#!/bin/bash # 定义颜色 re='\e[0m' red='\e[1;91m' white='\e[1;97m' green='\e[1;32m' yellow='\e[1;33m' purple='\e[1;35m' skyblue='\e[1;96m' # 检查是否为root下运行 [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && echo -e "${red}注意: 请在root用户下运行脚本${re}" && sleep 1 && exit 1 # 创建快捷指令 add_alias() { config_file=$1 alias_names=("k" "K") [ ! -f "$config_file" ] || touch "$config_file" for alias_name in "${alias_names[@]}"; do if ! grep -q "alias $alias_name=" "$config_file"; then echo "Adding alias $alias_name to $config_file" echo "alias $alias_name='cd ~ && ./ssh_tool.sh'" >> "$config_file" fi done . "$config_file" } config_files=("/root/.bashrc" "/root/.profile" "/root/.bash_profile") for config_file in "${config_files[@]}"; do add_alias "$config_file" done # 获取当前服务器ipv4和ipv6 ip_address() { ipv4_address=$(curl -s ipv4.ip.sb) ipv6_address=$(curl -s --max-time 1 ipv6.ip.sb) } # 安装依赖包 install() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}未提供软件包参数!${re}" return 1 fi for package in "$@"; do if command -v "$package" &>/dev/null; then echo -e "${green}${package}已经安装了!${re}" continue fi echo -e "${yellow}正在安装 ${package}...${re}" if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then apt install -y "$package" elif command -v dnf &>/dev/null; then dnf install -y "$package" elif command -v yum &>/dev/null; then yum install -y "$package" elif command -v apk &>/dev/null; then apk add "$package" else echo -e"${red}暂不支持你的系统!${re}" return 1 fi done return 0 } # 安装nodejs install_nodejs(){ if command -v node &>/dev/null; then # 获取当前已安装nodejs版本 installed_version=$(node --version | grep -oE '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') echo -e "${green}系统中已经安装Nodejs,版本:${red}${installed_version}${re}" else echo -e "${yellow}系统中未安装nodejs,正在为你安装...${re}" # 根据对应系统安装nodejs if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_lts.x | sudo -E bash - && install nodejs elif command -v dnf &>/dev/null; then dnf install -y nodejs npm elif command -v yum &>/dev/null; then curl -fsSL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_21.x | sudo bash - && install nodejs elif command -v apk &>/dev/null; then apk add nodejs npm else echo -e "${red}暂不支持你的系统!${re}" return 1 fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${green}nodejs安装成功!${re}" sleep 2 else echo -e "${red}nodejs安装失败,尝试再次安装...${re}" install nodejs npm sleep 2 fi fi } # 安装java install_java() { if command -v java &>/dev/null; then # 检查安装版本 installed_version=$(java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}') echo -e "${green}系统已经安装Java${yellow}${installed_version}${re}" else echo -e "${yellow}系统中未安装Java,正在为你安装...${re}" local install_status=0 if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then apt install -y openjdk-17-jdk elif command -v yum &>/dev/null; then yum install -y java-17-openjdk elif command -v dnf &>/dev/null; then dnf install -y java-17-openjdk elif command -v apk &>/dev/null; then apk add openjdk17 else echo -e "${red}暂不支持你的系统!${re}" exit 1 fi if [ $install_status -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${green}Java安装成功${re}" sleep 2 break_end else echo -e "${red}Java安装失败,尝试为你再次安装...${re}" install java-17-openjdk sleep 2 break_end fi fi } # 卸载依赖包 remove() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}未提供软件包参数!${re}" return 1 fi for package in "$@"; do if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then apt remove -y "$package" && apt autoremove -y elif command -v dnf &>/dev/null; then dnf remove -y "$package" && dnf autoremove -y elif command -v yum &>/dev/null; then yum remove -y "$package" && yum autoremove -y elif command -v apk &>/dev/null; then apk del "$package" else echo -e "${red}暂不支持你的系统!${re}" return 1 fi done return 0 } # 初始安装依赖包 install_dependency() { clear install wget socat unzip tar } # 等待用户返回 break_end() { echo -e "${green}执行完成${re}" echo -e "${yellow}按任意键返回...${re}" read -n 1 -s -r -p "" echo "" clear } # 返回主菜单 main_menu() { cd ~ ./ssh_tool.sh exit } check_port() { # 定义要检测的端口 PORT=443 # 检查端口占用情况 result=$(ss -tulpn | grep ":$PORT") # 判断结果并输出相应信息 if [ -n "$result" ]; then is_nginx_container=$(docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' | grep 'nginx') # 判断是否是Nginx容器占用端口 if [ -n "$is_nginx_container" ]; then echo "" else clear echo -e "\e[1;31m端口 $PORT 已被占用,无法安装环境,卸载以下程序后重试!\e[0m" echo "$result" break_end ssh_tool fi else echo "" fi } # 定义安装 Docker 的函数 install_docker() { if ! command -v docker &>/dev/null; then curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh && ln -s /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose /usr/local/bin systemctl start docker systemctl enable docker else echo "Docker 已经安装" fi } iptables_open() { iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT iptables -F } install_ldnmp() { cd /home/web && docker-compose up -d clear echo "正在配置LDNMP环境,请耐心稍等……" # 定义要执行的命令 commands=( "docker exec php apt update > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php apt install -y libmariadb-dev-compat libmariadb-dev libzip-dev libmagickwand-dev imagemagick > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php docker-php-ext-install mysqli pdo_mysql zip exif gd intl bcmath opcache > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php pecl install imagick > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php sh -c 'echo \"extension=imagick.so\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/imagick.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php pecl install redis > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php sh -c 'echo \"extension=redis.so\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-redis.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php sh -c 'echo \"upload_max_filesize=50M \\n post_max_size=50M\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/uploads.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php sh -c 'echo \"memory_limit=256M\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/memory.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php sh -c 'echo \"max_execution_time=1200\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/max_execution_time.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php sh -c 'echo \"max_input_time=600\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/max_input_time.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 apt update > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 apt install -y libmariadb-dev-compat libmariadb-dev libzip-dev libmagickwand-dev imagemagick > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 docker-php-ext-install mysqli pdo_mysql zip gd intl bcmath opcache > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 pecl install imagick > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 sh -c 'echo \"extension=imagick.so\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/imagick.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 pecl install redis > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 sh -c 'echo \"extension=redis.so\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-redis.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 sh -c 'echo \"upload_max_filesize=50M \\n post_max_size=50M\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/uploads.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 sh -c 'echo \"memory_limit=256M\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/memory.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 sh -c 'echo \"max_execution_time=1200\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/max_execution_time.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec php74 sh -c 'echo \"max_input_time=600\" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/max_input_time.ini' > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker exec nginx chmod -R 777 /var/www/html" "docker exec php chmod -R 777 /var/www/html" "docker exec php74 chmod -R 777 /var/www/html" "docker restart php > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker restart php74 > /dev/null 2>&1" "docker restart nginx > /dev/null 2>&1" ) total_commands=${#commands[@]} # 计算总命令数 for ((i = 0; i < total_commands; i++)); do command="${commands[i]}" eval $command # 执行命令 # 打印百分比和进度条 percentage=$(( (i + 1) * 100 / total_commands )) completed=$(( percentage / 2 )) remaining=$(( 50 - completed )) progressBar="[" for ((j = 0; j < completed; j++)); do progressBar+="#" done for ((j = 0; j < remaining; j++)); do progressBar+="." done progressBar+="]" echo -ne "\r[$percentage%] $progressBar" done echo # 打印换行,以便输出不被覆盖 clear echo -e "${green}LDNMP环境安装完毕${re}" echo "------------------------" # 获取nginx版本 nginx_version=$(docker exec nginx nginx -v 2>&1) nginx_version=$(echo "$nginx_version" | grep -oP "nginx/\K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") echo -n "nginx : v$nginx_version" # 获取mysql版本 dbrootpasswd=$(grep -oP 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:\s*\K.*' /home/web/docker-compose.yml | tr -d '[:space:]') mysql_version=$(docker exec mysql mysql -u root -p"$dbrootpasswd" -e "SELECT VERSION();" 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1) echo -n " mysql : v$mysql_version" # 获取php版本 php_version=$(docker exec php php -v 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "PHP \K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") echo -n " php : v$php_version" # 获取redis版本 redis_version=$(docker exec redis redis-server -v 2>&1 | grep -oP "v=+\K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") echo " redis : v$redis_version" echo "------------------------" echo "" } install_certbot() { install certbot # 切换到一个一致的目录(例如,家目录) cd ~ || exit # 下载并使脚本可执行 curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/auto_cert_renewal.sh chmod +x auto_cert_renewal.sh # 安排每日午夜运行脚本 echo "0 0 * * * cd ~ && ./auto_cert_renewal.sh" | crontab - } install_ssltls() { docker stop nginx > /dev/null 2>&1 iptables_open cd ~ certbot certonly --standalone -d $yuming --email your@email.com --agree-tos --no-eff-email --force-renewal cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$yuming/cert.pem /home/web/certs/${yuming}_cert.pem cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$yuming/privkey.pem /home/web/certs/${yuming}_key.pem docker start nginx > /dev/null 2>&1 } default_server_ssl() { install openssl openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /home/web/certs/default_server.key -out /home/web/certs/default_server.crt -days 5475 -subj "/C=US/ST=State/L=City/O=Organization/OU=Organizational Unit/CN=Common Name" } nginx_status() { nginx_container_name="nginx" # 获取容器的状态 container_status=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' "$nginx_container_name" 2>/dev/null) # 获取容器的重启状态 container_restart_count=$(docker inspect -f '{{.RestartCount}}' "$nginx_container_name" 2>/dev/null) # 检查容器是否在运行,并且没有处于"Restarting"状态 if [ "$container_status" == "running" ]; then echo "" else rm -r /home/web/html/$yuming >/dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/web/certs/${yuming}_key.pem >/dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/web/certs/${yuming}_cert.pem >/dev/null 2>&1 docker restart nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "\e[1;31m检测到域名证书申请失败,请检测域名是否正确解析或更换域名重新尝试!\e[0m" fi } add_yuming() { ip_address echo -e "先将域名解析到本机IP: \033[33m$ipv4_address $ipv6_address\033[0m" read -p "请输入你解析的域名: " yuming } add_db() { dbname=$(echo "$yuming" | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9]/_/g') dbname="${dbname}" dbrootpasswd=$(grep -oP 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:\s*\K.*' /home/web/docker-compose.yml | tr -d '[:space:]') dbuse=$(grep -oP 'MYSQL_USER:\s*\K.*' /home/web/docker-compose.yml | tr -d '[:space:]') dbusepasswd=$(grep -oP 'MYSQL_PASSWORD:\s*\K.*' /home/web/docker-compose.yml | tr -d '[:space:]') docker exec mysql mysql -u root -p"$dbrootpasswd" -e "CREATE DATABASE $dbname; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* TO \"$dbuse\"@\"%\";" } reverse_proxy() { ip_address wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/reverse-proxy.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf sed -i "s/$ipv4_address/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf sed -i "s/0000/$duankou/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf docker restart nginx } restart_ldnmp() { docker exec nginx chmod -R 777 /var/www/html docker exec php chmod -R 777 /var/www/html docker exec php74 chmod -R 777 /var/www/html docker restart php docker restart php74 docker restart nginx } docker_app() { if docker inspect "$docker_name" &>/dev/null; then clear echo "$docker_name 已安装,访问地址: " ip_address echo "http:$ipv4_address:$docker_port" echo "" echo "应用操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 更新应用 2. 卸载应用" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear docker rm -f "$docker_name" docker rmi -f "$docker_img" # 安装 Docker(请确保有 install_docker 函数) install_docker $docker_rum clear echo "$docker_name 已经安装完成" echo "------------------------" # 获取外部 IP 地址 ip_address echo "您可以使用以下地址访问:" echo "http:$ipv4_address:$docker_port" $docker_use $docker_passwd ;; 2) clear docker rm -f "$docker_name" docker rmi -f "$docker_img" rm -rf "/home/docker/$docker_name" echo "应用已卸载" ;; 0) # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac else clear echo "安装提示" echo "$docker_describe" echo "$docker_url" echo "" # 提示用户确认安装 read -p "确定安装吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) clear # 安装 Docker(请确保有 install_docker 函数) install_docker $docker_rum clear echo "$docker_name 已经安装完成" echo "------------------------" # 获取外部 IP 地址 ip_address echo "您可以使用以下地址访问:" echo "http:$ipv4_address:$docker_port" $docker_use $docker_passwd ;; [Nn]) # 用户选择不安装 ;; *) # 无效输入 ;; esac fi } # 运行统计 sum_run_times() { local COUNT=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- --tries=2 --timeout=2 "https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Feooce%2Fssh_tool%2Fmain%2Fssh_tool.sh" 2>&1 | grep -m1 -oE "[0-9]+[ ]+/[ ]+[0-9]+") && TODAY=$(cut -d " " -f1 <<< "$COUNT") && TOTAL=$(cut -d " " -f3 <<< "$COUNT") } sum_run_times while true; do clear echo -e " ${skyblue}当日运行:${yellow}${TODAY}次 ${skyblue}累计运行:${yellow}${TOTAL}次${re}" echo -e "\033[0;97m-----------------By'eooce-----------------\033[0m" echo -e "\033[0;97m脚本地址: https://github.com/eooce/ssh_tool\033[0m" echo "" echo -e "${skyblue} ## ## ##### #### ###### #### #### ## ${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} ## ## ##### ####. ## ## ## ## ## ## ${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} ## ## #### ## #### #### ###### ${re}" echo -e "" echo -e " ${yellow}VPS一键脚本工具 v8.8.8${re}" echo -e "${yellow}支持Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS/Alpine/Fedora/Rocky/Almalinux/Oracle-linux${re}" echo -e "" echo -e "${skyblue}快捷键已设置为${yellow}k,${skyblue}下次运行输入${yellow}k${skyblue}可快速启动此脚本${re}" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${green} 1. 本机信息 5. BBR管理 ${re}" echo -e "${green} 2. 系统更新 6. Docker管理 ▶${re}" echo -e "${green} 3. 系统清理 7. WARP管理 ▶解锁ChatGPT/Netflix${re}" echo -e "${green} 4. 组件管理 ▶${purple} 8. LDNMP建站 ▶${re}" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${green} 9. 面板工具 ▶ 13. 测试脚本合集 ▶${re}" echo -e "${green}10. 系统工具 ▶ 14. 甲骨文云合集 ▶${re}" echo -e "${green}11. 我的工作区 ▶ 15. 常用环境管理 ▶${re}" echo -e "${purple}12. 节点搭建合集 ▶ 16. 开设NAT小鸡 ▶${re}" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${green}00. 脚本更新${red} 88. 退出脚本${re}" echo -e "${yellow}-------------------------------------------------------------------${re}" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' choice case $choice in 1) clear ip_address if [ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]; then cpu_info=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | uniq | sed -e 's/model name[[:space:]]*: //') else cpu_info=$(lscpu | grep 'Model name' | sed -e 's/Model name[[:space:]]*: //') fi cpu_usage=$(top -bn1 | grep 'Cpu(s)' | awk '{print $2 + $4}') cpu_usage_percent=$(printf "%.2f" "$cpu_usage")% cpu_cores=$(nproc) mem_info=$(free -b | awk 'NR==2{printf "%.2f/%.2f MB (%.2f%%)", $3/1024/1024, $2/1024/1024, $3*100/$2}') disk_info=$(df -h | awk '$NF=="/"{printf "%d/%dGB (%s)", $3,$2,$5}') country=$(curl -s ipinfo.io/country) city=$(curl -s ipinfo.io/city) isp_info=$(curl -s ipinfo.io/org) cpu_arch=$(uname -m) hostname=$(hostname) kernel_version=$(uname -r) congestion_algorithm=$(sysctl -n net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control) queue_algorithm=$(sysctl -n net.core.default_qdisc) # 尝试使用 lsb_release 获取系统信息 os_info=$(lsb_release -ds 2>/dev/null) # 如果 lsb_release 命令失败,则尝试其他方法 if [ -z "$os_info" ]; then # 检查常见的发行文件 if [ -f "/etc/os-release" ]; then os_info=$(source /etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME") elif [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then os_info="Debian $(cat /etc/debian_version)" elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then os_info=$(cat /etc/redhat-release) else os_info="Unknown" fi fi clear output=$(awk 'BEGIN { rx_total = 0; tx_total = 0 } NR > 2 { rx_total += $2; tx_total += $10 } END { rx_units = "Bytes"; tx_units = "Bytes"; if (rx_total > 1024) { rx_total /= 1024; rx_units = "KB"; } if (rx_total > 1024) { rx_total /= 1024; rx_units = "MB"; } if (rx_total > 1024) { rx_total /= 1024; rx_units = "GB"; } if (tx_total > 1024) { tx_total /= 1024; tx_units = "KB"; } if (tx_total > 1024) { tx_total /= 1024; tx_units = "MB"; } if (tx_total > 1024) { tx_total /= 1024; tx_units = "GB"; } printf("总接收: %.2f %s\n总发送: %.2f %s\n", rx_total, rx_units, tx_total, tx_units); }' /proc/net/dev) current_time=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p") swap_used=$(free -m | awk 'NR==3{print $3}') swap_total=$(free -m | awk 'NR==3{print $2}') if [ "$swap_total" -eq 0 ]; then swap_percentage=0 else swap_percentage=$((swap_used * 100 / swap_total)) fi swap_info="${swap_used}MB/${swap_total}MB (${swap_percentage}%)" runtime=$(cat /proc/uptime | awk -F. '{run_days=int($1 / 86400);run_hours=int(($1 % 86400) / 3600);run_minutes=int(($1 % 3600) / 60); if (run_days > 0) printf("%d天 ", run_days); if (run_hours > 0) printf("%d时 ", run_hours); printf("%d分\n", run_minutes)}') echo "" echo -e "${white}系统信息详情${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}主机名: ${purple}${hostname}${re}" echo -e "${white}运营商: ${purple}${isp_info}${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}系统版本: ${purple}${os_info}${re}" echo -e "${white}Linux版本: ${purple}${kernel_version}${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}CPU架构: ${purple}${cpu_arch}${re}" echo -e "${white}CPU型号: ${purple}${cpu_info}${re}" echo -e "${white}CPU核心数: ${purple}${cpu_cores}${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}CPU占用: ${purple}${cpu_usage_percent}${re}" echo -e "${white}物理内存: ${purple}${mem_info}${re}" echo -e "${white}虚拟内存: ${purple}${swap_info}${re}" echo -e "${white}硬盘占用: ${purple}${disk_info}${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${purple}$output${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}网络拥堵算法: ${purple}${congestion_algorithm} ${queue_algorithm}${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}公网IPv4地址: ${purple}${ipv4_address}${re}" echo -e "${white}公网IPv6地址: ${purple}${ipv6_address}${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}地理位置: ${purple}${country} $city${re}" echo -e "${white}系统时间: ${purple}${current_time}${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}系统运行时长: ${purple}${runtime}${re}" echo ;; 2) clear update_system() { if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y elif command -v dnf &>/dev/null; then dnf check-update && dnf upgrade -y elif command -v yum &>/dev/null; then yum check-update && yum upgrade -y elif command -v apk &>/dev/null; then apk update && apk upgrade else echo -e "${red}不支持的Linux发行版${re}" return 1 fi return 0 } update_system ;; 3) clear clean_system() { if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then apt autoremove --purge -y && apt clean -y && apt autoclean -y apt remove --purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ {print $2}') -y # 清理包配置文件 journalctl --vacuum-time=1s journalctl --vacuum-size=50M # 移除不再需要的内核 apt remove --purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^ii linux-(image|headers)-[^ ]+/{print $2}' | grep -v $(uname -r | sed 's/-.