=head1 LICENSE Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2024] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =head1 CONTACT Ensembl =cut =head1 NAME mutfunc =head1 SYNOPSIS mv mutfunc.pm ~/.vep/Plugins ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin mutfunc,motif=1,extended=1,db=/FULL_PATH_TO/mutfunc_data.db ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin mutfunc,db=/FULL_PATH_TO/mutfunc_data.db =head1 DESCRIPTION A VEP plugin that retrieves data from mutfunc db predicting destabilization of protein structure, interaction interface, and motif. Please cite the mutfunc publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource: http://msb.embopress.org/content/14/12/e8430 Pre-requisites: 1) The data file. mutfunc SQLite db can be downloaded from - https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_variation/mutfunc/mutfunc_data.db 2) If you are using --offline please provide a FASTA file as this plugin requires the translation sequence to function. Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: db : (mandatory) Path to SQLite database containing data for other analysis. motif : Select this option to have mutfunc motif analysis in the output int : Select this option to have mutfunc protein interection analysis in the output mod : Select this option to have mutfunc protein structure analysis in the output exp : Select this option to have mutfunc protein structure (experimental) analysis in the output extended : By default mutfunc outputs the most significant field for any analysis. Select this option to get more verbose output. By default all of the four type of analysis (motif, int, mod, and exp) data are available in the output. But if you want to have some selected analysis and not all of them just select the relevant options. =cut package mutfunc; use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Compress::Zlib; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::Sequence qw(get_matched_variant_alleles); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepPlugin; use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepPlugin); my @ALL_AAS = qw(A C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T V W Y); my $field_order = { motif => ["elm", "lost"], int => ["evidence", "dG_wt", "dG_mt", "ddG", "dG_wt_sd", "dG_mt_sd", "ddG_sd"], mod => ["dG_wt", "dG_mt", "ddG", "dG_wt_sd", "dG_mt_sd", "ddG_sd"], exp => ["dG_wt", "dG_mt", "ddG", "dG_wt_sd", "dG_mt_sd", "ddG_sd"] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); my $param_hash = $self->params_to_hash(); if ($self->{config}->{offline} && !$self->{config}->{fasta}) { die "The mutfunc plugin cannot annotate without translation sequence, please provide a FASTA if --offline is used\n"; } # default behavior is to output all field $param_hash->{all} = 1 if ( (!defined $param_hash->{motif}) && (!defined $param_hash->{int}) && (!defined $param_hash->{mod}) && (!defined $param_hash->{exp}) ); $self->{motif} = 1 if $param_hash->{motif} || $param_hash->{all}; $self->{int} = 1 if $param_hash->{int} || $param_hash->{all}; $self->{mod} = 1 if $param_hash->{mod} || $param_hash->{all}; $self->{exp} = 1 if $param_hash->{exp} || $param_hash->{all}; die "ERROR: please provide the SQLite database using 'db' parameter\n" if ( !(defined $param_hash->{db}) ); $self->{db} = $param_hash->{db}; $self->{extended} = 1 if $param_hash->{extended}; if( ($self->{config}->{output_format} eq "json") || $self->{config}->{rest}){ $self->{output_json} = 1; } $self->{initial_pid} = $$; $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=".