annotate SV variant if a SNV and/or indels CADD annotation file is provided. Because it can results in too many lines matched from the annotation files and increase run time exponentially. You can override this behavior by providing force_annotate=1 which will force the plugin to annotate with the expense of increasing runtime. The plugin works with all versions of available CADD files. The plugin only reports scores and does not consider any additional annotations from a CADD file. It is therefore sufficient to use CADD files without the additional annotations. =cut package CADD; use strict; use warnings; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::Sequence qw(get_matched_variant_alleles); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepTabixPlugin; use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepTabixPlugin); # List here all columns in headers that should be included my %SV_TERMS = ( insertion => "INS", deletion => "DEL", duplication => "DUP", ); my %INCLUDE_COLUMNS = ( "PHRED" => { "name" => "CADD_PHRED", "description" => 'PHRED-like scaled CADD score.' }, "RawScore" => { "name" => "CADD_RAW", "description" => 'Raw CADD score.' }, "CADD-SV_PHRED-score" => { "name" => "CADD_PHRED", "description" => 'PHRED-like scaled CADD score.' }, "CADD-SV_Raw-score" => { "name" => "CADD_RAW", "description" => 'Raw CADD score.' } ); my $NON_COMMERCIAL_USE_CLAUSE = "CADD is only available here for non-commercial use. See CADD website for more information."; my $ALT_NUM = 0; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); # Test if tabix exists die "\nERROR: tabix does not seem to be in your path\n" unless `which tabix 2>&1` =~ /tabix$/; $self->expand_left(0); $self->expand_right(0); $self->get_user_params(); my $params = $self->params_to_hash(); my @files; $self->{non_sv_ann_file} = 0; # Check files in arguments if (!keys %$params) { @files = map { $_ ne "1" ? ($_) : () } @{$self->params}; $self->{force_annotate} = $self->params->[-1] eq "1" ? 1 : 0; } else { my @param_keys = keys %{$params}; for my $key ( @param_keys ){ next if $key eq "force_annotate"; push @files, $params->{$key}; $self->{non_sv_ann_file} = 1 if ($key eq "snv" || $key eq "indels"); } $self->{force_annotate} = $params->{force_annotate} ? 1 : 0; } die "\nERROR: No CADD files specified\nTip: Add a file after command, example:\nvep ... --plugin CADD,/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz\n" unless @files > 0; $self->add_file($_) for @files; warn "WARNING: Using snv and/or indels CADD annotation file with structural variant can increase run time exponentially. ". "Consider creating separate input files for SNV/indels and SV and use appropriate CADD annotation file.\n" if $self->{force_annotate}; my $assembly = $self->{config}->{assembly}; $self->{header} = (); foreach my $file (@files) { open IN, "tabix -f -h ".$file." 1:1-1 |"; my @lines = ; my @assembly_header_matches = grep { /$assembly/ } @lines if (defined($assembly)); if (!@assembly_header_matches && $assembly) { die "\nERROR: Assembly is " . $assembly . " but CADD file does not contain " . $assembly . " in header.\n"; } while (my $line = shift @lines) { next if (rindex $line, "#Chrom", 0); chomp $line; $self->{$file} = $line; } # Make sure it has a known prefix in header die "'#Chrom' was not found on header" unless $self->{$file}; my $file_check = 0; # Conditional header for (split /\t/, $self->{$file}){ next unless (exists($INCLUDE_COLUMNS{$_})); $file_check = 1; $self->{header}{$INCLUDE_COLUMNS{$_}{"name"}} = $INCLUDE_COLUMNS{$_}{"description"} . " " . $NON_COMMERCIAL_USE_CLAUSE; } die "\nERROR: $file does not have a known column to be included" unless $file_check; } close IN; return $self; } sub variant_feature_types { return ['VariationFeature', 'StructuralVariationFeature']; } sub feature_types { return ['Feature','Intergenic']; } sub get_header_info { my $self = shift; return $self->{header} } sub run { my ($self, $tva) = @_; my $bvf = $tva->base_variation_feature; my ($start, $end, $allele, $ref, $so_term); # get allele if ($bvf->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature")){ $start = $bvf->{start}; $end = $bvf->{end}; $allele = $bvf->alt_alleles->[$ALT_NUM]; $ref = $bvf->ref_allele_string; if (($ALT_NUM + 1) >= scalar(@{$bvf->alt_alleles})) { $ALT_NUM = 0; } else { $ALT_NUM += 1; }; return {} unless defined($allele) && $allele =~ /^[ACGT-]+$/; $ALT_NUM = 0; # setting $ALT_NUM = 0 } else { # Do not annotate sv if there is snv/indels annotation file return {} if ($self->{non_sv_ann_file} && !$self->{force_annotate}); $start = $bvf->{start} - 1; $end = $bvf->{end}; $so_term = $bvf->class_SO_term(); $allele = $SV_TERMS{$so_term}; $ref = "-"; }; my @data = @{$self->get_data($bvf->{chr}, $start - 2, $end)}; # Do not annotate if matched lines from annotation file is over threshold if(scalar @data > 100000 && !$self->{force_annotate}) { my $location = $bvf->{chr} . "_" . $start . "_" . $end; warn "WARNING: too many match found (", scalar @data, ") for CADD variant with location $location. No CADD annotation will be made. " . "Make sure you are not using SNVs/Indels CADD annotation file with structural variant as input. If you still want to annotate please use force_annotate=1."; return {}; } foreach (@data) { my $matches = get_matched_variant_alleles( { ref => $ref, alts => [$allele], pos => $start, strand => $bvf->strand }, { ref => $_->{ref}, alts => [$_->{alt}], pos => $_->{start}, } ); return $_->{result} if (@$matches); } return {}; } sub parse_data { my ($self, $line, $file) = @_; my @headers = split /\t/, $self->{$file}; my @values = split /\t/, $line; my %data = map {$headers[$_] => $values[$_]} (0..(@headers - 1)); my $c = $data{"#Chrom"}; my $s = $data{"Pos"} || $data{"Start"}; my $ref = $data{"Ref"} || "-"; my $alt = $data{"Alt"} || $data{"Type"}; # Conditional result my %result = (); foreach (keys %INCLUDE_COLUMNS){ next unless (exists($data{$_})); $result{$INCLUDE_COLUMNS{$_}{"name"}} = $data{$_}; } # do VCF-like coord adjustment for mismatched subs my $end = $data{"End"} || ($s + length($ref)) - 1; if(length($alt) != length($ref)) { my $first_ref = substr($ref, 0, 1); my $first_alt = substr($alt, 0, 1); if ($first_ref eq $first_alt) { $s++; $ref = substr($ref, 1); $alt = substr($alt, 1); $ref ||= '-'; $alt ||= '-'; } } return { ref => $ref, alt => $alt, start => $s, end => $end, result => \%result }; } sub get_start { return $_[1]->{start}; } sub get_end { return $_[1]->{end}; } 1;