*//') | xargs) -y elif command -v yum &>/dev/null; then yum autoremove -y && yum clean all # 清理日志 journalctl --vacuum-time=1s journalctl --vacuum-size=50M # 移除不再需要的内核 yum remove $(rpm -q kernel | grep -v $(uname -r)) -y elif command -v dnf &>/dev/null; then dnf autoremove -y && dnf clean all # 清理日志 journalctl --vacuum-time=1s journalctl --vacuum-size=50M # 移除不再需要的内核 dnf remove $(rpm -q kernel | grep -v $(uname -r)) -y elif command -v apk &>/dev/null; then apk autoremove -y apk clean # 清理包配置文件 apk del $(apk info -e | grep '^r' | awk '{print $1}') -y # 清理日志文件 journalctl --vacuum-time=1s journalctl --vacuum-size=50M # 移除不再需要的内核 apk del $(apk info -vv | grep -E 'linux-[0-9]' | grep -v $(uname -r) | awk '{print $1}') -y else echo -e "${red}暂不支持你的系统!${re}" exit 1 fi } clean_system ;; 4) while true; do clear echo "▶ 组件管理" echo "------------------------" echo " 1. curl 下载工具" echo " 2. wget 下载工具" echo " 3. sudo 超级管理权限工具" echo " 4. socat 通信连接工具 (申请域名证书必备)" echo " 5. htop 系统监控工具" echo " 6. iftop 网络流量监控工具" echo " 7. unzip ZIP压缩解压工具" echo " 8. tar GZ压缩解压工具" echo " 9. tmux 多路后台运行工具" echo "10. ffmpeg 视频编码直播推流工具" echo "11. btop 现代化监控工具" echo "12. ranger 文件管理工具" echo "13. gdu 磁盘占用查看工具" echo "14. fzf 全局搜索工具" echo "15. screen后台会话工具" echo "16. masscan端口快速扫描工具" echo "------------------------" echo "21. cmatrix 黑客帝国屏保" echo "22. sl 跑火车屏保" echo "------------------------" echo "26. 俄罗斯方块小游戏" echo "27. 贪吃蛇小游戏 " echo "28. 太空入侵者小游戏" echo "------------------------" echo "31. 全部安装" echo -e "${red}32. 全部卸载${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${yellow}41. 安装指定工具${re}" echo -e "${red}42. 卸载指定工具${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue} 0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear install curl clear echo "工具已安装,使用方法如下:" curl --help ;; 2) clear install wget clear echo "工具已安装,使用方法如下:" wget --help ;; 3) clear install sudo clear echo "工具已安装,使用方法如下:" sudo --help ;; 4) clear install socat clear echo "工具已安装,使用方法如下:" socat -h ;; 5) clear install htop clear htop ;; 6) clear install iftop clear iftop ;; 7) clear install unzip clear echo "工具已安装,使用方法如下:" unzip ;; 8) clear install tar clear echo "工具已安装,使用方法如下:" tar --help ;; 9) clear install tmux clear echo "工具已安装,使用方法如下:" tmux --help ;; 10) clear install ffmpeg clear echo "工具已安装,使用方法如下:" ffmpeg --help ;; 11) clear install btop clear btop ;; 12) clear install ranger cd / clear ranger cd ~ ;; 13) clear install gdu cd / clear gdu cd ~ ;; 14) clear install fzf cd / clear fzf cd ~ ;; 15) clear # 检测 CentOS 系统 if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then os_name=$(grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2) elif command -v lsb_release > /dev/null 2>&1; then # 如果 os-release 文件不存在,则使用 lsb_release os_name=$(lsb_release -i | cut -f2) else echo "无法确定操作系统类型。" exit 1 fi os_name=$(echo $os_name | tr -d '"') if [ "$os_name" = "centos" ] || [ "$os_name" = "rocky" ]; then yum install epel-release -y yum install screen -y elif [ "$os_name" = "amzn" ]; then amazon-linux-extras install epel yum install screen -y else install screen fi cd ~ ;; 16) clear # 检测 CentOS 系统 if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then os_name=$(grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2) elif command -v lsb_release > /dev/null 2>&1; then # 如果 os-release 文件不存在,则使用 lsb_release os_name=$(lsb_release -i | cut -f2) else echo "无法确定操作系统类型。" exit 1 fi os_name=$(echo $os_name | tr -d '"') if [ "$os_name" = "centos" ] || [ "$os_name" = "rocky" ]; then yum install epel-release -y yum install masscan -y elif [ "$os_name" = "amzn" ]; then amazon-linux-extras install epel yum install masscan -y else install masscan fi cd ~ ;; 21) clear install cmatrix clear cmatrix ;; 22) clear install sl clear /usr/games/sl ;; 26) clear install bastet clear /usr/games/bastet ;; 27) clear install nsnake clear /usr/games/nsnake ;; 28) clear install ninvaders clear /usr/games/ninvaders ;; 31) clear install curl wget sudo socat htop iftop unzip tar tmux ffmpeg btop ranger gdu fzf cmatrix sl bastet nsnake ninvaders ;; 32) clear remove htop iftop unzip tmux ffmpeg btop ranger gdu fzf cmatrix sl bastet nsnake ninvaders ;; 41) clear read -p "请输入安装的工具名(wget curl sudo htop): " installname install $installname ;; 42) clear read -p "请输入卸载的工具名(htop ufw tmux cmatrix): " removename remove $removename ;; 0) main_menu ;; *) echo "无效的输入!" ;; esac break_end done ;; 5) clear install wget wget --no-check-certificate -O tcpx.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylx2016/Linux-NetSpeed/master/tcpx.sh && chmod +x tcpx.sh && ./tcpx.sh rm tcpx.sh break_end main_menu ;; 6) while true; do clear echo "▶ Docker管理器" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 安装更新Docker环境" echo "------------------------" echo "2. 查看Dcoker全局状态" echo "------------------------" echo "3. Dcoker容器管理 ▶" echo "4. Dcoker镜像管理 ▶" echo "5. Dcoker网络管理 ▶" echo "6. Dcoker卷管理 ▶" echo "------------------------" echo "7. 清理无用的docker容器和镜像网络数据卷" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${red}8. 卸载Dcoker环境${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue} 0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh && ln -s /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose /usr/local/bin systemctl start docker systemctl enable docker ;; 2) clear echo "Dcoker版本" docker --version docker-compose --version echo "" echo "Dcoker镜像列表" docker image ls echo "" echo "Dcoker容器列表" docker ps -a echo "" echo "Dcoker卷列表" docker volume ls echo "" echo "Dcoker网络列表" docker network ls echo "" ;; 3) while true; do clear echo "Docker容器列表" docker ps -a echo "" echo "容器操作" echo "------------------------" echo " 1. 创建新的容器" echo "------------------------" echo " 2. 启动指定容器 6. 启动所有容器" echo " 3. 停止指定容器 7. 暂停所有容器" echo " 4. 删除指定容器 8. 删除所有容器" echo " 5. 重启指定容器 9. 重启所有容器" echo "------------------------" echo "11. 进入指定容器 12. 查看容器日志 13. 查看容器网络" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) read -p "请输入创建命令: " dockername $dockername ;; 2) read -p "请输入容器名: " dockername docker start $dockername ;; 3) read -p "请输入容器名: " dockername docker stop $dockername ;; 4) read -p "请输入容器名: " dockername docker rm -f $dockername ;; 5) read -p "请输入容器名: " dockername docker restart $dockername ;; 6) docker start $(docker ps -a -q) ;; 7) docker stop $(docker ps -q) ;; 8) read -p "确定删除所有容器吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) ;; [Nn]) ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 9) docker restart $(docker ps -q) ;; 11) read -p "请输入容器名: " dockername docker exec -it $dockername /bin/bash break_end ;; 12) read -p "请输入容器名: " dockername docker logs $dockername break_end ;; 13) echo "" container_ids=$(docker ps -q) echo "------------------------------------------------------------" printf "%-25s %-25s %-25s\n" "容器名称" "网络名称" "IP地址" for container_id in $container_ids; do container_info=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .Name }}{{ range $network, $config := .NetworkSettings.Networks }} {{ $network }} {{ $config.IPAddress }}{{ end }}' "$container_id") container_name=$(echo "$container_info" | awk '{print $1}') network_info=$(echo "$container_info" | cut -d' ' -f2-) while IFS= read -r line; do network_name=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') ip_address=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}') printf "%-20s %-20s %-15s\n" "$container_name" "$network_name" "$ip_address" done <<< "$network_info" done break_end ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 4) while true; do clear echo "Docker镜像列表" docker image ls echo "" echo "镜像操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 获取指定镜像 3. 删除指定镜像" echo "2. 更新指定镜像 4. 删除所有镜像" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) read -p "请输入镜像名: " dockername docker pull $dockername ;; 2) read -p "请输入镜像名: " dockername docker pull $dockername ;; 3) read -p "请输入镜像名: " dockername docker rmi -f $dockername ;; 4) read -p "确定删除所有镜像吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) docker rmi -f $(docker images -q) ;; [Nn]) ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 5) while true; do clear echo "Docker网络列表" echo "------------------------------------------------------------" docker network ls echo "" echo "------------------------------------------------------------" container_ids=$(docker ps -q) printf "%-25s %-25s %-25s\n" "容器名称" "网络名称" "IP地址" for container_id in $container_ids; do container_info=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .Name }}{{ range $network, $config := .NetworkSettings.Networks }} {{ $network }} {{ $config.IPAddress }}{{ end }}' "$container_id") container_name=$(echo "$container_info" | awk '{print $1}') network_info=$(echo "$container_info" | cut -d' ' -f2-) while IFS= read -r line; do network_name=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') ip_address=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}') printf "%-20s %-20s %-15s\n" "$container_name" "$network_name" "$ip_address" done <<< "$network_info" done echo "" echo "网络操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 创建网络" echo "2. 加入网络" echo "3. 退出网络" echo "4. 删除网络" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) read -p "设置新网络名: " dockernetwork docker network create $dockernetwork ;; 2) read -p "加入网络名: " dockernetwork read -p "那些容器加入该网络: " dockername docker network connect $dockernetwork $dockername echo "" ;; 3) read -p "退出网络名: " dockernetwork read -p "那些容器退出该网络: " dockername docker network disconnect $dockernetwork $dockername echo "" ;; 4) read -p "请输入要删除的网络名: " dockernetwork docker network rm $dockernetwork ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 6) while true; do clear echo "Docker卷列表" docker volume ls echo "" echo "卷操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 创建新卷" echo "2. 删除卷" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) read -p "设置新卷名: " dockerjuan docker volume create $dockerjuan ;; 2) read -p "输入删除卷名: " dockerjuan docker volume rm $dockerjuan ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 7) clear read -p "确定清理无用的镜像容器网络吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) docker system prune -af --volumes ;; [Nn]) ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 8) clear read -p "确定卸载docker环境吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) && docker rmi $(docker images -q) && docker network prune remove docker docker-ce > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf /var/lib/docker ;; [Nn]) ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 0) main_menu ;; *) echo "无效的输入!" ;; esac break_end done ;; 7) clear install wget wget -N https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/menu.sh && bash menu.sh [option] [lisence/url/token] ;; 8) clear while true; do clear echo -e "${purple}▶ LDNMP建站${re}" echo "------------------------" echo " 1. 安装LDNMP环境" echo "------------------------" echo " 2. 安装WordPress" echo " 3. 安装Discuz论坛" echo " 4. 安装可道云桌面" echo " 5. 安装苹果CMS网站" echo " 6. 安装独角数发卡网" echo " 7. 安装BingChatAI聊天网站" echo " 8. 安装flarum论坛网站" echo " 9. 安装Bitwarden密码管理平台" echo "10. 安装Halo博客网站" echo "11. 安装typecho轻量博客网站" echo "12. 安装Pbootcms企业站" echo "13. 安装极致CMS企业站" echo "14. 安装易优CMS企业站" echo "------------------------" echo "21. 仅安装nginx " echo "22. 站点重定向" echo "23. 站点反向代理" echo -e "24. 自定义静态站点" echo "------------------------" echo "31. 站点数据管理" echo "32. 备份全站数据" echo "33. 定时远程备份" echo "34. 还原全站数据" echo "------------------------" echo "35. 站点防御程序" echo "------------------------" echo "36. 优化LDNMP环境" echo "37. 更新LDNMP环境" echo -e "${red}38. 卸载LDNMP环境${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${yellow} 0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) check_port install_dependency install_docker install_certbot # 创建必要的目录和文件 cd /home && mkdir -p web/html web/mysql web/certs web/conf.d web/redis web/log/nginx && touch web/docker-compose.yml wget -O /home/web/nginx.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/nginx10.conf wget -O /home/web/conf.d/default.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/default10.conf default_server_ssl # 下载 docker-compose.yml 文件并进行替换 wget -O /home/web/docker-compose.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/docker/main/LNMP-docker-compose-10.yml dbrootpasswd=$(openssl rand -base64 16) && dbuse=$(openssl rand -hex 4) && dbusepasswd=$(openssl rand -base64 8) # 在 docker-compose.yml 文件中进行替换 sed -i "s/webroot/$dbrootpasswd/g" /home/web/docker-compose.yml sed -i "s/kejilionYYDS/$dbusepasswd/g" /home/web/docker-compose.yml sed -i "s/kejilion/$dbuse/g" /home/web/docker-compose.yml install_ldnmp ;; 2) clear # wordpress add_yuming install_ssltls add_db wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/wordpress.com.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf cd /home/web/html mkdir $yuming cd $yuming wget -O latest.zip https://cn.wordpress.org/latest-zh_CN.zip unzip latest.zip rm latest.zip echo "define('FS_METHOD', 'direct'); define('WP_REDIS_HOST', 'redis'); define('WP_REDIS_PORT', '6379');" >> /home/web/html/$yuming/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php restart_ldnmp clear echo "您的WordPress搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" echo "------------------------" echo "WP安装信息如下: " echo "数据库名: $dbname" echo "用户名: $dbuse" echo "密码: $dbusepasswd" echo "数据库地址: mysql" echo "表前缀: wp_" nginx_status ;; 3) clear # Discuz论坛 add_yuming install_ssltls add_db wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/discuz.com.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf cd /home/web/html mkdir $yuming cd $yuming wget https://github.com/kejilion/Website_source_code/raw/main/Discuz_X3.5_SC_UTF8_20230520.zip unzip -o Discuz_X3.5_SC_UTF8_20230520.zip rm Discuz_X3.5_SC_UTF8_20230520.zip restart_ldnmp clear echo "您的Discuz论坛搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" echo "------------------------" echo "安装信息如下: " echo "数据库地址: mysql" echo "数据库名: $dbname" echo "用户名: $dbuse" echo "密码: $dbusepasswd" echo "表前缀: discuz_" nginx_status ;; 4) clear # 可道云桌面 add_yuming install_ssltls add_db wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/kdy.com.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf cd /home/web/html mkdir $yuming cd $yuming wget https://github.com/kalcaddle/kodbox/archive/refs/tags/1.42.04.zip unzip -o 1.42.04.zip rm 1.42.04.zip restart_ldnmp clear echo "您的可道云桌面搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" echo "------------------------" echo "安装信息如下: " echo "数据库地址: mysql" echo "用户名: $dbuse" echo "密码: $dbusepasswd" echo "数据库名: $dbname" echo "redis主机: redis" nginx_status ;; 5) clear # 苹果CMS add_yuming install_ssltls add_db wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/maccms.com.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf cd /home/web/html mkdir $yuming cd $yuming wget https://github.com/magicblack/maccms_down/raw/master/maccms10.zip && unzip maccms10.zip && rm maccms10.zip cd /home/web/html/$yuming/maccms10-master/template/ && wget https://github.com/kejilion/Website_source_code/raw/main/DYXS2.zip && unzip DYXS2.zip && rm /home/web/html/$yuming/maccms10-master/template/DYXS2.zip cp /home/web/html/$yuming/maccms10-master/template/DYXS2/asset/admin/Dyxs2.php /home/web/html/$yuming/maccms10-master/application/admin/controller cp /home/web/html/$yuming/maccms10-master/template/DYXS2/asset/admin/dycms.html /home/web/html/$yuming/maccms10-master/application/admin/view/system mv /home/web/html/$yuming/maccms10-master/admin.php /home/web/html/$yuming/maccms10-master/vip.php && wget -O /home/web/html/$yuming/maccms10-master/application/extra/maccms.php https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/Website_source_code/main/maccms.php restart_ldnmp clear echo "您的苹果CMS搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" echo "------------------------" echo "安装信息如下: " echo "数据库地址: mysql" echo "数据库端口: 3306" echo "数据库名: $dbname" echo "用户名: $dbuse" echo "密码: $dbusepasswd" echo "数据库前缀: mac_" echo "------------------------" echo "安装成功后登录后台地址" echo "https://$yuming/vip.php" nginx_status ;; 6) clear # 独脚数卡 add_yuming install_ssltls add_db wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/dujiaoka.com.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf cd /home/web/html mkdir $yuming cd $yuming wget https://github.com/assimon/dujiaoka/releases/download/2.0.6/2.0.6-antibody.tar.gz && tar -zxvf 2.0.6-antibody.tar.gz && rm 2.0.6-antibody.tar.gz restart_ldnmp clear echo "您的独角数卡网站搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" echo "------------------------" echo "安装信息如下: " echo "数据库地址: mysql" echo "数据库端口: 3306" echo "数据库名: $dbname" echo "用户名: $dbuse" echo "密码: $dbusepasswd" echo "" echo "redis地址: redis" echo "redis密码: 默认不填写" echo "redis端口: 6379" echo "" echo "网站url: https://$yuming" echo "后台登录路径: /admin" echo "------------------------" echo "用户名: admin" echo "密码: admin" echo "------------------------" echo "登录时右上角如果出现红色error0请使用如下命令: " echo "我也很气愤独角数卡为啥这么麻烦,会有这样的问题!" echo "sed -i 's/ADMIN_HTTPS=false/ADMIN_HTTPS=true/g' /home/web/html/$yuming/dujiaoka/.env" nginx_status ;; 7) clear # BingChat add_yuming install_ssltls docker run -d -p 3099:8080 --name go-proxy-bingai --restart=unless-stopped adams549659584/go-proxy-bingai duankou=3099 reverse_proxy clear echo "您的BingChat网站搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" nginx_status ;; 8) clear # flarum论坛 add_yuming install_ssltls add_db wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/flarum.com.