$self->{db},"",""); $self->{get_sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT species, md5, item, matrix FROM consequences WHERE md5 = ?"); $self->{species} = $self->config->{species}; return $self; } sub feature_types { return ['Transcript']; } sub get_header_info { my ($self) = shift; my %header; if (defined $self->{motif}){ $header{mutfunc_motif} = "Impact on linear motif. "; if (defined $self->{extended}){ $header{mutfunc_motif} .= "Output field(s) include: "; $header{mutfunc_motif} .= $self->{config}->{output_format} eq "vcf" ? "(fields are separated by '&') " : "(fields are separated by ',') "; $header{mutfunc_motif} .= "elm - ELM accession of the linear motif, "; $header{mutfunc_motif} .= "lost - '1' if the mutation causes the motif to be lost and '0' otherwise"; } else { $header{mutfunc_motif} .= "(1 = lost)"; } } foreach (qw(int mod exp)){ if (defined $self->{$_}) { my $key = "mutfunc_" . $_; $header{$key} = "Impact on protein interaction interface. " if $_ eq "int"; $header{$key} = "Impact on protein structure. " if $_ eq "mod"; $header{$key} = "Impact on protein structure (experimental). " if $_ eq "exp"; if (defined $self->{extended}){ $header{$key} .= "Output field(s) include: "; $header{$key} .= $self->{config}->{output_format} eq "vcf" ? "(fields are separated by '&') " : "(fields are separated by ',') "; $header{$key} .= "evidence - 'EXP' for experimental model and 'MDL' for homology models and 'MDD' for domain-domain homology models, " if $_ eq "int"; $header{$key} .= "dG_wt - reference interface energy (kcal/mol), "; $header{$key} .= "dG_mt - mutated interface energy (kcal/mol), "; $header{$key} .= "ddG - change in interface stability between mutated and reference structure (kcal/mol) mutations where ddG >= 2 kcal/mol can be considered deleterious, "; $header{$key} .= "dG_wt_sd - dG_wt standard deviation (kcal/mol), "; $header{$key} .= "dG_mt_sd - dG_mt standard deviation (kcal/mol), "; $header{$key} .= "ddG_sd - ddG standard deviation (kcal/mol), "; } else{ $header{$key} .= "(ddG >= 2 deleterious)" } } } return \%header; } sub expand_matrix { my ($matrix) = @_; my $expanded_matrix = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($matrix) or throw("Failed to gunzip: $gzerrno"); return $expanded_matrix; } sub retrieve_item_value { my ($matrix, $pos, $aa, $tot_packed_len) = @_; my $item_value = (substr $matrix, $pos * $tot_packed_len * 20 + $aa * $tot_packed_len, $tot_packed_len ); return $item_value; } sub parse_motif { my ($item_value) = @_; my ($elm, $lost) = unpack "A24v", $item_value; $elm = undef if $elm eq "undefined"; $lost = undef if $lost == 0xFFFF; return $elm, $lost; } sub parse_destabilizers { my ($item_value, $item) = @_; my @evidence_lval = qw(EXP MDD MDL); my $evidence_val; # only int item type have evidence if ($item eq "int"){ my $evidence = unpack "v", $item_value; # now omit the evidence part from item value $item_value = substr $item_value, 2; # get the value of the evidence $evidence = undef if $evidence == 0xFFFF; $evidence_val = defined $evidence ? $evidence_lval[$evidence] : undef; } # get the rest my ($dG_wt, $ddG, $dG_wt_sd, $dG_mt_sd, $ddG_sd) = unpack "A8A8A8A8A8", $item_value; $dG_wt = undef if $dG_wt eq "10000000"; $ddG = undef if $ddG eq "10000000"; $dG_wt_sd = undef if $dG_wt_sd eq "10000000"; $dG_mt_sd = undef if $dG_mt_sd eq "10000000"; $ddG_sd = undef if $ddG_sd eq "10000000"; return $evidence_val, $dG_wt, $ddG, $dG_wt_sd, $dG_mt_sd, $ddG_sd if $item eq "int"; return $dG_wt, $ddG, $dG_wt_sd, $dG_mt_sd, $ddG_sd; } sub format_output{ my ($self, $data, $item) = @_; my $result = {}; if ($self->{output_json}){ my %hash; if( $self->{extended}){ %hash = map { $_ => $data->{$_} } @{ $field_order->{$item} }; } else{ %hash = map { $_ => $data->{$_} } keys %$data; } $result->{$item} = \%hash; } else{ my $key = "mutfunc_" . $item; if( $self->{extended}){ $result->{$key} = join(",", map { $data->{$_} } @{ $field_order->{$item} }); } else { $result->{$key} = join(",", map { $data->{$_} } keys %$data ); } } return $result; } sub process_from_db { my ($self, $tva) = @_; # get the trascript related to the variant my $tr = $tva->transcript; # get the translation my $translation = $tr->translate; return {} unless $translation; # get the md5 hash of the peptide sequence my $md5 = md5_hex($translation->seq); # forked, reconnect to DB if($$ != $self->{initial_pid}) { $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=".$self->{db},"",""); $self->{get_sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT species, md5, item, matrix FROM consequences WHERE md5 = ?"); # set this so only do once per fork $self->{initial_pid} = $$; } $self->{get_sth}->execute($md5); my $result_from_db = {}; while (my $arrayref = $self->{get_sth}->fetchrow_arrayref) { # skip if species does not match my $species = $arrayref->[0]; next unless $species eq $self->{species}; my $item = $arrayref->[2]; my $matrix = $arrayref->[3]; # expand the compressed matrix my $expanded_matrix = expand_matrix($matrix); # position and peptide to retrieve value from matrix my $pos = $tva->transcript_variation->translation_start; my $peptide = $tva->peptide; next unless $peptide; # in matrix position is 0 indexed $pos--; # we need position of peptide in the ALL_AAS array my $peptide_number = (first_index { $_ eq $peptide } @ALL_AAS); # get matrix for each item value and parse them # motif if ($item eq "motif" && $self->{motif}) { # get the item value for specific pos and amino acid from matrix my $tot_packed_len = 26; my $item_value = retrieve_item_value($expanded_matrix, $pos, $peptide_number, $tot_packed_len); if ($item_value){ # parse the item value from matrix my ($elm, $lost) = parse_motif($item_value); # format the output if(defined $elm || defined $lost){ my $data = $self->{extended} ? { elm => $elm, lost => $lost } : { lost => $lost }; my $formatted_output = $self->format_output($data, $item); @$result_from_db{ keys %$formatted_output } = values %$formatted_output; } } } # int and mod and exp elsif ($item eq "int" || $item eq "mod" || $item eq "exp") { if ($self->{$item}){ # get the item value for specific pos and amino acid from matrix my $tot_packed_len = ($item eq "int") ? 42 : 40; my $item_value = retrieve_item_value($expanded_matrix, $pos, $peptide_number, $tot_packed_len); if ($item_value){ # parse the item value from matrix my ($evidence, $dG_wt, $ddG, $dG_wt_sd, $dG_mt_sd, $ddG_sd); if ($item eq "int"){ ($evidence, $dG_wt, $ddG, $dG_wt_sd, $dG_mt_sd, $ddG_sd) = parse_destabilizers($item_value, $item); } else{ ($dG_wt, $ddG, $dG_wt_sd, $dG_mt_sd, $ddG_sd) = parse_destabilizers($item_value, $item); } # dG_mt can be calculated from dG_wt and ddG my $dG_mt = (defined $dG_wt && defined $ddG) ? $dG_wt + $ddG : undef; # format the output if(defined $evidence || defined $dG_wt || defined $ddG || defined $dG_wt_sd || defined $dG_mt_sd || defined $ddG_sd){ my $data = $self->{extended} ? { dG_wt => $dG_wt, dG_mt => $dG_mt, ddG => $ddG, dG_wt_sd => $dG_wt_sd, dG_mt_sd => $dG_mt_sd, ddG_sd => $ddG_sd } : { ddG => $ddG }; $data->{evidence} = $evidence if (defined $evidence && $item eq "int" && $self->{extended}); my $formatted_output = $self->format_output($data, $item); @$result_from_db{ keys %$formatted_output } = values %$formatted_output; } } } } } return $result_from_db; } sub run { my ($self, $tva) = @_; my $result = {}; my $hash_from_db = $self->process_from_db($tva); @$result{ keys %$hash_from_db } = values %$hash_from_db; return {} unless %$result; return $self->{output_json} ? {"mutfunc" => $result} : $result; } 1;