## ent - An Entity Framework For Go [![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/https/twitter.com/entgo_io.svg?style=social&label=Follow%20%40entgo_io)](https://twitter.com/entgo_io) [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/885059418646003782?label=discord&logo=discord&style=flat-square&logoColor=white)](https://discord.gg/qZmPgTE6RX) [English](README.md) | [中文](README_zh.md) | [日本語](README_jp.md) | [한국어](README_kr.md) Simple, yet powerful entity framework for Go, that makes it easy to build and maintain applications with large data-models. - **Schema As Code** - model any database schema as Go objects. - **Easily Traverse Any Graph** - run queries, aggregations and traverse any graph structure easily. - **Statically Typed And Explicit API** - 100% statically typed and explicit API using code generation. - **Multi Storage Driver** - supports MySQL, MariaDB, TiDB, PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, SQLite and Gremlin. - **Extendable** - simple to extend and customize using Go templates. ## Quick Installation ```console go install entgo.io/ent/cmd/ent@latest ``` For proper installation using [Go modules], visit [entgo.io website][entgo install]. ## Docs and Support The documentation for developing and using ent is available at: https://entgo.io For discussion and support, [open an issue](https://github.com/ent/ent/issues/new/choose) or join our [channel](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/C01FMSQDT53) in the gophers Slack. ## Join the ent Community Building `ent` would not have been possible without the collective work of our entire community. We maintain a [contributors page](doc/md/contributors.md) which lists the contributors to this `ent`. In order to contribute to `ent`, see the [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) file for how to go get started. If your company or your product is using `ent`, please let us know by adding yourself to the [ent users page](https://github.com/ent/ent/wiki/ent-users). For updates, follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/entgo_io ## About the Project The `ent` project was inspired by Ent, an entity framework we use internally. It is developed and maintained by [a8m](https://github.com/a8m) and [alexsn](https://github.com/alexsn) from the [Facebook Connectivity][fbc] team. It is used by multiple teams and projects in production, and the roadmap for its v1 release is described [here](https://github.com/ent/ent/issues/46). Read more about the motivation of the project [here](https://entgo.io/blog/2019/10/03/introducing-ent). ## License ent is licensed under Apache 2.0 as found in the [LICENSE file](LICENSE). [entgo install]: https://entgo.io/docs/code-gen/#version-compatibility-between-entc-and-ent [Go modules]: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#quick-start [fbc]: https://connectivity.fb.com