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf cd /home/web/html mkdir $yuming cd $yuming docker exec php sh -c "php -r \"copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');\"" docker exec php sh -c "php composer-setup.php" docker exec php sh -c "php -r \"unlink('composer-setup.php');\"" docker exec php sh -c "mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer" docker exec php composer create-project flarum/flarum /var/www/html/$yuming docker exec php sh -c "cd /var/www/html/$yuming && composer require flarum-lang/chinese-simplified" docker exec php sh -c "cd /var/www/html/$yuming && composer require fof/polls" restart_ldnmp clear echo "您的flarum论坛网站搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" echo "------------------------" echo "安装信息如下: " echo "数据库地址: mysql" echo "数据库名: $dbname" echo "用户名: $dbuse" echo "密码: $dbusepasswd" echo "表前缀: flarum_" echo "管理员信息自行设置" nginx_status ;; 9) clear # Bitwarden add_yuming install_ssltls docker run -d \ --name bitwarden \ --restart always \ -p 3280:80 \ -v /home/web/html/$yuming/bitwarden/data:/data \ vaultwarden/server duankou=3280 reverse_proxy clear echo "您的Bitwarden网站搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" nginx_status ;; 10) clear # halo add_yuming install_ssltls docker run -d --name halo --restart always --network web_default -p 8010:8090 -v /home/web/html/$yuming/.halo2:/root/.halo2 halohub/halo:2.9 duankou=8010 reverse_proxy clear echo "您的Halo网站搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" nginx_status ;; 11) clear # typecho add_yuming install_ssltls add_db wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/typecho.com.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf cd /home/web/html mkdir $yuming cd $yuming wget -O latest.zip https://github.com/typecho/typecho/releases/latest/download/typecho.zip unzip latest.zip rm latest.zip restart_ldnmp clear echo "您的typecho搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" echo "------------------------" echo "安装信息如下: " echo "数据库前缀: typecho_" echo "数据库地址: mysql" echo "用户名: $dbuse" echo "密码: $dbusepasswd" echo "数据库名: $dbname" nginx_status ;; 12) clear echo -e "${red}很抱歉,该模块正在开发中${re}" sleep 2 main_menu ;; 13) clear echo -e "${red}很抱歉,该模块正在开发中${re}" sleep 2 main_menu ;; 13) clear echo -e "${red}很抱歉,该模块正在开发中${re}" sleep 2 main_menu ;; 14) clear echo -e "${red}很抱歉,该模块正在开发中${re}" sleep 2 main_menu ;; 15) clear echo -e "${red}很抱歉,该模块正在开发中${re}" sleep 2 main_menu ;; 21) check_port install_dependency install_docker install_certbot cd /home && mkdir -p web/html web/mysql web/certs web/conf.d web/redis web/log/nginx && touch web/docker-compose.yml wget -O /home/web/nginx.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/nginx10.conf wget -O /home/web/conf.d/default.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/default10.conf default_server_ssl docker rm -f nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 docker rmi nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 docker run -d --name nginx --restart always -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /home/web/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf -v /home/web/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d -v /home/web/certs:/etc/nginx/certs -v /home/web/html:/var/www/html -v /home/web/log/nginx:/var/log/nginx nginx clear nginx_version=$(docker exec nginx nginx -v 2>&1) nginx_version=$(echo "$nginx_version" | grep -oP "nginx/\K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") echo "nginx已安装完成" echo "当前版本: v$nginx_version" echo "" ;; 22) clear ip_address echo -e "先将域名解析到本机IP: \033[33m$ipv4_address\033[0m" read -p "请输入你的域名: " yuming read -p "请输入跳转域名: " reverseproxy install_ssltls wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/rewrite.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf sed -i "s/baidu.com/$reverseproxy/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf docker restart nginx clear echo "您的重定向网站做好了!" echo "https://$yuming" nginx_status ;; 23) clear ip_address echo -e "先将域名解析到本机IP: \033[33m$ipv4_address\033[0m" read -p "请输入你的域名: " yuming read -p "请输入你的反代IP: " reverseproxy read -p "请输入你的反代端口: " port install_ssltls wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/reverse-proxy.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf sed -i "s/$reverseproxy/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf sed -i "s/0000/$port/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf docker restart nginx clear echo "您的反向代理网站做好了!" echo "https://$yuming" nginx_status ;; 24) clear # 静态界面 add_yuming install_ssltls wget -O /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/html.conf sed -i "s/yuming.com/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf cd /home/web/html mkdir $yuming cd $yuming install lrzsz clear echo -e "目前只允许上传\033[33mindex.html\033[0m文件,请提前准备好,按任意键继续..." read -n 1 -s -r -p "" rz docker exec nginx chmod -R 777 /var/www/html docker restart nginx clear echo "您的静态网站搭建好了!" echo "https://$yuming" nginx_status ;; 31) while true; do clear echo "LDNMP环境" echo "------------------------" # 获取nginx版本 nginx_version=$(docker exec nginx nginx -v 2>&1) nginx_version=$(echo "$nginx_version" | grep -oP "nginx/\K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") echo -n "nginx : v$nginx_version" # 获取mysql版本 dbrootpasswd=$(grep -oP 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:\s*\K.*' /home/web/docker-compose.yml | tr -d '[:space:]') mysql_version=$(docker exec mysql mysql -u root -p"$dbrootpasswd" -e "SELECT VERSION();" 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1) echo -n " mysql : v$mysql_version" # 获取php版本 php_version=$(docker exec php php -v 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "PHP \K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") echo -n " php : v$php_version" # 获取redis版本 redis_version=$(docker exec redis redis-server -v 2>&1 | grep -oP "v=+\K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") echo " redis : v$redis_version" echo "------------------------" echo "" # ls -t /home/web/conf.d | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//' echo "站点信息 证书到期时间" echo "------------------------" for cert_file in /home/web/certs/*_cert.pem; do domain=$(basename "$cert_file" | sed 's/_cert.pem//') if [ -n "$domain" ]; then expire_date=$(openssl x509 -noout -enddate -in "$cert_file" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') formatted_date=$(date -d "$expire_date" '+%Y-%m-%d') printf "%-30s%s\n" "$domain" "$formatted_date" fi done echo "------------------------" echo "" echo "数据库信息" echo "------------------------" dbrootpasswd=$(grep -oP 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:\s*\K.*' /home/web/docker-compose.yml | tr -d '[:space:]') docker exec mysql mysql -u root -p"$dbrootpasswd" -e "SHOW DATABASES;" 2> /dev/null | grep -Ev "Database|information_schema|mysql|performance_schema|sys" echo "------------------------" echo "" echo "操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 申请/更新域名证书 2. 更换站点域名" echo -e "3. 清理站点缓存 4. 查看站点分析报告 \033[33mNEW\033[0m" echo "------------------------" echo "7. 删除指定站点 8. 删除指定数据库" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) read -p "请输入你的域名: " yuming install_ssltls ;; 2) read -p "请输入旧域名: " oddyuming read -p "请输入新域名: " yuming mv /home/web/conf.d/$oddyuming.conf /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf sed -i "s/$oddyuming/$yuming/g" /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf mv /home/web/html/$oddyuming /home/web/html/$yuming rm /home/web/certs/${oddyuming}_key.pem rm /home/web/certs/${oddyuming}_cert.pem install_ssltls ;; 3) docker exec -it nginx rm -rf /var/cache/nginx docker restart nginx ;; 4) install goaccess goaccess --log-format=COMBINED /home/web/log/nginx/access.log ;; 7) read -p "请输入你的域名: " yuming rm -r /home/web/html/$yuming rm /home/web/conf.d/$yuming.conf rm /home/web/certs/${yuming}_key.pem rm /home/web/certs/${yuming}_cert.pem docker restart nginx ;; 8) read -p "请输入数据库名: " shujuku dbrootpasswd=$(grep -oP 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:\s*\K.*' /home/web/docker-compose.yml | tr -d '[:space:]') docker exec mysql mysql -u root -p"$dbrootpasswd" -e "DROP DATABASE $shujuku;" 2> /dev/null ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 32) clear cd /home/ && tar czvf web_$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").tar.gz web while true; do clear read -p "要传送文件到远程服务器吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) read -p "请输入远端服务器IP: " remote_ip if [ -z "$remote_ip" ]; then echo "错误: 请输入远端服务器IP。" continue fi latest_tar=$(ls -t /home/*.tar.gz | head -1) if [ -n "$latest_tar" ]; then ssh-keygen -f "/root/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "$remote_ip" sleep 2 # 添加等待时间 scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$latest_tar" "root@$remote_ip:/home/" echo "文件已传送至远程服务器home目录。" else echo "未找到要传送的文件。" fi break ;; [Nn]) break ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac done ;; 33) clear read -p "输入远程服务器IP: " useip read -p "输入远程服务器密码: " usepasswd wget -O ${useip}_beifen.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/beifen.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 chmod +x ${useip}_beifen.sh sed -i "s/$useip/g" ${useip}_beifen.sh sed -i "s/123456/$usepasswd/g" ${useip}_beifen.sh echo "------------------------" echo "1. 每周备份 2. 每天备份" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' dingshi case $dingshi in 1) read -p "选择每周备份的星期几 (0-6,0代表星期日): " weekday (crontab -l ; echo "0 0 * * $weekday ./${useip}_beifen.sh") | crontab - > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; 2) read -p "选择每天备份的时间(小时,0-23): " hour (crontab -l ; echo "0 $hour * * * ./${useip}_beifen.sh") | crontab - > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; *) break # 跳出 ;; esac install sshpass ;; 34) clear cd /home/ && ls -t /home/*.tar.gz | head -1 | xargs -I {} tar -xzf {} check_port install_dependency install_docker install_certbot install_ldnmp ;; 35) if [ -x "$(command -v fail2ban-client)" ] && [ -d "/etc/fail2ban" ]; then while true; do clear echo "服务器防御程序已启动" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 开启SSH防暴力破解 2. 关闭SSH防暴力破解" echo "3. 开启网站保护 4. 关闭网站保护" echo "------------------------" echo "5. 查看SSH拦截记录 6. 查看网站拦截记录" echo "7. 查看防御规则列表 8. 查看日志实时监控" echo "------------------------" echo "9. 卸载防御程序" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 退出" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) sed -i 's/false/true/g' /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.local systemctl restart fail2ban sleep 1 fail2ban-client status ;; 2) sed -i 's/true/false/g' /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.local systemctl restart fail2ban sleep 1 fail2ban-client status ;; 3) sed -i 's/false/true/g' /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/nginx.local systemctl restart fail2ban sleep 1 fail2ban-client status ;; 4) sed -i 's/true/false/g' /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/nginx.local systemctl restart fail2ban sleep 1 fail2ban-client status ;; 5) echo "------------------------" fail2ban-client status sshd echo "------------------------" ;; 6) echo "------------------------" fail2ban-client status nginx-bad-request echo "------------------------" fail2ban-client status nginx-botsearch echo "------------------------" fail2ban-client status nginx-http-auth echo "------------------------" fail2ban-client status nginx-limit-req echo "------------------------" fail2ban-client status php-url-fopen echo "------------------------" ;; 7) fail2ban-client status ;; 8) tail -f /var/log/fail2ban.log ;; 9) remove fail2ban break ;; 0) break ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请重新输入。" ;; esac break_end done else clear # 安装Fail2ban if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Debian/Ubuntu系统 install fail2ban elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then # CentOS系统 install epel-release fail2ban else echo "不支持的操作系统类型" exit 1 fi # 启动Fail2ban systemctl start fail2ban # 设置Fail2ban开机自启 systemctl enable fail2ban # 配置Fail2ban rm -rf /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/* cd /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ curl -sS -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/sshd.local systemctl restart fail2ban docker rm -f nginx wget -O /home/web/nginx.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/nginx10.conf wget -O /home/web/conf.d/default.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/nginx/main/default10.conf default_server_ssl docker run -d --name nginx --restart always --network web_default -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /home/web/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf -v /home/web/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d -v /home/web/certs:/etc/nginx/certs -v /home/web/html:/var/www/html -v /home/web/log/nginx:/var/log/nginx nginx docker exec -it nginx chmod -R 777 /var/www/html # 获取宿主机当前时区 HOST_TIMEZONE=$(timedatectl show --property=Timezone --value) # 调整多个容器的时区 docker exec -it nginx ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$HOST_TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime docker exec -it php ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$HOST_TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime docker exec -it php74 ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$HOST_TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime docker exec -it mysql ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$HOST_TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime docker exec -it redis ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$HOST_TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime rm -rf /home/web/log/nginx/* docker restart nginx curl -sS -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/nginx.local systemctl restart fail2ban sleep 1 fail2ban-client status echo "防御程序已开启" fi ;; 36) while true; do clear echo "优化LDNMP环境" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 标准模式 2. 高性能模式 (推荐2H2G以上)" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 退出" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) # nginx调优 sed -i 's/worker_connections.*/worker_connections 1024;/' /home/web/nginx.conf # php调优 wget -O /home/www.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/www-1.conf docker cp /home/www.conf php:/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf docker cp /home/www.conf php74:/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf rm -rf /home/www.conf # mysql调优 wget -O /home/custom_mysql_config.cnf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/custom_mysql_config-1.cnf docker cp /home/custom_mysql_config.cnf mysql:/etc/mysql/conf.d/ rm -rf /home/custom_mysql_config.cnf docker restart nginx docker restart php docker restart php74 docker restart mysql echo "LDNMP环境已设置成 标准模式" ;; 2) # nginx调优 sed -i 's/worker_connections.*/worker_connections 131072;/' /home/web/nginx.conf # php调优 wget -O /home/www.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/www.conf docker cp /home/www.conf php:/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf docker cp /home/www.conf php74:/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf rm -rf /home/www.conf # mysql调优 wget -O /home/custom_mysql_config.cnf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/custom_mysql_config.cnf docker cp /home/custom_mysql_config.cnf mysql:/etc/mysql/conf.d/ rm -rf /home/custom_mysql_config.cnf docker restart nginx docker restart php docker restart php74 docker restart mysql echo "LDNMP环境已设置成 高性能模式" ;; 0) break ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请重新输入。" ;; esac break_end done ;; 37) clear docker rm -f nginx php php74 mysql redis docker rmi nginx php:fpm php:7.4.33-fpm mysql redis check_port install_dependency install_docker install_certbot install_ldnmp ;; 38) clear read -p "强烈建议先备份全部网站数据,再卸载LDNMP环境。确定删除所有网站数据吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) docker rm -f nginx php php74 mysql redis docker rmi nginx php:fpm php:7.4.33-fpm mysql redis rm -r /home/web ;; [Nn]) ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 0) main_menu ;; *) echo "无效的输入!" esac break_end done ;; 9) while true; do clear echo "▶ 面板工具" echo "------------------------" echo " 1. 宝塔面板官方版 2. aaPanel宝塔国际版" echo " 3. 1Panel新一代管理面板 4. NginxProxyManager可视化面板" echo " 5. AList多存储文件列表程序 6. Ubuntu远程桌面网页版" echo " 7. 哪吒探针VPS监控面板 8. QB离线BT磁力下载面板" echo " 9. Poste.io邮件服务器程序 10. RocketChat多人在线聊天系统" echo "11. 禅道项目管理软件 12. 青龙面板定时任务管理平台" echo "13. Cloudreve网盘系统 14. 简单图床图片管理程序" echo "15. emby多媒体管理系统 16. Speedtest测速服务面板" echo "17. AdGuardHome去广告软件 18. onlyoffice在线办公OFFICE" echo "19. 雷池WAF防火墙面板 20. portainer容器管理面板" echo "21. VScode网页版 22. UptimeKuma监控工具" echo "23. Memos网页备忘录 " echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue} 0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) if [ -f "/etc/init.d/bt" ] && [ -d "/www/server/panel" ]; then clear echo "宝塔面板已安装,应用操作" echo "" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 管理宝塔面板 2. 卸载宝塔面板" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear # 更新宝塔面板操作 bt ;; 2) clear curl -o bt-uninstall.sh http://download.bt.cn/install/bt-uninstall.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 chmod +x bt-uninstall.sh ./bt-uninstall.sh ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac else clear echo "安装提示" echo "如果您已经安装了其他面板工具或者LDNMP建站环境,建议先卸载,再安装宝塔面板!" echo "会根据系统自动安装,支持Debian,Ubuntu,Centos" echo "官网介绍: https://www.bt.cn/new/index.html" echo "" # 获取当前系统类型 get_system_type() { if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then . /etc/os-release if [ "$ID" == "centos" ]; then echo "centos" elif [ "$ID" == "ubuntu" ]; then echo "ubuntu" elif [ "$ID" == "debian" ]; then echo "debian" else echo "unknown" fi else echo "unknown" fi } system_type=$(get_system_type) if [ "$system_type" == "unknown" ]; then echo "不支持的操作系统类型" else read -p "确定安装宝塔吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) iptables_open install wget if [ "$system_type" == "centos" ]; then yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh https://download.bt.cn/install/install_6.0.sh && sh install.sh ed8484bec elif [ "$system_type" == "ubuntu" ]; then wget -O install.sh https://download.bt.cn/install/install-ubuntu_6.0.sh && bash install.sh ed8484bec elif [ "$system_type" == "debian" ]; then wget -O install.sh https://download.bt.cn/install/install-ubuntu_6.0.sh && bash install.sh ed8484bec fi ;; [Nn]) ;; *) ;; esac fi fi ;; 2) if [ -f "/etc/init.d/bt" ] && [ -d "/www/server/panel" ]; then clear echo "aaPanel已安装,应用操作" echo "" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 管理aaPanel 2. 卸载aaPanel" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear # 更新aaPanel操作 bt ;; 2) clear curl -o bt-uninstall.sh http://download.bt.cn/install/bt-uninstall.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 chmod +x bt-uninstall.sh ./bt-uninstall.sh ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac else clear echo "安装提示" echo "如果您已经安装了其他面板工具或者LDNMP建站环境,建议先卸载,再安装aaPanel!" echo "会根据系统自动安装,支持Debian,Ubuntu,Centos" echo "官网介绍: https://www.aapanel.com/new/index.html" echo "" # 获取当前系统类型 get_system_type() { if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then . /etc/os-release if [ "$ID" == "centos" ]; then echo "centos" elif [ "$ID" == "ubuntu" ]; then echo "ubuntu" elif [ "$ID" == "debian" ]; then echo "debian" else echo "unknown" fi else echo "unknown" fi } system_type=$(get_system_type) if [ "$system_type" == "unknown" ]; then echo "不支持的操作系统类型" else read -p "确定安装aaPanel吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) iptables_open install wget if [ "$system_type" == "centos" ]; then yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install_6.0_en.sh && bash install.sh aapanel elif [ "$system_type" == "ubuntu" ]; then wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install-ubuntu_6.0_en.sh && bash install.sh aapanel elif [ "$system_type" == "debian" ]; then wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install-ubuntu_6.0_en.sh && bash install.sh aapanel fi ;; [Nn]) ;; *) ;; esac fi fi ;; 3) if command -v 1pctl &> /dev/null; then clear echo "1Panel已安装,应用操作" echo "" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 查看1Panel信息 2. 卸载1Panel" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear 1pctl user-info 1pctl update password ;; 2) clear 1pctl uninstall ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac else clear echo "安装提示" echo "如果您已经安装了其他面板工具或者LDNMP建站环境,建议先卸载,再安装1Panel!" echo "会根据系统自动安装,支持Debian,Ubuntu,Centos" echo "官网介绍: https://1panel.cn/" echo "" # 获取当前系统类型 get_system_type() { if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then . /etc/os-release if [ "$ID" == "centos" ]; then echo "centos" elif [ "$ID" == "ubuntu" ]; then echo "ubuntu" elif [ "$ID" == "debian" ]; then echo "debian" else echo "unknown" fi else echo "unknown" fi } system_type=$(get_system_type) if [ "$system_type" == "unknown" ]; then echo "不支持的操作系统类型" else read -p "确定安装1Panel吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) iptables_open install_docker if [ "$system_type" == "centos" ]; then curl -sSL https://resource.fit2cloud.com/1panel/package/quick_start.sh -o quick_start.sh && sh quick_start.sh elif [ "$system_type" == "ubuntu" ]; then curl -sSL https://resource.fit2cloud.com/1panel/package/quick_start.sh -o quick_start.sh && bash quick_start.sh elif [ "$system_type" == "debian" ]; then curl -sSL https://resource.fit2cloud.com/1panel/package/quick_start.sh -o quick_start.sh && bash quick_start.sh fi ;; [Nn]) ;; *) ;; esac fi fi ;; 4) docker_name="npm" docker_img="jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest" docker_port=81 docker_rum="docker run -d \ --name=$docker_name \ -p 80:80 \ -p 81:$docker_port \ -p 443:443 \ -v /home/docker/npm/data:/data \ -v /home/docker/npm/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt \ --restart=always \ $docker_img" docker_describe="如果您已经安装了其他面板工具或者LDNMP建站环境,建议先卸载,再安装npm!" docker_url="官网介绍: https://nginxproxymanager.com/" docker_use="echo \"初始用户名: admin@example.com\"" docker_passwd="echo \"初始密码: changeme\"" docker_app ;; 5) docker_name="alist" docker_img="xhofe/alist:latest" docker_port=5244 docker_rum="docker run -d \ --restart=always \ -v /home/docker/alist:/opt/alist/data \ -p 5244:5244 \ -e PUID=0 \ -e PGID=0 \ -e UMASK=022 \ --name="alist" \ xhofe/alist:latest" docker_describe="一个支持多种存储,支持网页浏览和 WebDAV 的文件列表程序,由 gin 和 Solidjs 驱动" docker_url="官网介绍: https://alist.nn.ci/zh/" docker_use="docker exec -it alist ./alist admin random" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 6) docker_name="ubuntu-novnc" docker_img="fredblgr/ubuntu-novnc:20.04" docker_port=6080 rootpasswd=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c16) docker_rum="docker run -d \ --name ubuntu-novnc \ -p 6080:80 \ -v /home/docker/ubuntu-novnc:/workspace:rw \ -e HTTP_PASSWORD=$rootpasswd \ -e RESOLUTION=1280x720 \ --restart=always \ fredblgr/ubuntu-novnc:20.04" docker_describe="一个网页版Ubuntu远程桌面,挺好用的!" docker_url="官网介绍: https://hub.docker.com/r/fredblgr/ubuntu-novnc" docker_use="echo \"用户名: root\"" docker_passwd="echo \"密码: $rootpasswd\"" docker_app ;; 7) clear curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh ./nezha.sh ;; 8) docker_name="qbittorrent" docker_img="lscr.io/linuxserver/qbittorrent:latest" docker_port=8081 docker_rum="docker run -d \ --name=qbittorrent \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 \ -e TZ=Etc/UTC \ -e WEBUI_PORT=8081 \ -p 8081:8081 \ -p 6881:6881 \ -p 6881:6881/udp \ -v /home/docker/qbittorrent/config:/config \ -v /home/docker/qbittorrent/downloads:/downloads \ --restart unless-stopped \ lscr.io/linuxserver/qbittorrent:latest" docker_describe="qbittorrent离线BT磁力下载服务" docker_url="官网介绍: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/qbittorrent" docker_use="sleep 3" docker_passwd="docker logs qbittorrent" docker_app ;; 9) if docker inspect mailserver &>/dev/null; then clear echo "poste.io已安装,访问地址: " yuming=$(cat /home/docker/mail.txt) echo "https://$yuming" echo "" echo "应用操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 更新应用 2. 卸载应用" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear docker rm -f mailserver docker rmi -f analogic/poste.io install_docker yuming=$(cat /home/docker/mail.txt) docker run \ --net=host \ -e TZ=Europe/Prague \ -v /home/docker/mail:/data \ --name "mailserver" \ -h "$yuming" \ --restart=always \ -d analogic/poste.io clear echo "poste.io已经安装完成" echo "------------------------" echo "您可以使用以下地址访问poste.io:" echo "https://$yuming" echo "" ;; 2) clear docker rm -f mailserver docker rmi -f analogic/poste.io rm /home/docker/mail.txt rm -rf /home/docker/mail echo "应用已卸载" ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac else clear install telnet clear echo "" echo "端口检测" port=25 timeout=3 if echo "quit" | timeout $timeout telnet smtp.qq.com $port | grep 'Connected'; then echo -e "\e[32m端口$port当前可用\e[0m" else echo -e "\e[31m端口$port当前不可用\e[0m" fi echo "------------------------" echo "" echo "安装提示" echo "poste.io一个邮件服务器,确保80和443端口没被占用,确保25端口开放" echo "官网介绍: https://hub.docker.com/r/analogic/poste.io" echo "" # 提示用户确认安装 read -p "确定安装poste.io吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) clear read -p "请设置邮箱域名 例如 mail.yuming.com : " yuming mkdir -p /home/docker # 递归创建目录 echo "$yuming" > /home/docker/mail.txt # 写入文件 echo "------------------------" ip_address echo "先解析这些DNS记录" echo "A mail $ipv4_address" echo "CNAME imap $yuming" echo "CNAME pop $yuming" echo "CNAME smtp $yuming" echo "MX @ $yuming" echo "TXT @ v=spf1 mx ~all" echo "TXT ? ?" echo "" echo "------------------------" echo "按任意键继续..." read -n 1 -s -r -p "" install_docker docker run \ --net=host \ -e TZ=Europe/Prague \ -v /home/docker/mail:/data \ --name "mailserver" \ -h "$yuming" \ --restart=always \ -d analogic/poste.io clear echo "poste.io已经安装完成" echo "------------------------" echo "您可以使用以下地址访问poste.io:" echo "https://$yuming" echo "" ;; [Nn]) ;; *) ;; esac fi ;; 10) if docker inspect rocketchat &>/dev/null; then clear echo "rocket.chat已安装,访问地址: " ip_address echo "http:$ipv4_address:3897" echo "" echo "应用操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 更新应用 2. 卸载应用" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear docker rm -f rocketchat docker rmi -f rocket.chat:6.3 install_docker docker run --name rocketchat --restart=always -p 3897:3000 --link db --env ROOT_URL=http://localhost --env MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://db:27017/rs5 -d rocket.chat clear ip_address echo "rocket.chat已经安装完成" echo "------------------------" echo "多等一会,您可以使用以下地址访问rocket.chat:" echo "http:$ipv4_address:3897" echo "" ;; 2) clear docker rm -f rocketchat docker rmi -f rocket.chat docker rmi -f rocket.chat:6.3 docker rm -f db docker rmi -f mongo:latest # docker rmi -f mongo:6 rm -rf /home/docker/mongo echo "应用已卸载" ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac else clear echo "安装提示" echo "rocket.chat国外知名开源多人聊天系统" echo "官网介绍: https://www.rocket.chat" echo "" # 提示用户确认安装 read -p "确定安装rocket.chat吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) clear install_docker docker run --name db -d --restart=always \ -v /home/docker/mongo/dump:/dump \ mongo:latest --replSet rs5 --oplogSize 256 sleep 1 docker exec -it db mongosh --eval "printjson(rs.initiate())" sleep 5 docker run --name rocketchat --restart=always -p 3897:3000 --link db --env ROOT_URL=http://localhost --env MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://db:27017/rs5 -d rocket.chat:6.3 clear ip_address echo "rocket.chat已经安装完成" echo "------------------------" echo "多等一会,您可以使用以下地址访问rocket.chat:" echo "http:$ipv4_address:3897" echo "" ;; [Nn]) ;; *) ;; esac fi ;; 11) docker_name="zentao-server" docker_img="idoop/zentao:latest" docker_port=82 docker_rum="docker run -d -p 82:80 -p 3308:3306 \ -e ADMINER_USER="root" -e ADMINER_PASSWD="password" \ -e BIND_ADDRESS="false" \ -v /home/docker/zentao-server/:/opt/zbox/ \ --add-host smtp.exmail.qq.com: \ --name zentao-server \ --restart=always \ idoop/zentao:latest" docker_describe="禅道是通用的项目管理软件" docker_url="官网介绍: https://www.zentao.net/" docker_use="echo \"初始用户名: admin\"" docker_passwd="echo \"初始密码: 123456\"" docker_app ;; 12) docker_name="qinglong" docker_img="whyour/qinglong:latest" docker_port=5700 docker_rum="docker run -d \ -v /home/docker/qinglong/data:/ql/data \ -p 5700:5700 \ --name qinglong \ --hostname qinglong \ --restart unless-stopped \ whyour/qinglong:latest" docker_describe="青龙面板是一个定时任务管理平台" docker_url="官网介绍: https://github.com/whyour/qinglong" docker_use="" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 13) if docker inspect cloudreve &>/dev/null; then clear echo "cloudreve已安装,访问地址: " ip_address echo "http:$ipv4_address:5212" echo "" echo "应用操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 更新应用 2. 卸载应用" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear docker rm -f cloudreve docker rmi -f cloudreve/cloudreve:latest docker rm -f aria2 docker rmi -f p3terx/aria2-pro install_docker cd /home/ && mkdir -p docker/cloud && cd docker/cloud && mkdir temp_data && mkdir -vp cloudreve/{uploads,avatar} && touch cloudreve/conf.ini && touch cloudreve/cloudreve.db && mkdir -p aria2/config && mkdir -p data/aria2 && chmod -R 777 data/aria2 curl -o /home/docker/cloud/docker-compose.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/docker/main/cloudreve-docker-compose.yml cd /home/docker/cloud/ && docker-compose up -d clear echo "cloudreve已经安装完成" echo "------------------------" echo "您可以使用以下地址访问cloudreve:" ip_address echo "http:$ipv4_address:5212" sleep 3 docker logs cloudreve echo "" ;; 2) clear docker rm -f cloudreve docker rmi -f cloudreve/cloudreve:latest docker rm -f aria2 docker rmi -f p3terx/aria2-pro rm -rf /home/docker/cloud echo "应用已卸载" ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac else clear echo "安装提示" echo "cloudreve是一个支持多家云存储的网盘系统" echo "官网介绍: https://cloudreve.org/" echo "" # 提示用户确认安装 read -p "确定安装cloudreve吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) clear install_docker cd /home/ && mkdir -p docker/cloud && cd docker/cloud && mkdir temp_data && mkdir -vp cloudreve/{uploads,avatar} && touch cloudreve/conf.ini && touch cloudreve/cloudreve.db && mkdir -p aria2/config && mkdir -p data/aria2 && chmod -R 777 data/aria2 curl -o /home/docker/cloud/docker-compose.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/docker/main/cloudreve-docker-compose.yml cd /home/docker/cloud/ && docker-compose up -d clear echo "cloudreve已经安装完成" echo "------------------------" echo "您可以使用以下地址访问cloudreve:" ip_address echo "http:$ipv4_address:5212" sleep 3 docker logs cloudreve echo "" ;; [Nn]) ;; *) ;; esac fi ;; 14) docker_name="easyimage" docker_img="ddsderek/easyimage:latest" docker_port=85 docker_rum="docker run -d \ --name easyimage \ -p 85:80 \ -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 \ -v /home/docker/easyimage/config:/app/web/config \ -v /home/docker/easyimage/i:/app/web/i \ --restart unless-stopped \ ddsderek/easyimage:latest" docker_describe="简单图床是一个简单的图床程序" docker_url="官网介绍: https://github.com/icret/EasyImages2.0" docker_use="" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 15) docker_name="emby" docker_img="linuxserver/emby:latest" docker_port=8096 docker_rum="docker run -d --name=emby --restart=always \ -v /homeo/docker/emby/config:/config \ -v /homeo/docker/emby/share1:/mnt/share1 \ -v /homeo/docker/emby/share2:/mnt/share2 \ -v /mnt/notify:/mnt/notify \ -p 8096:8096 -p 8920:8920 \ -e UID=1000 -e GID=100 -e GIDLIST=100 \ linuxserver/emby:latest" docker_describe="emby是一个主从式架构的媒体服务器软件,可以用来整理服务器上的视频和音频,并将音频和视频流式传输到客户端设备" docker_url="官网介绍: https://emby.media/" docker_use="" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 16) docker_name="looking-glass" docker_img="wikihostinc/looking-glass-server" docker_port=89 docker_rum="docker run -d --name looking-glass --restart always -p 89:80 wikihostinc/looking-glass-server" docker_describe="Speedtest测速面板是一个VPS网速测试工具,多项测试功能,还可以实时监控VPS进出站流量" docker_url="官网介绍: https://github.com/wikihost-opensource/als" docker_use="" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 17) docker_name="adguardhome" docker_img="adguard/adguardhome" docker_port=3000 docker_rum="docker run -d \ --name adguardhome \ -v /home/docker/adguardhome/work:/opt/adguardhome/work \ -v /home/docker/adguardhome/conf:/opt/adguardhome/conf \ -p 53:53/tcp \ -p 53:53/udp \ -p 3000:3000/tcp \ --restart always \ adguard/adguardhome" docker_describe="AdGuardHome是一款全网广告拦截与反跟踪软件,未来将不止是一个DNS服务器。" docker_url="官网介绍: https://hub.docker.com/r/adguard/adguardhome" docker_use="" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 18) docker_name="onlyoffice" docker_img="onlyoffice/documentserver" docker_port=8082 docker_rum="docker run -d -p 8082:80 \ --restart=always \ --name onlyoffice \ -v /home/docker/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/logs:/var/log/onlyoffice \ -v /home/docker/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data:/var/www/onlyoffice/Data \ onlyoffice/documentserver" docker_describe="onlyoffice是一款开源的在线office工具,太强大了!" docker_url="官网介绍: https://www.onlyoffice.com/" docker_use="" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 19) if docker inspect safeline-tengine &>/dev/null; then clear echo "雷池已安装,访问地址: " ip_address echo "http:$ipv4_address:9443" echo "" echo "应用操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 更新应用 2. 卸载应用" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear echo "暂不支持" echo "" ;; 2) clear echo "cd命令到安装目录下执行: docker compose down" echo "" ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac else clear echo "安装提示" echo "雷池是长亭科技开发的WAF站点防火墙程序面板,可以反代站点进行自动化防御" echo "80和443端口不能被占用,无法与宝塔,1panel,npm,ldnmp建站共存" echo "官网介绍: https://github.com/chaitin/safeline" echo "" # 提示用户确认安装 read -p "确定安装吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) clear install_docker bash -c "$(curl -fsSLk https://waf-ce.chaitin.cn/release/latest/setup.sh)" clear echo "雷池WAF面板已经安装完成" echo "------------------------" echo "您可以使用以下地址访问:" ip_address echo "http:$ipv4_address:9443" echo "" ;; [Nn]) ;; *) ;; esac fi ;; 20) docker_name="portainer" docker_img="portainer/portainer" docker_port=9050 docker_rum="docker run -d \ --name portainer \ -p 9050:9000 \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /home/docker/portainer:/data \ --restart always \ portainer/portainer" docker_describe="portainer是一个轻量级的docker容器管理面板" docker_url="官网介绍: https://www.portainer.io/" docker_use="" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 21) docker_name="vscode-web" docker_img="codercom/code-server" docker_port=8180 docker_rum="docker run -d -p 8180:8080 -v /home/docker/vscode-web:/home/coder/.local/share/code-server --name vscode-web --restart always codercom/code-server" docker_describe="VScode是一款强大的在线代码编写工具" docker_url="官网介绍: https://github.com/coder/code-server" docker_use="sleep 3" docker_passwd="docker exec vscode-web cat /home/coder/.config/code-server/config.yaml" docker_app ;; 22) docker_name="uptime-kuma" docker_img="louislam/uptime-kuma:latest" docker_port=3003 docker_rum="docker run -d \ --name=uptime-kuma \ -p 3003:3001 \ -v /home/docker/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma-data:/app/data \ --restart=always \ louislam/uptime-kuma:latest" docker_describe="Uptime Kuma 易于使用的自托管监控工具" docker_url="官网介绍: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma" docker_use="" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 23) docker_name="memos" docker_img="ghcr.io/usememos/memos:latest" docker_port=5230 docker_rum="docker run -d --name memos -p 5230:5230 -v /home/docker/memos:/var/opt/memos --restart always ghcr.io/usememos/memos:latest" docker_describe="Memos是一款轻量级、自托管的备忘录中心" docker_url="官网介绍: https://github.com/usememos/memos" docker_use="" docker_passwd="" docker_app ;; 24) clear echo "${red}项目已失效${re}" ;; 0) main_menu ;; *) echo "无效的输入!" ;; esac break_end done ;; 10) while true; do clear echo "▶ 系统工具" echo "------------------------" echo " 1. 设置脚本启动快捷键" echo "------------------------" echo " 2. 修改ROOT密码 9. 禁用ROOT账户创建新账户" echo " 3. 开启ROOT密码登录 10. 切换优先ipv4/ipv6" echo " 4. 禁用修改ROOT密码 11. 查看端口占用状态" echo " 5. 开放所有端口 12. 修改虚拟内存大小" echo " 6. 修改SSH连接端口 13. 用户/密码生成器" echo " 7. 优化DNS地址 14. 用户管理" echo -e "${skyblue} 8. 一键重装系统 15. NAT小鸡一键重装系统${re} " echo -e "${yellow}--------------------------------------------------------${re}" echo "16. 开启BBR3加速 23. 系统时区调整" echo "17. 防火墙高级管理器 24. iptables一键转发" echo "18. 修改主机名 25. NAT批量SSH连接测试" echo "19. 切换系统更新源" echo "20. 定时任务管理" echo "21. ip开放端口扫描" echo "22. 服务器资源限制" echo "------------------------" echo "80. 留言板" echo "------------------------" echo "99. 重启服务器" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue} 0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的快捷按键: \033[0m' kuaijiejian echo "alias $kuaijiejian='./ssh_tool.sh'" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc echo "快捷键已设置" ;; 2) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入新的ROOT密码: \033[0m' passwd echo "root:$passwd" | chpasswd && echo -e "\033[1;32mRoot密码修改成功. 正在重启服务器...\033[0m" && sleep 1 && reboot || echo -e "\033[1;91mRoot密码修改失败\033[0m" ;; 3) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请设置你的root密码: \033[0m' passwd echo "root:$passwd" | chpasswd && echo "Root密码设置成功" || echo "Root密码修改失败" sed -i 's/^#\?PermitRootLogin.*/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; sed -i 's/^#\?PasswordAuthentication.*/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; sed -i 's|^Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/\*.conf|#&|' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; service sshd restart echo -e "${green}ROOT登录设置完毕,重启服务器生效${re}" read -p $'\033[1;35m需要立即重启服务器吗?(y/n): \033[0m' choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) reboot ;; [Nn]) echo "已取消" ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 4) clear chattr +i /etc/passwd chattr +i /etc/shadow echo -e "${yellow}已禁用修改ROOT密码${re}" ;; 5) clear iptables_open remove iptables-persistent ufw firewalld iptables-services > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "${green}端口已全部开放${re}" ;; 6) clear #!/bin/bash # 去掉 #Port 的注释 sed -i 's/#Port/Port/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config # 读取当前的 SSH 端口号 current_port=$(grep -E '^ *Port [0-9]+' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | awk '{print $2}') # 打印当前的 SSH 端口号 echo "当前的 SSH 端口号是: $current_port" echo "------------------------" # 提示用户输入新的 SSH 端口号 read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入新的 SSH 端口号: \033[0m' new_port # 备份 SSH 配置文件 cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak # 替换 SSH 配置文件中的端口号 sed -i "s/Port [0-9]\+/Port $new_port/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config # 重启 SSH 服务 service sshd restart echo "SSH 端口已修改为: $new_port" clear iptables_open remove iptables-persistent ufw firewalld iptables-services > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; 7) clear echo "当前DNS地址" echo "------------------------" cat /etc/resolv.conf echo "------------------------" echo "" # 询问用户是否要优化DNS设置 read -p $'\033[1;35m是否要设置为Cloudflare和Google的DNS地址?(y/n): \033[0m' choice if [ "$choice" == "y" ]; then # 定义DNS地址 cloudflare_ipv4="" google_ipv4="" cloudflare_ipv6="2606:4700:4700::1111" google_ipv6="2001:4860:4860::8888" # 检查机器是否有IPv6地址 ipv6_available=0 if [[ $(ip -6 addr | grep -c "inet6") -gt 0 ]]; then ipv6_available=1 fi # 设置DNS地址为Cloudflare和Google(IPv4和IPv6) echo "设置DNS为Cloudflare和Google" # 设置IPv4地址 echo "nameserver $cloudflare_ipv4" > /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver $google_ipv4" >> /etc/resolv.conf # 如果有IPv6地址,则设置IPv6地址 if [[ $ipv6_available -eq 1 ]]; then echo "nameserver $cloudflare_ipv6" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver $google_ipv6" >> /etc/resolv.conf fi echo "DNS地址已更新" echo "------------------------" cat /etc/resolv.conf echo "------------------------" else echo "DNS设置未更改" fi ;; 8) clear restart_system() { read -p $'\033[1;35m是否立即重启系统继续完成安装?(y/n): \033[0m' restart_choice echo -e "${green}重启系统几分钟后即可连接SSH${re}" if [[ $restart_choice =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then reboot else echo -e "${green}请手动重启系统继续完成安装${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi } echo -e "${purple}重装系统将无法恢复数据,请提前做好备份${re}" echo "" read -p $'\033[1;35m确定要重装吗?(y/n): \033[0m' confirm if [[ $confirm =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then sleep 1 echo -e "${yellow}初始化安装环境...${re}" install wget wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leitbogioro/Tools/master/Linux_reinstall/InstallNET.sh' && chmod a+x InstallNET.sh sleep 1 while true; do echo "" echo -e "${purple}请保存你的root密码,安装后使用该密码登录,登录成功后自行修改${re}" echo -e "${yellow}Linux默认用户名:${purple}root${yellow} 默认密码:${purple}LeitboGi0ro${yellow} 默认ssh端口22${re}" echo -e "${yellow}Windows默认用户名:${purple}Administrator${yellow} 默认密码:${purple}Teddysun.com${yellow} 默认远程连接端口${purple}3389${re}" echo -e "${yellow}详细参数参考Github项目地址:https://github.com/leitbogioro/Tools${re}" echo "" echo -e "${green} 1.安装Debian-11 2.安装Debian-12${re}" echo -e "${green} 3.安装Ubuntu-22.04 4.安装Ubuntu-24.04${re}" echo -e "${green} 5.安装Alpine-3.19 6.安装Alpine-3.20${re}" echo -e "${green} 7.安装Centos-8 8.安装Centos-9${re}" echo -e "${green} 9.安装Fedora-39 10.安装RockyLinux-9${re}" echo -e "${green}11.安装AlmaLinux-9 12.安装Kali-Rolling${re}" echo -e "${green}13.安装Windows-10 14.安装Windows-11${re}" echo "-----------------------------------------------" echo -e "${red}0.取消安装${re}" echo "---------------------" read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Debian-11${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -debian 11 sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 2) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Debian-12${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -debian 12 sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 3) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Ubuntu-22.04${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -ubuntu 22.04 sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 4) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Ubuntu-24.04${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -ubuntu 24.04 sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 5) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Alpine-3.19${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -alpine 3.19 sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 6) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Alpine-3.20${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -alpine sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 7) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Centos-8${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -centos 8 sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 8) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Centos-9${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -centos 9 sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 9) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Fedora-39${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -fedora sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 10) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装RockyLinux-9${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -rockylinux sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 11) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装AlmaLinux-9${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -almaLinux sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 12) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Kali-Rolling${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -kali sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 13) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Windows-10${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -windows 10 -lang "cn" sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 14) echo -e "${green}开始为你安装Windows-11${re}" sleep 1 bash InstallNET.sh -windows 11 -lang "cn" sleep 2 clear restart_system ;; 0) echo -e "${red}正在退出安装...${re}" rm InstallNET.sh sleep 1 main_menu ;; *) echo -e "${red}输入错误,请重新输入${re}" ;; esac done else main_menu fi ;; 9) clear install sudo # 提示用户输入新用户名 read -p "请输入新用户名: " new_username # 创建新用户并设置密码 sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash "$new_username" sudo passwd "$new_username" # 赋予新用户sudo权限 echo "$new_username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers # 禁用ROOT用户登录 sudo passwd -l root echo "操作已完成。" ;; 10) clear ipv6_disabled=$(sysctl -n net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6) echo "" if [ "$ipv6_disabled" -eq 1 ]; then echo "当前网络优先级设置: IPv4 优先" else echo "当前网络优先级设置: IPv6 优先" fi echo "------------------------" echo "" echo "切换的网络优先级" echo "------------------------" echo "1. IPv4 优先 2. IPv6 优先" echo "------------------------" read -p "选择优先的网络: " choice case $choice in 1) sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "已切换为 IPv4 优先" ;; 2) sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "已切换为 IPv6 优先" ;; *) echo "无效的选择" ;; esac ;; 11) clear ss -tulnape ;; 12) if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "请以 root 权限运行此脚本。" exit 1 fi clear # 获取当前交换空间信息 swap_used=$(free -m | awk 'NR==3{print $3}') swap_total=$(free -m | awk 'NR==3{print $2}') if [ "$swap_total" -eq 0 ]; then swap_percentage=0 else swap_percentage=$((swap_used * 100 / swap_total)) fi swap_info="${swap_used}MB/${swap_total}MB (${swap_percentage}%)" echo "当前虚拟内存: $swap_info" read -p "是否调整大小?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) # 输入新的虚拟内存大小 read -p "请输入虚拟内存大小MB: " new_swap # 获取当前系统中所有的 swap 分区 swap_partitions=$(grep -E '^/dev/' /proc/swaps | awk '{print $1}') # 遍历并删除所有的 swap 分区 for partition in $swap_partitions; do swapoff "$partition" wipefs -a "$partition" # 清除文件系统标识符 mkswap -f "$partition" echo "已删除并重新创建 swap 分区: $partition" done # 确保 /swapfile 不再被使用 swapoff /swapfile # 删除旧的 /swapfile rm -f /swapfile # 创建新的 swap 分区 dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=$new_swap chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo "虚拟内存大小已调整为${new_swap}MB" ;; [Nn]) echo "已取消" ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 13) clear echo "随机用户名" echo "------------------------" for i in {1..5}; do username="user$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _a-z0-9 | head -c6)" echo "随机用户名 $i: $username" done echo "" echo "随机姓名" echo "------------------------" first_names=("John" "Jane" "Michael" "Emily" "David" "Sophia" "William" "Olivia" "James" "Emma" "Ava" "Liam" "Mia" "Noah" "Isabella") last_names=("Smith" "Johnson" "Brown" "Davis" "Wilson" "Miller" "Jones" "Garcia" "Martinez" "Williams" "Lee" "Gonzalez" "Rodriguez" "Hernandez") # 生成5个随机用户姓名 for i in {1..5}; do first_name_index=$((RANDOM % ${#first_names[@]})) last_name_index=$((RANDOM % ${#last_names[@]})) user_name="${first_names[$first_name_index]} ${last_names[$last_name_index]}" echo "随机用户姓名 $i: $user_name" done echo "" echo "随机UUID" echo "------------------------" for i in {1..5}; do uuid=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) echo "随机UUID $i: $uuid" done echo "" echo "16位随机密码" echo "------------------------" for i in {1..5}; do password=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c16) echo "随机密码 $i: $password" done echo "" echo "32位随机密码" echo "------------------------" for i in {1..5}; do password=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c32) echo "随机密码 $i: $password" done echo "" ;; 14) clear while true; do clear install sudo clear # 显示所有用户、用户权限、用户组和是否在sudoers中 echo "用户列表" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" printf "%-24s %-34s %-20s %-10s\n" "用户名" "用户权限" "用户组" "sudo权限" while IFS=: read -r username _ userid groupid _ _ homedir shell; do groups=$(groups "$username" | cut -d : -f 2) sudo_status=$(sudo -n -lU "$username" 2>/dev/null | grep -q '(ALL : ALL)' && echo "Yes" || echo "No") printf "%-20s %-30s %-20s %-10s\n" "$username" "$homedir" "$groups" "$sudo_status" done < /etc/passwd echo "" echo "账户操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 创建普通账户 2. 创建高级账户" echo "------------------------" echo "3. 赋予最高权限 4. 取消最高权限" echo "------------------------" echo "5. 删除账号" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) # 提示用户输入新用户名 read -p "请输入新用户名: " new_username # 创建新用户并设置密码 sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash "$new_username" sudo passwd "$new_username" echo "操作已完成。" ;; 2) # 提示用户输入新用户名 read -p "请输入新用户名: " new_username # 创建新用户并设置密码 sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash "$new_username" sudo passwd "$new_username" # 赋予新用户sudo权限 echo "$new_username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers echo "操作已完成。" ;; 3) read -p "请输入用户名: " username # 赋予新用户sudo权限 echo "$username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers ;; 4) read -p "请输入用户名: " username # 从sudoers文件中移除用户的sudo权限 sudo sed -i "/^$username\sALL=(ALL:ALL)\sALL/d" /etc/sudoers ;; 5) read -p "请输入要删除的用户名: " username # 删除用户及其主目录 sudo userdel -r "$username" ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 15) clear echo -e "${green}重装系统将无法恢复数据,请提前做好备份${re}" echo "" read -p $'\033[1;35m确定要重装吗?(y/n): \033[0m' confirm if [[ $confirm =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then sleep 1 curl -so OsMutation.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LloydAsp/OsMutation/main/OsMutation.sh && chmod u+x OsMutation.sh && ./OsMutation.sh break_end else main_menu fi ;; 16) if dpkg -l | grep -q 'linux-xanmod'; then while true; do clear kernel_version=$(uname -r) echo "您已安装xanmod的BBRv3内核" echo "当前内核版本: $kernel_version" echo "" echo "内核管理" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 更新BBRv3内核 2. 卸载BBRv3内核" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) apt update -y apt upgrade -y echo "XanMod内核已更新。重启后生效" reboot ;; 2) apt purge -y 'linux-*xanmod1*' update-grub echo "XanMod内核已卸载。重启后生效" reboot ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done else clear echo "请备份数据,将为你升级Linux内核开启BBR3" echo "官网介绍: https://xanmod.org/" echo "------------------------------------------------" echo "仅支持Debian/Ubuntu 仅支持x86_64架构" echo "VPS是512M内存的,请提前添加1G虚拟内存,防止因内存不足失联!" echo "------------------------------------------------" read -p "确定继续吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) if [ -r /etc/os-release ]; then . /etc/os-release if [ "$ID" != "debian" ] && [ "$ID" != "ubuntu" ]; then echo "当前环境不支持,仅支持Debian和Ubuntu系统" break fi else echo "无法确定操作系统类型" break fi # 检查系统架构 arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) if [ "$arch" != "amd64" ]; then echo "当前环境不支持,仅支持x86_64架构" break fi install wget gnupg # wget -qO - https://dl.xanmod.org/archive.key | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/xanmod-archive-keyring.gpg --yes wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/archive.key | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/xanmod-archive-keyring.gpg --yes # 步骤3:添加存储库 echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/xanmod-archive-keyring.gpg] http://deb.xanmod.org releases main' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xanmod-release.list # version=$(wget -q https://dl.xanmod.org/check_x86-64_psabi.sh && chmod +x check_x86-64_psabi.sh && ./check_x86-64_psabi.sh | grep -oP 'x86-64-v\K\d+|x86-64-v\d+') version=$(wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kejilion/sh/main/check_x86-64_psabi.sh && chmod +x check_x86-64_psabi.sh && ./check_x86-64_psabi.sh | grep -oP 'x86-64-v\K\d+|x86-64-v\d+') apt update -y apt install -y linux-xanmod-x64v$version # 步骤5:启用BBR3 cat > /etc/sysctl.conf << EOF net.core.default_qdisc=fq_pie net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr EOF sysctl -p echo "XanMod内核安装并BBR3启用成功。重启后生效" rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xanmod-release.list rm -f check_x86-64_psabi.sh* reboot ;; [Nn]) echo "已取消" ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac fi ;; 17) if dpkg -l | grep -q iptables-persistent; then while true; do clear echo "防火墙已安装" echo "------------------------" iptables -L INPUT echo "" echo "防火墙管理" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 开放指定端口 2. 关闭指定端口" echo "3. 开放所有端口 4. 关闭所有端口" echo "------------------------" echo "5. IP白名单 6. IP黑名单" echo "7. 清除指定IP" echo "------------------------" echo "9. 关闭并卸载防火墙" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) read -p "请输入开放的端口号: " o_port sed -i "/COMMIT/i -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $o_port -j ACCEPT" /etc/iptables/rules.v4 sed -i "/COMMIT/i -A INPUT -p udp --dport $o_port -j ACCEPT" /etc/iptables/rules.v4 iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 ;; 2) read -p "请输入关闭的端口号: " c_port sed -i "/--dport $c_port/d" /etc/iptables/rules.v4 iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 ;; 3) current_port=$(grep -E '^ *Port [0-9]+' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | awk '{print $2}') cat > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 << EOF *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $current_port -j ACCEPT COMMIT EOF iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 ;; 4) current_port=$(grep -E '^ *Port [0-9]+' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | awk '{print $2}') cat > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 << EOF *filter :INPUT DROP [0:0] :FORWARD DROP [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $current_port -j ACCEPT COMMIT EOF iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 ;; 5) read -p "请输入放行的IP: " o_ip sed -i "/COMMIT/i -A INPUT -s $o_ip -j ACCEPT" /etc/iptables/rules.v4 iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 ;; 6) read -p "请输入封锁的IP: " c_ip sed -i "/COMMIT/i -A INPUT -s $c_ip -j DROP" /etc/iptables/rules.v4 iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 ;; 7) read -p "请输入清除的IP: " d_ip sed -i "/-A INPUT -s $d_ip/d" /etc/iptables/rules.v4 iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 ;; 9) sudo systemctl stop ufw.service && sudo systemctl disable ufw.service && (sudo ufw status | grep -q 'Status: inactive' && echo "UFW closed successfully" || echo "Failed to close UFW") remove iptables-persistent rm /etc/iptables/rules.v4 break # echo "防火墙已卸载,重启生效" # reboot ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done else clear echo "将为你安装防火墙,该防火墙仅支持Debian/Ubuntu" echo "------------------------------------------------" read -p "确定继续吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) if [ -r /etc/os-release ]; then . /etc/os-release if [ "$ID" != "debian" ] && [ "$ID" != "ubuntu" ]; then echo "当前环境不支持,仅支持Debian和Ubuntu系统" break fi else echo "无法确定操作系统类型" break fi clear iptables_open remove iptables-persistent ufw rm /etc/iptables/rules.v4 apt update -y && apt install -y iptables-persistent current_port=$(grep -E '^ *Port [0-9]+' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | awk '{print $2}') cat > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 << EOF *filter :INPUT DROP [0:0] :FORWARD DROP [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $current_port -j ACCEPT COMMIT EOF iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 systemctl enable netfilter-persistent echo "防火墙安装完成" ;; [Nn]) echo "已取消" ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac fi ;; 18) clear # 获取系统信息 source /etc/os-release echo -e "${yellow}当前系统: ${red}${PRETTY_NAME}${re}" current_hostname=$(hostname) read -p $'\033[1;35m确定要更改主机名? (y/n): \033[0m' choice if [[ "$choice" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入新的主机名: \033[0m' new_hostname case $ID in "alpine") echo "$new_hostname" > /etc/hostname echo " localhost $new_hostname" > /etc/hosts ;; "debian" | "ubuntu") hostnamectl set-hostname "$new_hostname" sed -i "s/$current_hostname/$new_hostname/g" /etc/hostname ;; "centos" | "fedora" | "rocky" | "amzn" | "almalinux") hostnamectl set-hostname "$new_hostname" ;; *) echo -e "${red}不支持的系统类型: ${ID}${re}" sleep 3 main_menu ;; esac echo -e $'\033[1;35m主机名已更改,重新连接ssh生效\033[0m' sleep 2 main_menu else echo -e "${green}取消更改主机名。${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi ;; 19) # 获取系统信息 source /etc/os-release # 定义 Ubuntu 更新源 aliyun_ubuntu_source="http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/" official_ubuntu_source="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" initial_ubuntu_source="" # 定义 Debian 更新源 aliyun_debian_source="http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/" official_debian_source="http://deb.debian.org/debian/" initial_debian_source="" # 定义 CentOS 更新源 aliyun_centos_source="http://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/" official_centos_source="http://mirror.centos.org/centos/" initial_centos_source="" # 获取当前更新源并设置初始源 case "$ID" in ubuntu) initial_ubuntu_source=$(grep -E '^deb ' /etc/apt/sources.list | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') ;; debian) initial_debian_source=$(grep -E '^deb ' /etc/apt/sources.list | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') ;; centos) initial_centos_source=$(awk -F= '/^baseurl=/ {print $2}' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo | head -n 1 | tr -d ' ') ;; *) echo "未知系统,无法执行切换源脚本" exit 1 ;; esac # 备份当前源 backup_sources() { case "$ID" in ubuntu) cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak ;; debian) cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak ;; centos) if [ ! -f /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.bak ]; then cp /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.bak else echo "备份已存在,无需重复备份" fi ;; *) echo "未知系统,无法执行备份操作" exit 1 ;; esac echo "已备份当前更新源为 /etc/apt/sources.list.bak 或 /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.bak" } # 还原初始更新源 restore_initial_source() { case "$ID" in ubuntu) cp /etc/apt/sources.list.bak /etc/apt/sources.list ;; debian) cp /etc/apt/sources.list.bak /etc/apt/sources.list ;; centos) cp /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.bak /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo ;; *) echo "未知系统,无法执行还原操作" exit 1 ;; esac echo "已还原初始更新源" } # 函数:切换更新源 switch_source() { case "$ID" in ubuntu) sed -i 's|'"$initial_ubuntu_source"'|'"$1"'|g' /etc/apt/sources.list ;; debian) sed -i 's|'"$initial_debian_source"'|'"$1"'|g' /etc/apt/sources.list ;; centos) sed -i "s|^baseurl=.*$|baseurl=$1|g" /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo ;; *) echo "未知系统,无法执行切换操作" exit 1 ;; esac } # 主菜单 while true; do clear case "$ID" in ubuntu) echo "Ubuntu 更新源切换脚本" echo "------------------------" ;; debian) echo "Debian 更新源切换脚本" echo "------------------------" ;; centos) echo "CentOS 更新源切换脚本" echo "------------------------" ;; *) echo "未知系统,无法执行脚本" exit 1 ;; esac echo "1. 切换到阿里云源" echo "2. 切换到官方源" echo "------------------------" echo "3. 备份当前更新源" echo "4. 还原初始更新源" echo -e "${green}5. 软件源切换列表(推荐)${re}" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级" echo "------------------------" read -p "请选择操作: " choice case $choice in 1) backup_sources case "$ID" in ubuntu) switch_source $aliyun_ubuntu_source ;; debian) switch_source $aliyun_debian_source ;; centos) switch_source $aliyun_centos_source ;; *) echo "未知系统,无法执行切换操作" exit 1 ;; esac echo "已切换到阿里云源" ;; 2) backup_sources case "$ID" in ubuntu) switch_source $official_ubuntu_source ;; debian) switch_source $official_debian_source ;; centos) switch_source $official_centos_source ;; *) echo "未知系统,无法执行切换操作" exit 1 ;; esac echo "已切换到官方源" ;; 3) backup_sources case "$ID" in ubuntu) switch_source $initial_ubuntu_source ;; debian) switch_source $initial_debian_source ;; centos) switch_source $initial_centos_source ;; *) echo "未知系统,无法执行切换操作" exit 1 ;; esac echo "已切换到初始更新源" ;; 4) restore_initial_source ;; 5) clear bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SuperManito/LinuxMirrors/main/ChangeMirrors.sh) break_end ;; 0) break ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请重新输入" ;; esac break_end done ;; 20) while true; do clear echo "定时任务列表" crontab -l echo "" echo "操作" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 添加定时任务 2. 删除定时任务" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) read -p "请输入新任务的执行命令: " newquest echo "------------------------" echo "1. 每周任务 2. 每天任务" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' dingshi case $dingshi in 1) read -p "选择周几执行任务? (0-6,0代表星期日): " weekday (crontab -l ; echo "0 0 * * $weekday $newquest") | crontab - > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; 2) read -p "选择每天几点执行任务?(小时,0-23): " hour (crontab -l ; echo "0 $hour * * * $newquest") | crontab - > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; *) break # 跳出 ;; esac ;; 2) read -p "请输入需要删除任务的关键字: " kquest crontab -l | grep -v "$kquest" | crontab - ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 21) while true; do clear echo "ip端口扫描" echo "------------------------" echo "1. ipv4" echo "2. ipv6" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear # 检查是否已安装 nmap if command -v nmap &> /dev/null; then # nmap 已安装 echo -e "${green}nmap已存在,无需安装${re}" while true; do read -p "请输入你想要扫描的ipv4: " ip4 if [[ $ip4 =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}$ ]]; then break else echo -e "${red}无效的IPv4地址,请重新输入${re}" fi done sleep 1 echo -e "${green}开始扫描${ip4}开放的端口,请稍等...${re}" nmap -sS -p 1-65535 $ip4 echo -e "${green}${ip4}端口已扫描完${re}" else # nmap 未安装,使用相应的包管理工具进行安装 echo -e "${yellow}nmap不存在. 开始安装nmap...${re}" install "nmap" sleep 1 clear while true; do read -p "请输入你想要扫描的ipv4: " ip4 if [[ $ip4 =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}$ ]]; then break else echo -e "${red}无效的IPv4地址,请重新输入${re}" fi done sleep 1 echo -e "${green}开始扫描${ip4}开放的端口,请稍等...${re}" nmap -sS -p 1-65535 $ip4 echo -e "${green}${ip4}端口已扫描完${re}" fi break_end ;; 2) clear # 检查是否已安装 nmap if command -v nmap &> /dev/null; then # nmap 已安装 echo -e "${green}nmap已存在,无需安装${re}" while true; do read -p "请输入你想要扫描的ipv6: " ip6 if [[ $ip6 =~ ^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$|^::([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){0,5}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$|^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:$|^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}::([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){0,4}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$ ]]; then break else echo -e "${red}无效的IPv6地址,请重新输入${re}" fi done sleep 1 echo -e "${green}开始扫描${ip6}开放的端口,请稍等...${re}" nmap -6 -sS -p 1-65535 $ip6 echo -e "${green}${ip6}端口已扫描完${re}" else # nmap 未安装,使用相应的包管理工具进行安装 echo -e "${yellow}nmap不存在. 开始安装nmap...${re}" install "nmap" sleep 1 while true; do read -p "请输入你想要扫描的ipv6: " ip6 if [[ $ip6 =~ ^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$|^::([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){0,5}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$|^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:$|^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}::([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){0,4}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$ ]]; then break else echo -e "${red}无效的IPv6地址,请重新输入${re}" fi done sleep 1 echo -e "${green}开始扫描${ip6}开放的端口,请稍等...${re}" nmap -6 -sS -p 1-65535 $ip6 echo -e "${green}${ip6}端口已扫描完${re}" fi break_end ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 22) # 检查依赖包 check_packages() { install net-tools bc sysstat } check_packages while true; do clear echo -e "${yellow}服务器资源控制${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${yellow}当CPU或内存或流量达到设置的阈值将采取关机操作${re}" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 一键限制CPU,当CPU达到99%自动关机" echo "2. 一键限制内存,内存达到99%自动关机" echo "3. 一键限制流量1T,流量达到1T自动关机" echo "4. CPU99%、内存99%、流量5T统一限制" echo "------------------------" echo "0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/ssh_tool/main/check_cpu.sh -o check_cpu.sh && chmod +x check_cpu.sh && bash check_cpu.sh # 添加Cron任务 (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "*/10 * * * * /bin/bash /root/check_cpu.sh >> /root/check_cpu.log 2>&1") | crontab - echo -e "${green}Cron任务已添加${re}" break_end ;; 2) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/ssh_tool/main/check_memory.sh -o check_memory.sh && chmod +x check_memory.sh && bash check_memory.sh # 添加Cron任务 (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "*/10 * * * * /bin/bash /root/check_memory.sh >> /root/check_cpu.log 2>&1") | crontab - echo -e "${green}Cron任务已添加${re}" break_end ;; 3) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/ssh_tool/main/check_traffic.sh -o check_traffic.sh && chmod +x check_traffic.sh && bash check_traffic.sh # 添加Cron任务 (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "*/10 * * * * /bin/bash /root/check_traffic.sh >> /root/check_traffic.log 2>&1") | crontab - echo -e "${green}Cron任务已添加${re}" break_end ;; 4) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/ssh_tool/main/check.sh -o check.sh && chmod +x check.sh && bash check.sh # 添加Cron任务 (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "*/10 * * * * /bin/bash /root/check.sh >> /root/check.log 2>&1") | crontab - echo -e "${green}Cron任务已添加${re}" break_end ;; 0) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 23) while true; do clear # 获取当前系统时区 if [ -f /etc/alpine-release ]; then if [ ! -f /etc/timezone ]; then apk add --no-cache tzdata cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime echo "Asia/Shanghai" > /etc/timezone current_timezone=$(cat /etc/timezone) else current_timezone=$(cat /etc/timezone) fi else current_timezone=$(timedatectl show --property=Timezone --value) fi clear echo -e "${green}系统时间信息${re}" echo "" # 获取当前系统时间 current_time=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # 显示时区和时间 echo -e "${purple}当前系统时区:${re}${yellow}${current_timezone}${re}" echo -e "${purple}当前系统时间:${re}${yellow}${current_time}${re}" echo "" echo "时区切换" echo "亚洲------------------------" echo " 1. 中国上海时间 2. 中国香港时间" echo " 3. 日本东京时间 4. 韩国首尔时间" echo " 5. 新加坡时间 6. 印度加尔各答时间" echo " 7. 阿联酋迪拜时间 8. 澳大利亚悉尼时间" echo "欧洲------------------------" echo "11. 英国伦敦时间 12. 法国巴黎时间" echo "13. 德国柏林时间 14. 俄罗斯莫斯科时间" echo "15. 荷兰尤特赖赫特时间 16. 西班牙马德里时间" echo "美洲------------------------" echo "21. 美国西部时间 22. 美国东部时间" echo "23. 加拿大时间 24. 墨西哥时间" echo "25. 巴西时间 26. 阿根廷时间" echo "------------------------" echo " 0. 返回上一级选单" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai ;; 2) timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Hong_Kong ;; 3) timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo ;; 4) timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Seoul ;; 5) timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Singapore ;; 6) timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kolkata ;; 7) timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Dubai ;; 8) timedatectl set-timezone Australia/Sydney ;; 11) timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London ;; 12) timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris ;; 13) timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin ;; 14) timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Moscow ;; 15) timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Amsterdam ;; 16) timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Madrid ;; 21) timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles ;; 22) timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York ;; 23) timedatectl set-timezone America/Vareouver ;; 24) timedatectl set-timezone America/Mexico_City ;; 25) timedatectl set-timezone America/Sao_Paulo ;; 26) timedatectl set-timezone America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires ;; 0) break ;; # 跳出循环,退出菜单 *) break ;; # 跳出循环,退出菜单 esac done ;; 24) clear wget --no-check-certificate -qO natcfg.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arloor/iptablesUtils/master/natcfg.sh && bash natcfg.sh sleep 2 break_end ;; 25) clear echo -e "${yellow}初始化环境...${re}" install sshpass clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入要连接的ipv4/ipv6地址: \033[0m' common_ip echo -e "${green}即将进入nano编辑器,请添加nat小鸡配置信息${re}" sleep 1 echo -e "# 示例配置: \n# ex1 20001 8a2a7f65c 30001 30025" > server.txt nano -w server.txt echo -e "${green}进入测试中,请稍等...${re}" if [ -f "server.txt" ]; then mapfile -t lines < "server.txt" # 遍历配置文件进行连接测试 for line in "${lines[@]}"; do if [[ "$line" == \#* || -z "$line" ]]; then continue fi name=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') port=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}') password=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $3}') ssh_output=$(sshpass -p "$password" ssh -p "$port" -o ConnectTimeout=5 "root@$common_ip" "echo Connection successful!" 2>&1 || true) if [[ "$ssh_output" == *successful* ]]; then echo -e "${green}$name $port $password connect successful${re}" else echo -e "${red}$name $port $password connect failed${re}" fi done else echo -e "${red}未找到server.txt配置文件${re}" exit 1 fi rm server.txt ;; 80) clear install sshpass remote_ip="" remote_user="liaotian123" remote_file="/home/liaotian123/liaotian.txt" password="wangYYDS" # 替换为您的密码 clear echo "留言板" echo "------------------------" # 显示已有的留言内容 sshpass -p "${password}" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${remote_user}@${remote_ip}" "cat '${remote_file}'" echo "" echo "------------------------" # 判断是否要留言 read -p "是否要留言?(y/n): " leave_message if [ "$leave_message" == "y" ] || [ "$leave_message" == "Y" ]; then # 输入新的留言内容 read -p "输入你的昵称: " nicheng read -p "输入你的聊天内容: " neirong # 添加新留言到远程文件 sshpass -p "${password}" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${remote_user}@${remote_ip}" "echo -e '${nicheng}: ${neirong}' >> '${remote_file}'" echo "已添加留言: " echo "${nicheng}: ${neirong}" echo "" else echo "您选择了不留言。" fi echo "留言板操作完成。" ;; 99) clear echo "正在重启服务器,即将断开SSH连接" reboot ;; 0) main_menu ;; *) echo "无效的输入!" ;; esac break_end done ;; 11) while true; do clear echo "▶ 我的工作区" echo "系统将为你提供5个后台运行的工作区,你可以用来执行长时间的任务" echo "即使你断开SSH,工作区中的任务也不会中断,非常方便!来试试吧!" echo -e "\033[33m注意: 进入工作区后使用Ctrl+b再单独按d,退出工作区!\033[0m" echo "------------------------" echo "a. 安装工作区环境" echo "------------------------" echo "1. 1号工作区" echo "2. 2号工作区" echo "3. 3号工作区" echo "4. 4号工作区" echo "5. 5号工作区" echo "------------------------" echo "8. 工作区状态" echo "------------------------" echo "b. 卸载工作区" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in a) clear install tmux ;; b) clear remove tmux ;; 1) clear SESSION_NAME="work1" # Check if the session already exists tmux has-session -t $SESSION_NAME 2>/dev/null # $? is a special variable that holds the exit status of the last executed command if [ $? != 0 ]; then # Session doesn't exist, create a new one tmux new -s $SESSION_NAME else # Session exists, attach to it tmux attach-session -t $SESSION_NAME fi ;; 2) clear SESSION_NAME="work2" # Check if the session already exists tmux has-session -t $SESSION_NAME 2>/dev/null # $? is a special variable that holds the exit status of the last executed command if [ $? != 0 ]; then # Session doesn't exist, create a new one tmux new -s $SESSION_NAME else # Session exists, attach to it tmux attach-session -t $SESSION_NAME fi ;; 3) clear SESSION_NAME="work3" # Check if the session already exists tmux has-session -t $SESSION_NAME 2>/dev/null # $? is a special variable that holds the exit status of the last executed command if [ $? != 0 ]; then # Session doesn't exist, create a new one tmux new -s $SESSION_NAME else # Session exists, attach to it tmux attach-session -t $SESSION_NAME fi ;; 4) clear SESSION_NAME="work4" # Check if the session already exists tmux has-session -t $SESSION_NAME 2>/dev/null # $? is a special variable that holds the exit status of the last executed command if [ $? != 0 ]; then # Session doesn't exist, create a new one tmux new -s $SESSION_NAME else # Session exists, attach to it tmux attach-session -t $SESSION_NAME fi ;; 5) clear SESSION_NAME="work5" # Check if the session already exists tmux has-session -t $SESSION_NAME 2>/dev/null # $? is a special variable that holds the exit status of the last executed command if [ $? != 0 ]; then # Session doesn't exist, create a new one tmux new -s $SESSION_NAME else # Session exists, attach to it tmux attach-session -t $SESSION_NAME fi ;; 8) clear tmux list-sessions ;; 0) main_menu ;; *) echo "无效的输入!" ;; esac break_end done ;; 12) while true; do clear echo -e "${purple}▶ 节点搭建脚本合集${re}" echo -e "${green}---------------------------------------------------------${re}" echo -e "${green} Sing-box多合一 Argo-tunnel${re}" echo -e "${green}---------------------------------------------------------${re}" echo -e "${white} 1. F佬Sing-box一键脚本 5. F佬ArgoX一键脚本${re}" echo -e "${white} 2. 老王Sing-box四合一 6. Suoha一键Argo脚本${re}" echo -e "${white} 3. 勇哥Sing-box四合一 7. WL一键Argo哪吒脚本${re}" echo -e "${white} 4. 233boy.sing-box一键脚本 8. 老王nodejs-argo节点+哪吒+订阅" echo -e "${yellow}---------------------------------------------------------${re}" echo -e "${yellow} 单协议 XRAY面板及其他${re}" echo -e "${yellow}---------------------------------------------------------${re}" echo -e "${white} 9. 老王Hysteria2一键脚本 13.新版X-UI面板一键脚本${re}" echo -e "${white}10. 老王Juicity一键脚本 14.伊朗版3X-UI面板一键脚本${re}" echo -e "${white}11. 老王Tuic-v5一键脚本 15.OpenVPN一键安装脚本 ${re}" echo -e "${white}12. Brutal-Reality一键脚本 16.一键搭建TG代理 ${re}" echo -e "${white}17. 老王Reality一键脚本 18.sing-box面板(sui) ▶${re}" echo "---------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue} 0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "---------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/sing-box/main/sing-box.sh) break_end ;; 2) clear bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/sing-box/main/sing-box.sh) break_end ;; 3) clear bash <(curl -Ls https://gitlab.com/rwkgyg/sing-box-yg/raw/main/sb.sh) break_end ;; 4) clear install wget bash <(wget -qO- -o- https://github.com/233boy/sing-box/raw/main/install.sh) break_end ;; 5) clear bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/argox/main/argox.sh) break_end ;; 6) clear curl https://www.baipiao.eu.org/suoha.sh -o suoha.sh && bash suoha.sh break_end ;; 7) clear bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dsadsadsss/vps-argo/main/install.sh) break_end ;; 8) clear # 检查系统中是否安装screen install screen # 检查系统中是否存在nodejs install_nodejs sleep 1 clear # 提示输入订阅端口 echo -e "${yellow}注意:NAT小鸡需输入指定端口范围内的端口,否则无法使用订阅功能${re}" while true; do read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入节点订阅端口[回车将使用随机端口]: \033[0m' port # 如果端口号为空,则生成随机端口号 if [[ -z $port ]]; then port=$(shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 1) break else # 如果端口号不为空,则验证是否为小于65535的正整数 if [[ $port =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then # 检查输入是否为小于65535的正整数 if [ "$port" -gt 0 ] && [ "$port" -lt 65535 ] 2>/dev/null; then # 输入有效,跳出循环 break else echo -e "${red}端口输入错误,端口应为小于65535的正整数${re}" fi else echo -e "${red}端口输入错误,端口应为数字且为正整数${re}" fi fi done # 开放订阅端口 echo -e "${yellow}正在开放端口中...${re}" install iptables iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $port -j ACCEPT echo -e "${green}${port}端口已开放${re}" clear ipv4=$(curl -s ipv4.ip.sb) echo -e "${green}你的节点订阅链接为:http://$ipv4:$port/sub${re}" # 判断是否要安装哪吒 read -p $'\033[1;33m是否需要一起安装哪吒探针?(y/n): \033[0m' nezha if [ "$nezha" == "y" ] || [ "$nezha" == "Y" ]; then # 提示输入哪吒域名 read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入哪吒客户端的域名: \033[0m' nezha_server # 提示输入哪吒端口 read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入哪吒端口: \033[0m' nezha_port # 提示输入哪吒密钥 read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入哪吒客户端密钥: \033[0m' nezha_key [ -d "node" ] || mkdir -p "node" && cd "node" curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/ssh_tool/main/index.js && curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/nodejs-argo/main/package.json && npm install && chmod +x index.js && PORT=$port NEZHA_SERVER=$nezha_server NEZHA_PORT=$nezha_port NEZHA_KEY=$nezha_key CFIP=na.ma CFPORT=8443 screen node index.js else curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/ssh_tool/main/index.js && curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/nodejs-argo/main/package.json && npm install && chmod +x index.js && PORT=$port CFIP=na.ma CFPORT=8443 screen node index.js fi ;; 9) while true; do clear echo "--------------" echo -e "${green}1.安装Hysteria2${re}" echo -e "${red}2.卸载Hysteria2${re}" echo -e "${yellow}3.更换Hysteria2端口${re}" echo "--------------" echo -e "${skyblue}0. 返回上一级菜单${re}" echo "--------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入Hysteria2节点端口(nat小鸡请输入可用端口范围内的端口),回车跳过则使用随机端口:\033[0m' port [[ -z $port ]] until [[ -z $(netstat -tuln | grep -w udp | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://g' | grep -w "$port") ]]; do if [[ -n $(netstat -tuln | grep -w udp | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://g' | grep -w "$port") ]]; then echo -e "${red}${port}端口已经被其他程序占用,请更换端口重试${re}" read -p $'\033[1;35m设置Hysteria2端口[1-65535](回车将使用随机端口):\033[0m' port [[ -z $HY2_PORT ]] && port=8880 fi done if [ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]; then SERVER_PORT=$port bash -c "$(curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/scripts/master/containers-shell/hy2.sh)" else HY2_PORT=$port bash -c "$(curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/scripts/master/Hysteria2.sh)" fi sleep 1 break_end ;; 2) if [ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]; then pkill -f '[w]eb' pkill -f '[n]pm' cd && rm -rf web npm server.crt server.key config.yaml else systemctl stop hysteria-server.service rm /usr/local/bin/hysteria rm /etc/systemd/system/hysteria-server.service rm /etc/hysteria/config.yaml sudo systemctl daemon-reload clear fi echo -e "${green}Hysteria2已卸载${re}" break_end ;; 3) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m设置Hysteria2端口[1-65535](回车跳过将使用随机端口):\033[0m' new_port [[ -z $new_port ]] && new_port=$(shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 1) until [[ -z $(netstat -tuln | grep -w udp | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://g' | grep -w "$new_port") ]]; do if [[ -n $(netstat -tuln | grep -w udp | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://g' | grep -w "$new_port") ]]; then echo -e "${red}${new_port}端口已经被其他程序占用,请更换端口重试${re}" read -p $'\033[1;35m设置Hysteria2端口[1-65535](回车跳过将使用随机端口):\033[0m' new_port [[ -z $new_port ]] && new_port=$(shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 1) fi done if [ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]; then sed -i "s/^listen: :[0-9]*/listen: :$new_port/" /root/config.yaml pkill -f '[w]eb' nohup ./web server config.yaml >/dev/null 2>&1 & else clear sed -i "s/^listen: :[0-9]*/listen: :$new_port/" /etc/hysteria/config.yaml systemctl restart hysteria-server.service fi echo -e "${green}Hysteria2端口已更换成$new_port,请手动更改客户端配置!${re}" sleep 1 break_end ;; 0) break ;; *) echo -e "${red}无效的输入!${re}" ;; esac done ;; 10) clear bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/scripts/master/juicity.sh) break_end ;; 11) clear bash -c "$(curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/scripts/master/tuic.sh)" break_end ;; 12) clear echo "" echo -e "${purple}安装Tcp-Brutal-Reality需要内核高于5.8,不符合请手动升级5.8内核以上再安装${re}" current_kernel_version=$(uname -r | cut -d'-' -f1 | awk -F'.' '{print $1 * 100 + $2}') target_kernel_version=508 # 比较内核版本 if [ "$current_kernel_version" -lt "$target_kernel_version" ]; then echo -e "${red}当前系统内核版本小于 $target_kernel_version,请手动升级内核后重试,正在退出...${re}" sleep 2 main_menu else echo "" echo -e "${green}当前系统内核版本 $current_kernel_version,符合安装要求${re}" sleep 1 bash <(curl -fsSL https://github.com/vveg26/sing-box-reality-hysteria2/raw/main/tcp-brutal-reality.sh) sleep 1 break_end fi ;; 13) clear bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slobys/x-ui/main/install.sh) break_end ;; 14) clear bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mhsanaei/3x-ui/master/install.sh) break_end ;; 15) clear install wget && wget https://git.io/vpn -O openvpn-install.sh && bash openvpn-install.sh break_end ;; 16) clear rm -rf /home/mtproxy && mkdir /home/mtproxy && cd /home/mtproxy curl -fsSL -o mtproxy.sh https://github.com/ellermister/mtproxy/raw/master/mtproxy.sh && chmod +x mtproxy.sh && bash mtproxy.sh sleep 1 break_end ;; 17) while true; do clear echo "--------------" echo -e "${green}1.安装Reality${re}" echo -e "${red}2.卸载Reality${re}" echo -e "${yellow}3.更换Reality端口${re}" echo "--------------" echo -e "${skyblue}0. 返回上一级菜单${re}" echo "--------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入reality节点端口(nat小鸡请输入可用端口范围内的端口),回车跳过则使用随机端口:\033[0m' port [[ -z $port ]] until [[ -z $(netstat -tuln | grep -w tcp | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://g' | grep -w "$port") ]]; do if [[ -n $(netstat -tuln | grep -w tcp | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://g' | grep -w "$port") ]]; then echo -e "${red}${port}端口已经被其他程序占用,请更换端口重试${re}" read -p $'\033[1;35m设置 reality 端口[1-65535](回车跳过将使用随机端口):\033[0m' port [[ -z $PORT ]] && port=$(shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 1) fi done if [ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]; then PORT=$port bash -c "$(curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/scripts/master/test.sh)" else PORT=$port bash -c "$(curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/xray-reality/master/reality.sh)" fi sleep 1 break_end ;; 2) if [ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]; then pkill -f '[w]eb' pkill -f '[n]pm' cd && rm -rf app clear else sudo systemctl stop xray sudo rm /usr/local/bin/xray sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/xray.service sudo rm /usr/local/etc/xray/config.json sudo rm /usr/local/share/xray/geoip.dat sudo rm /usr/local/share/xray/geosite.dat sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/xray@.service # Reload the systemd daemon sudo systemctl daemon-reload # Remove any leftover Xray files or directories sudo rm -rf /var/log/xray /var/lib/xray clear fi echo -e "\e[1;32mReality已卸载\033[0m" break_end ;; 3) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m设置 reality 端口[1-65535](回车跳过将使用随机端口):\033[0m' new_port [[ -z $new_port ]] && new_port=$(shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 1) until [[ -z $(netstat -tuln | grep -w tcp | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://g' | grep -w "$port") ]]; do if [[ -n $(netstat -tuln | grep -w tcp | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://g' | grep -w "$port") ]]; then echo -e "${red}${new_port}端口已经被其他程序占用,请更换端口重试${re}" read -p $'\033[1;35m设置reality端口[1-65535](回车跳过将使用随机端口):\033[0m' new_port [[ -z $new_port ]] && new_port=$(shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 1) fi done install jq if [ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]; then jq --argjson new_port "$new_port" '.inbounds[0].port = $new_port' /root/app/config.json > tmp.json && mv tmp.json /root/app/config.json pkill -f '[w]eb' cd ~ && cd app nohup ./web -c config.json >/dev/null 2>&1 & else clear jq --argjson new_port "$new_port" '.inbounds[0].port = $new_port' /usr/local/etc/xray/config.json > tmp.json && mv tmp.json /usr/local/etc/xray/config.json systemctl restart xray.service fi echo -e "${green}Reality端口已更换成$new_port,请手动更改客户端配置!${re}" sleep 1 break_end ;; 0) break ;; *) echo -e "${red}无效的输入!${re}" ;; esac done ;; 18) while true; do clear echo -e "${skyblue}▶ Sui面板${re}" echo "--------------" echo -e "${green}1.安装sui面板${re}" echo -e "${red}2.卸载sui面板${re}" echo "--------------" echo -e "${skyblue}0. 返回上一级菜单${re}" echo "--------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Misaka-blog/s-ui/master/install.sh) sleep 2 echo "" break_end ;; 2) systemctl disable sing-box --now systemctl disable s-ui --now rm -f /etc/systemd/system/s-ui.service rm -f /etc/systemd/system/sing-box.service systemctl daemon-reload rm -fr /usr/local/s-ui clear echo -e "${green}sui面板已卸载${re}" break_end ;; 0) break ;; *) echo -e "${red}无效的输入!${re}" ;; esac done ;; 0) main_menu # 返回主菜单 ;; *) break # 跳出循环,退出菜单 ;; esac done ;; 13) while true; do clear echo -e "${purple}▶ 测试脚本合集${re}" echo "" echo -e "${green}----IP及解锁状态检测-------${re}" echo -e "${green} 1. ChatGPT解锁状态检测${re}" echo -e "${green} 2. Region流媒体解锁测试${re}" echo -e "${green} 3. yeahwu流媒体解锁检测${re}" echo -e "${green} 4. xykt_IP质量体检脚本${re}" echo "" echo -e "${skyblue}----网络线路测速-----------${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} 5. Superspeed三网测速${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} 6. nxtrace快速回程测试${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} 7. ludashi2020三网线路测试${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} 8. mtr_trace三网回程线路测试${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} 9. besttrace三网回程延迟路由测试${re}" echo "" echo -e "${green}----硬件性能测试-----------${re}" echo -e "${green}10. yabs性能测试${re}" echo -e "${green}11. icu/gb5 CPU性能测试脚本${re}" echo "" echo -e "${purple}----综合性测试-------------${re}" echo -e "${purple}12. bench性能测试${re}" echo -e "${purple}13. spiritysdx融合怪测评${re}" echo "" echo "---------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue} 0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "---------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear bash <(curl -Ls https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/missuo/OpenAI-Checker/openai.sh) ;; 2) clear bash <(curl -L -s check.unlock.media) ;; 3) clear install wget wget -qO- https://github.com/yeahwu/check/raw/main/check.sh | bash ;; 4) clear bash <(curl -Ls IP.Check.Place) ;; 5) clear bash <(curl -Lso- https://git.io/superspeed_uxh) ;; 6) clear curl nxtrace.org/nt |bash nexttrace --fast-trace --tcp ;; 7) clear curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ludashi2020/backtrace/main/install.sh -sSf | sh ;; 8) clear curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhucaidan/mtr_trace/main/mtr_trace.sh | bash ;; 9) clear install wget wget -qO- git.io/besttrace | bash ;; 10) clear curl -sL yabs.sh | bash -s -- -i -5 ;; 11) clear bash <(curl -sL bash.icu/gb5) ;; 12) clear curl -Lso- bench.sh | bash ;; 13) clear curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/za/-/raw/main/ecs.sh -o ecs.sh && chmod +x ecs.sh && bash ecs.sh ;; 0) main_menu ;; *) echo "无效的输入!" ;; esac break_end done ;; 14) while true; do clear echo -e "${green}▶ 甲骨文云脚本合集${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${green}1. 安装闲置机器活跃${yellow}[Docker版]${re}" echo -e "${green}2. 卸载闲置机器活跃${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${purple}3. 一键DD重装系统${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${green}4. 一键R探长刷机${re}" echo -e "${red}5. 卸载R探长刷机${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${green}6. 开启ROOT密码登录模式${re}" echo -e "${green}7. 一键锻炼${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear echo "活跃脚本: CPU占用10-20% 内存占用15% " read -p "确定安装吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) install_docker docker run -itd --name=lookbusy --restart=always \ -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \ -e CPU_UTIL=10-20 \ -e CPU_CORE=1 \ -e MEM_UTIL=15 \ -e SPEEDTEST_INTERVAL=120 \ fogforest/lookbusy ;; [Nn]) ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 2) clear docker rm -f lookbusy docker rmi fogforest/lookbusy ;; 3) clear echo "请备份数据,将为你重装系统,预计花费15分钟。" read -p "确定继续吗?(Y/N): " choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) while true; do read -p "请选择要重装的系统: 1. Debian12 | 2. Ubuntu20.04 : " sys_choice case "$sys_choice" in 1) xitong="-d 12" break # 结束循环 ;; 2) xitong="-u 20.04" break # 结束循环 ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请重新输入。" ;; esac done read -p "请输入你重装后的密码: " vpspasswd install wget bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoeClub/Note/master/InstallNET.sh') $xitong -v 64 -p $vpspasswd -port 22 ;; [Nn]) echo "已取消" ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 4) clear echo -e "${purple}温馨提醒:自动抢机属于官方禁止行为,可能会造成封号现象,如因刷机造成封号,与本人无关!\n开始执行此任务前请确认以下3步是否操作完成。${re}" echo "" echo -e "${yellow}1:请确保你的服务器${purple}9527端口${yellow}可用,故此一键开机也不适合nat小鸡${re}" echo "" echo -e "${yellow}2:获取R探长机器人对应的${purple}username和password,${yellow}机器人获取链接https://t.me/radiance_helper_bot,使用/raninfo命令随机生成${re}" echo "" echo -e "${yellow}3:获取甲骨文云${purple}api密钥${yellow}下载文件并复制内容保存,获取方式在甲骨文云控制台右上角头像--我的概要信息里${re}" echo "" read -p $'\033[1;91m确定要继续吗?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm echo "" if [[ $confirm =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${yellow}开安装依赖...${re}" install iptables wget nano install_java iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 9527 -j ACCEPT mkdir -p rtbot && cd rtbot # 下载、解压、设置权限并后台运行 sh_client_bot.sh wget -O gz_client_bot.tar.gz https://github.com/semicons/java_oci_manage/releases/latest/download/gz_client_bot.tar.gz tar -zxvf gz_client_bot.tar.gz --exclude=client_config tar -zxvf gz_client_bot.tar.gz --skip-old-files client_config chmod +x sh_client_bot.sh client_config bash sh_client_bot.sh & clear while true; do pid_tail=$(ps aux | grep '[t]ail' | awk '{print $2}') pid_java=$(ps aux | grep '[j]ava' | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print $2}') tail_running=true java_running=true if [ ! -z "$pid_tail" ]; then kill $pid_tail echo -e "${green}已结束PID为${pid_tail}的tail进程。${re}" tail_running=false fi if [ ! -z "$pid_java" ]; then kill $pid_java echo -e "${green}已结束PID为${pid_java}的java进程。${re}" java_running=false fi if [ "$tail_running" = false ] && [ "$java_running" = false ]; then break fi sleep 5 done sleep 2 clear echo "" echo -e "${red}等待完成以下步骤,请完成后再确认${re}" echo "" echo -e "${yellow}1:获取R探长机器人对应的${purple}username和password,${yellow}机器人获取链接https://t.me/radiance_helper_bot${re}" echo "" echo -e "${yellow}2:获取甲骨文云${purple}api密钥下载文件并复制内容保存,${yellow}获取方式在甲骨文云控制台右上角头像--我的概要信息里${re}" echo "" echo -e "${yellow}3:将甲骨文云api密钥文件上传至root目录内,并复制文件路径保存,api密钥最后一行的路径改为此路径${re}" echo "" read -p $'\033[1;91m是否已完成以上步骤?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm sleep 1 if [[ $confirm =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # 使用 nano 编辑器打开文件 chmod +x /root/rtbot/client_config echo "" echo -e "${purple}即将打开/root/rtbot/client_config配置文件进行编辑。${re}" echo "" echo -e "${purple}键盘上下键定位,将api密钥(注意最后一行的路径),username,password粘贴到指定位置${re}" echo "" echo -e "${purple}编辑完成后,请按顺序输入命令(Ctrl+O, Enter, Ctrl+X)保存退出${re}" sleep 2 echo "" read -p $'\033[1;91m是否清楚以上步骤?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [[ $confirm =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then sleep 1 nano "/root/rtbot/client_config" echo -e "${green}client_config配置更新成功。${re}" sleep 1 echo -e "${green}开始执行抢机...${re}" bash sh_client_bot.sh sleep 3 echo -e "${green}正在后台执行抢机中,可关闭SSH,开机成功会在R探长bot上提醒...${re}" sleep 3 main_menu else echo -e "${yellow}请重新执行,正在退出...${re}" sleep 1 rm -rf /root/rtbot main_menu fi else echo -e "${yellow}已取消操作,正在退出...${re}" rm -rf /root/rtbot sleep 2 main_menu fi else echo -e "${yellow}已取消操作,正在退出...${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi ;; 5) clear ps -ef | grep r_client.jar | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 rm -rf /root/rtbot echo -e "${green}卸载完毕...${re}" break_end ;; 6) clear read -p $'\033[1;33m请设置ROOT密码: \033[0m' pswd echo "root:$pswd" | chpasswd sed -i 's/^#\?PermitRootLogin.*/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; sed -i 's/^#\?PasswordAuthentication.*/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; service sshd restart echo "ROOT登录设置完毕!" read -p $'\033[1;33m需要重启服务器吗?(y/n): \033[0m' choice case "$choice" in [Yy]) reboot ;; [Nn]) echo "已取消" ;; *) echo "无效的选择,请输入 Y 或 N。" ;; esac ;; 7) clear curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/oalive.sh -o oalive.sh && chmod +x oalive.sh && bash oalive.sh ;; 0) main_menu ;; *) echo "无效的输入!" ;; esac break_end done ;; 15) while true; do clear echo -e "${skyblue}▶ 常用环境管理${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${green}1. 一键安装Python最新版${re}" echo -e "${green}2. 一键安装Nodejs最新版${re}" echo -e "${green}3. 一键安装Golang最新版${re}" echo -e "${green}4. 一键安装Java最新版${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${red}5. 一键卸载Python${re}" echo -e "${red}6. 一键卸载Nodejs${re}" echo -e "${red}7. 一键卸载Golang${re}" echo -e "${red}8. 一键卸载Java${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear # 获取系统信息 OS=$(grep -o -E "Debian|Ubuntu|CentOS|Alpine|Fedora|Rocky|AlmaLinux|Amazon" /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null | head -n 1) # 检查系统支持性 if [[ -n $OS ]]; then echo -e "${green}检测到你的系统是${yellow}${OS}${re}" else echo -e "${red}很抱歉,暂不支持的系统!${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi # 检测安装Python3的版本 VERSION=$(python3 -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}') # 获取最新Python3版本 PY_VERSION=$(curl -s https://www.python.org/ | grep "downloads/release" | grep -o 'Python [0-9.]*' | grep -o '[0-9.]*') # 卸载Python3旧版本 if [[ $VERSION == "3"* ]]; then if [ "$VERSION" = "$PY_VERSION" ]; then echo -e "${green}检测到你的Python3版本已经是最新版本:${red}${PY_VERSION}${green},无需安装或升级${re}" sleep 2 main_menu else echo -e "${yellow}检测到你的Python3版本:${red}${VERSION}${yellow},最新版本:${green}${PY_VERSION}${re}" read -p $'\033[1;91m是否确认升级最新版Python3?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then if [[ $OS == "CentOS" ]]; then yum remove python3 -y package-cleanup --leaves package-cleanup --orphans yum autoremove -y rm-rf /usr/local/python3* >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [[ $OS == "Alpine" ]]; then apk del python3 apk info --installed | xargs apk info --installed -R | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | grep -v ' 1 ' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs apk del rm -rf /usr/lib/python3.* rm -rf /etc/python3 rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* elif [[ $OS == "Fedora" ]] || [[ $OS == "Rocky" ]] || [[ $OS == "AlmaLinux" ]] || [[ $OS == "Amazon" ]]; then dnf remove python3 -y dnf autoremove -y rm -rf ~/.local/lib/python3.* else apt --purge remove python3 python3-pip -y rm-rf /usr/local/python3* fi else echo -e "${yellow}已取消升级Python3${re}" sleep 1 main_menu fi fi else echo -e "${red}检测到没有安装Python3。${re}" read -p $'\033[1;91m是否确认安装最新版Python3?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then echo -e "${green}开始安装最新版Python3...${re}" else echo -e "${yellow}已取消安装Python3${re}" exit 1 fi fi # 安装相关依赖 if [[ $OS == "CentOS" ]]; then yum update -y yum groupinstall -y "development tools" yum install wget tar openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel zlib-devel -y elif [[ $OS == "Fedora" ]] || [[ $OS == "Rocky" ]] || [[ $OS == "AlmaLinux" ]] || [[ $OS == "Amazon" ]]; then dnf update -y dnf groupinstall -y "development tools" dnf install wget tar openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel zlib-devel -y elif [[ $OS == "Alpine" ]]; then apk update apk add python3 apk add py3-pip apk add wget tar openssl-dev bzip2-dev libffi-dev zlib-dev sleep 2 break_end exit 1 else apt update -y apt install wget tar build-essential libreadline-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev libffi-dev zlib1g-dev -y fi # 安装python3 install wget tar cd /root/ wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PY_VERSION}/Python-"$PY_VERSION".tgz tar -zxf Python-${PY_VERSION}.tgz cd Python-${PY_VERSION} ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python3 make -j $(nproc) make install if [ $? -eq 0 ];then rm -f /usr/local/bin/python3* rm -f /usr/local/bin/pip3* ln -sf /usr/local/python3/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3 ln -sf /usr/local/python3/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip3 clear echo -e "${yellow}Python3安装${green}成功,${re}版本为: ${re}${green}${PY_VERSION}${re}" sleep 2 else clear echo -e "${red}Python3安装失败!${re}" exit 1 fi cd /root/ && rm -rf Python-${PY_VERSION}.tgz && rm -rf Python-${PY_VERSION} ;; 2) clear # 检查系统中是否存在nodejs if command -v node &>/dev/null; then # 获取当前nodejs版本 current_version=$(node --version | grep -oE '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') # 获取最新nodejs版本 install jq json_data=$(curl -s https://nodejs.org/dist/index.json) latest_version=$(echo "$json_data" | jq -r '.[] | select(.lts != null) | .version' | head -n 1 | sed 's/^v//') # echo "$latest_version" if [ "$current_version" = "$latest_version" ]; then echo -e "${yellow}当前版本${green}$current_version${yellow}已经是最新版${green}${latest_version}${yellow},无需更新!${re}" sleep 2 main_menu else # 如果不是最新版本 echo -e "${yellow}你的nodejs版本是${re}${red}${current_version}${re},${yellow}最新版本是${purple}${latest_version}${re}" read -p $'\033[1;91m是否卸载旧版nodejs并安装最新版?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then remove nodejs sleep 1 # 安装新版nodejs install_nodejs else main_menu fi fi else install_nodejs break_end fi ;; 3) clear # 获取最新版Go的版本 html=$(curl -s https://go.dev/dl/) latest_version=$(echo "$html" | grep -oP 'go[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?' | head -1) # 根据系统架构选择不同的下载链接 architecture=$(uname -m) case "$architecture" in x86_64|amd64) latest_version_url="https://golang.org/dl/${latest_version}.linux-amd64.tar.gz" ;; x86) latest_version_url="https://golang.org/dl/${latest_version}.linux-386.tar.gz" ;; arm64|aarch64) latest_version_url="https://golang.org/dl/${latest_version}.linux-arm64.tar.gz" ;; *) echo -e "${red}暂不支持的系统架构:$architecture${re}" sleep 2 main_menu ;; esac # 检查是否已安装Go if command -v go &> /dev/null; then # 获取当前已安装的Go版本 installed_version=$(go version | grep -oE 'go[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') echo -e "${yellow}当前已安装的Go版本:${red}$installed_version${re}" # 比较已安装版本与最新版本 if [ "$installed_version" = "$latest_version" ]; then echo -e "${green}当前Go已经是最新版本,无需更新。${re}" sleep 2 main_menu elif [ "$(printf "$installed_version\n$latest_version" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$installed_version" ]; then echo -e "${yellow}发现新版本:$latest_version。${re}" read -p $'\033[1;91m需要卸载当前版本 $installed_version 并安装新版本 $latest_version 吗 [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then echo "卸载旧版Go:$installed_version" rm -rf /usr/local/go else echo -e "${yellow}退出更新。${re}" sleep 2 break_end fi fi else echo -e "${yellow}系统中未安装Go,正在为你安装最新版Go...${re}" fi # 下载并安装最新版Go install tar wget -O go_latest.tar.gz "$latest_version_url" tar -C /usr/local -xzf go_latest.tar.gz # 设置环境变量 export GOPATH=$HOME/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin source ~/.bashrc source ~/.profile source ~/.bash_profile rm go_latest.tar.gz echo -e "${green}GO安装完成,当前Go版本:${red}$(go version | grep -oE 'go[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | cut -c 3-)${re}" sleep 1 break_end ;; 4) clear latest_version="17.0.10" if command -v java &>/dev/null; then installed_version=$(java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}') echo -e "${green}当前Java版本是${yellow}${installed_version},最新版本是${green}${latest_version}${re}" if [ "$installed_version" == "$latest_version" ]; then echo -e "${green}当前已安装Java最新版:${yellow}${latest_version},无需更新${re}" sleep 2 main_menu else echo -e "${red}" read -p "是否卸载旧版java并安装最新版?[y/n]: " confirm if [[ $confirm =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # 卸载旧版java remove java sleep 2 install_java else main_menu fi fi else install_java fi ;; 5) clear if command -v python3 &>/dev/null; then # 获取当前安装的python版本 current_version=$(python3 --version 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}') echo -e "${yellow}当前已安装python${red}${current_version}" read -p $'\033[1;91m确定卸载python?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then # 卸载python3 remove python3 # 清理缓存配置文件 rm -rf /usr/bin/pip3 rm -rf /usr/bin/python3 rm -rf /usr/share/python3 rm -rf /usr/local/python3 rm -rf /usr/share/man/man1/python3.1.gz rm -rf /usr/local/bin/python rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python* rm -rf /usr/local/bin/python* echo -e "${green}python已卸载${re}" break_end else main_menu fi else echo -e "${yellow}系统中未安装python,无需卸载${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi ;; 6) clear if command -v node &>/dev/null; then # 获取当前安装的nodjs版本 current_version=$(node --version | grep -oE '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') echo -e "${yellow}当前已安装nodejs${red}$current_version${re}" read -p $'\033[1;91m确定卸载nodejs?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then # 卸载 remove nodejs npm # 清理缓存配置文件 rm -rf ~/.npm rm -rf ~/.nvm rm -rf /usr/local/bin/node rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules echo -e "${green}nodejs已卸载${re}" break_end else main_menu fi else echo -e "${yellow}系统中未安装nodejs,无需卸载${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi ;; 7) clear if command -v go &> /dev/null; then # 获取当前安装的Go版本 installed_version=$(go version | grep -oE 'go[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | cut -c 3-) echo -e "${yellow}当前已安装Go:${red}$installed_version${re}" read -p $'\033[1;91m确定卸载Go?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then rm -rf /usr/local/go # 清理环境变量 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin export GOPATH=$HOME/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin source ~/.bashrc && source ~/.profile && source ~/.bash_profile echo -e "${green}Go已卸载${re}" sleep 1 break_end else main_menu fi else echo -e "${yellow}系统中未安装Go,无需卸载${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi ;; 8) clear if command -v java &> /dev/null; then # 获取当前安装的Java版本 installed_version=$(java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}') echo -e "${yellow}你的Java版本:${red}${installed_version}${re}" read -p $'\033[1;91m确定卸载Java?[y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then remove_java() { local remove_status=0 if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then apt remove -y openjdk-17-jdk && apt autoremove -y openjdk-17-jdk elif command -v yum &>/dev/null; then yum remove -y java && yum autoremove -y java elif command -v dnf &>/dev/null; then dnf remove -y java && dnf autoremove -y java elif command -v apk &>/dev/null; then apk del openjdk17 else echo -e "${red}暂不支持你的系统!${re}" exit 1 fi # 检查是否安装成功,如果没有成功则重新 if [ $remove_status -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${green}Java卸载成功!${re}" else echo -e "${red}Java卸载失败,请重试!${re}" break_end fi } remove_java rm -rf /usr/lib/jvm/java-* rm -rf /usr/local/java rm -rf /opt/java echo -e "${red}" read -p $'\033[1;91m重启服务器配置才可生效,需要立即重启吗 [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then sleep 1 reboot else main_menu fi else main_menu fi else echo -e "${yellow}系统中未安装Java,无需卸载${re}" sleep 2 fi ;; 0) main_menu ;; *) echo -e "${yellow}无效的输入!${re}" ;; esac done ;; 16) while true; do clear echo -e "${purple}▶ 管理NAT小鸡${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${yellow}开设kvm小鸡分两步,请依次执行。 \n如果第一步失败,请选择其他方式开设小鸡。\n建议选择4或9,大部分vps都兼容!${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue} 1. 开设KVM小鸡(第1步)${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} 2. 开设KVM小鸡(第2步)${re}" echo -e "${red} 3. 删除所有KVM小鸡${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${green} 4. 开设LXC小鸡(官方版)${re}" echo -e "${green} 5. 开设LXC小鸡(魔改版)${re}" echo -e "${skyblue} 6. 管理LXC小鸡 ▶${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${green} 7. 开设Docker小鸡${re}" echo -e "${red} 8. 删除所有Docker容器${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${green} 9. 开设incus小鸡(官方版)${re}" echo -e "${skyblue}10. 管理incus小鸡 ▶${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue} 0. 返回主菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" while :; do echo read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice if ! [[ "$sub_choice" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo -e "${red}输入错误, 请输入0~10的数字!${re}" continue fi if [ $sub_choice -ge 0 -a $sub_choice -le 12 ]; then break else echo -e "${red}输入错误, 请输入0~10的数字!${re}" fi done case $sub_choice in 1) clear echo -e "${yellow}开始进行环境检测...${re}" install wget output=$(bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/pve/main/scripts/check_kernal.sh)) echo "$output" if echo "$output" | grep -q "CPU不支持硬件虚拟化,无法嵌套虚拟化KVM服务器,但可以开LXC服务器(CT)"; then echo "" echo -e "${red}你的服务器不支持开设KVM小鸡,建议选择4或9开设其他类型,正在退出...${re}" rm -rf /root/check_kernal.sh sleep 2 break_end elif echo "$output" | grep -q "本机符合要求:可以使用PVE虚拟化KVM服务器,并可以在开出来的KVM服务器选项中开启KVM硬件虚拟化"; then echo -e "${green}本机符合开设kvm小鸡的要求${re}" read -p $'\033[1;35m确定要开设kvm小鸡吗? [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm sleep 1 if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then echo "" echo "" echo "" echo -e "${yellow}开设虚拟内存(Swap),请先输入2移除原来的配置,会自动重新执行一次,再输入1添加虚拟内存${re}" curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/addswap/main/addswap.sh -o addswap.sh && chmod +x addswap.sh && bash addswap.sh sleep 1 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/addswap/main/addswap.sh -o addswap.sh && chmod +x addswap.sh && bash addswap.sh echo -e "${yellow}开始进行PVE主体安装${re}" curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/pve/main/scripts/install_pve.sh -o install_pve.sh && chmod +x install_pve.sh && bash install_pve.sh sleep 1 echo -e "${yellow}请等待20秒后重启后运行第2步${re}" read -p $'\033[1;96m需要立即重启吗? [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then sleep 1 reboot else break_end fi else echo -e "${yellow}已取消操作...${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi elif echo "$output" | grep -q "宿主机的环境无apt包管理器命令,请检查系统"; then echo "" echo -e "${red}你的vps系统暂不支持,请更换Debian12或Ubuntu22.04后重试${re}" sleep 3 main_menu else echo -e "${red}暂不能判定你的服务器状态,无法开设kvm小鸡,可以考虑使用LXC模式开小鸡,正在退出...${re}" rm -rf /root/check_kernal.sh sleep 3 main_menu fi ;; 2) clear read -p $'\033[1;96m确认你已执行完第1步,是否继续 [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then sleep 1 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/pve/main/scripts/install_pve.sh -o install_pve.sh && chmod +x install_pve.sh && bash install_pve.sh sleep 1 echo -e "${yellow}开始配置环境...${re}" bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/pve/main/scripts/build_backend.sh) sleep 1 echo -e "${yellow}开始自动配置宿主机的网关...${re}" bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/pve/main/scripts/build_nat_network.sh) sleep 1 echo -e "${yellow}KVM虚拟化开设出的虚拟机,默认生成的用户名不是root,请确保你已在root下运行及修改root密码${re}" while true; do read -p $'\033[1;96m你需要手动开设kvm小鸡还是批量开设kvm小鸡?(1:手动开设 2:自动批量开设) \033[0m' choose if [ "$choose" == "1" ]; then sleep 1 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/pve/main/scripts/buildvm.sh -o buildvm.sh && chmod +x buildvm.sh sleep 2 echo -e "${purple}手动开设请执行以下命令,参数对照如下可自行修改${re}" echo "" echo -e "${purple}./buildvm.sh VMID 用户名 密码 CPU核数 内存 硬盘 SSH端口 80端口 443端口 外网端口起 外网端口止 系统 存储盘 独立IPV6地址(留空默认N)${re}" echo -e "${purple}./buildvm.sh 102 test1 oneclick123 1 512 10 40001 40002 40003 50000 50025 debian11 local N${re}" sleep 3 break_end break # 跳出循环 elif [ "$choose" == "2" ]; then sleep 1 echo -e "${red}注意: KVM开设出的NAT小鸡,默认生成的用户名不是root,默认的root密码部分类型是${green}password${red},需要sudo -i手动切换为root${re}" sleep 2 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/pve/main/scripts/create_vm.sh -o create_vm.sh && chmod +x create_vm.sh && bash create_vm.sh sleep 2 break_end break # 跳出循环 else echo -e "${red}输入错误,请输入1或2${re}" fi done else break_end fi ;; 3) clear for vmid in $(qm list | awk '{if(NR>1) print $1}'); do qm stop $vmid; qm destroy $vmid; rm -rf /var/lib/vz/images/$vmid*; done iptables -t nat -F iptables -t filter -F service networking restart systemctl restart networking.service systemctl restart ndpresponder.service iptables-save | awk '{if($1=="COMMIT"){delete x}}$1=="-A"?!x[$0]++:1' | iptables-restore iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 rm -rf vmlog rm -rf vm* sleep 2 break_end ;; 4) clear echo -e "${yellow}开始进行环境检测...${re}" install wget output=$(bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/lxd/main/scripts/pre_check.sh)) echo "$output" if echo "$output" | grep -q "本机符合作为LXC母鸡的要求,可以批量开设LXC容器"; then echo "" echo -e "${green}你的vps已通过检测,可以开设LXC小鸡${re}" read -p $'\033[1;35m确定要开设LXC小鸡吗? [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then echo -e "${yellow}开始进行安装LXD主体...${re}" sleep 1 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/lxd/main/scripts/lxdinstall.sh -o lxdinstall.sh && chmod +x lxdinstall.sh && bash lxdinstall.sh sleep 3 # 检查LXD是否安装成功 check_lxc(){ if command lxc -h &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${green}LXD主体已安装完成${re}" # lxc --version 2>/dev/null sleep 1 return 0 else echo -e "${yellow}lxc没有软连接上,正在为你修复...${re}" apt update -y ! lxc -h >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo 'alias lxc="/snap/bin/lxc"' >> /root/.bashrc && source /root/.bashrc export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin if command lxc -h &> /dev/null; then sleep 1 return 0 else echo -e "${yellow}lxc没有软连接上,请重启系统后重新运行${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi fi } check_lxc while true; do clear echo "" echo -e "${yellow}温馨提醒:如果你开设的小鸡数量较多建议reboot重启一次系统使配置生效,再进入管理LXC小鸡菜单${purple}新增即可${re}" echo "" read -p $'\033[1;35m选择哪种方式开设LXC小鸡?\n1:普通批量生成(256RAM+1G+上下行限制300Mb) \n2:自定义配置批量生成 \n3:取消开小鸡 \n4:重启系统 \n请选择: \033[0m' confirm case $confirm in 1) echo -e "${green}开始运行普通版本批量生成小鸡${yellow}(1核256MB内存1GB硬盘限速300Mbit)${re}" sleep 1 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/lxd/main/scripts/init.sh -o init.sh && chmod +x init.sh && dos2unix init.sh read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入你要生成小鸡的数量:\033[0m' number sleep 1 install screen echo -e "${green}正在后台自动为你开设小鸡中,可关闭SSH,完成后运行cat log查看信息${re}" sleep 3 screen bash init.sh lxc $number sleep 3 cat log break ;; 2) echo -e "${green}开始运行自定义批量生成小鸡(自定义配置)${re}" sleep 1 install screen echo -e "${green}输入配置后,自动进入后台生成小鸡(可直接关闭SSH连接,完成后运行cat log查看小鸡信息)${re}" sleep 3 curl -L https://github.com/oneclickvirt/lxd/raw/main/scripts/add_more.sh -o add_more.sh && chmod +x add_more.sh && screen bash add_more.sh cat log break ;; 3) echo -e "${yellow}你已取消了开设小鸡的操作${re}" exit 0 ;; 4) reboot ;; *) echo -e "${red}输入错误,请输入1~4${re}" ;; esac done else echo -e "${yellow}取消开设LXC小鸡,正在退出...${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi else echo -e "${red}你的vps不符合开设LXC母鸡要求,请选择incus或Docker方式开设小鸡${re}" sleep 3 main_menu fi ;; 5) clear install wget wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/lxdpro/main/lxdpro.sh && chmod +x lxdpro.sh && bash lxdpro.sh break_end ;; 6) while true; do clear echo -e "${purple}▶ 管理LXC小鸡${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}1. 查看所有LXC小鸡${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}2. 暂停所有LXC小鸡${re}" echo -e "${skyblue}3. 启动所有LXC小鸡${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}4. 暂停指定LXC小鸡${re}" echo -e "${skyblue}5. 启动指定LXC小鸡${re}" echo -e "${skyblue}6. 给指定小鸡重装系统${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}7. 新增开设LXC小鸡${re}" echo -e "${red}8. 删除指定LXC小鸡${re}" echo -e "${red}9. 删除所有LXC小鸡和配置${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}0. 返回上一级菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear echo -e "${green}所有LXC小鸡运行状态:${re}" lxc list echo -e "${green}所有LXC小鸡密码端口信息${re}" cat log break_end ;; 2) clear lxc stop --all break_end ;; 3) clear lxc start --all break_end ;; 4) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入要暂停的小鸡的名字(如ex1,nat1等):\033[0m' nat lxc stop $nat info_output=$(lxc info $nat) # 检查指定暂停的小鸡状态 if echo "$info_output" | grep -q "Status: STOPPED"; then echo -e "${green}已暂停${nat}小鸡${re}" sleep 2 break_end elif echo "$info_output" | grep -q "Status: RUNNING"; then echo -e "${yellow}${nat}仍在运行,请重试${re}" sleep 2 else echo -e "${red}未知${nat}状态${re}" sleep 2 fi ;; 5) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入要启动的小鸡的名字(如ex1,nat1等): \033[0m' nat lxc start $nat info_output=$(lxc info ${nat}) # 检查指定启动的小鸡状态 if echo "$info_output" | grep -q "Status: RUNNING"; then echo -e "${green}启动成功${nat}小鸡${re}" sleep 2 break_end elif echo "$info_output" | grep -q "Status: STOPPED"; then echo -e "${yellow}${nat}暂停状态,请重新启动${re}" sleep 2 else echo -e "${red}未知${nat}状态${re}" sleep 2 fi ;; 6) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入要重装系统的小鸡的名字(如ex1,nat1等): \033[0m' nat lxc stop $nat && lxc rebuild images:debian/11 $nat sleep 2 lxc start $nat echo -e "${green}${nat}小鸡已重装系统完成${re}" sleep 2 break_end ;; 7) read -p $'\033[1;35m确定要新增LXC小鸡吗? [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [[ "$confirm" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${green}输入配置后将进入后台为你新增,可关闭SSH,完成后cat log查看信息${re}" curl -L https://github.com/oneclickvirt/lxd/raw/main/scripts/add_more.sh -o add_more.sh && chmod +x add_more.sh && screen bash add_more.sh else echo -e "${green}已取消${re}" break_end fi ;; 8) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入要删除的小鸡的名字(如ex1,nat1等): \033[0m' nat lxc delete -f $nat sleep 2 echo -e "${green}${nat}小鸡已删除${re}" sleep 2 break_end ;; 9) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m删除后无法恢复,确定要继续删除所有Lxc小鸡吗 [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [[ "$confirm" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then lxc list -c n --format csv | xargs -I {} lxc delete -f {} sudo find /var/log -type f -delete sudo find /var/tmp -type f -delete sudo find /tmp -type f -delete sudo find /var/cache/apt/archives -type f -delete # 删除配置 rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ssh_sh.sh rm -rf /usr/local/bin/config.sh rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ssh_bash.sh rm -rf /usr/local/bin/check-dns.sh rm -rf /root/ssh_sh.sh rm -rf /root/config.sh rm -rf /root/ssh_bash.sh rm -rf /root/buildone.sh rm -rf /root/add_more.sh rm -rf /root/build_ipv6_network.sh echo -e "${green}已删除所有Lxc小鸡${re}" break_end else echo -e "${green}已取消删除${re}" break_end fi ;; 0) break ;; *) echo -e "${red}无效选择,请重新输入。${re}" ;; esac done ;; 7) clear echo -e "${yellow}开设虚拟内存(Swap),请先输入2移除原来的,会重新执行一次,再输入1添加虚拟内存${re}" curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/addswap/main/addswap.sh -o addswap.sh && chmod +x addswap.sh && bash addswap.sh sleep 1 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/addswap/main/addswap.sh -o addswap.sh && chmod +x addswap.sh && bash addswap.sh sleep 1 echo -e "${yellow}开始安装docker配置环境${re}" curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/docker/main/scripts/dockerinstall.sh -o dockerinstall.sh && chmod +x dockerinstall.sh && bash dockerinstall.sh sleep 2 while true; do read -p $'\033[1;96m你需要单独开设Docker小鸡还是批量开设Docker小鸡?(1:单个开设 2:批量开设 3:重启系统) \033[0m' choose if [ "$choose" == "1" ]; then sleep 1 install screen curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/docker/main/scripts/onedocker.sh -o onedocker.sh && chmod +x onedocker.sh && screen bash onedocker.sh sleep 2 break_end break # 跳出循环 elif [ "$choose" == "2" ]; then sleep 1 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/docker/main/scripts/create_docker.sh -o create_docker.sh && chmod +x create_docker.sh && screen bash create_docker.sh sleep 2 break_end break # 跳出循环 elif [ "$choose" == "3" ]; then reboot else echo -e "${red}输入错误,请输入1或2${re}" fi done ;; 8) clear docker ps -aq --format '{{.Names}}' | grep -E '^ndpresponder' | xargs -r docker rm -f docker images -aq --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}' | grep -E '^ndpresponder' | xargs -r docker rmi rm -rf dclog ls sleep 2 break_end ;; 9) clear echo -e "${yellow}开始进行环境检测...${re}" install wget output=$(bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/incus/main/scripts/pre_check.sh)) echo "$output" if echo "$output" | grep -q "本机符合作为incus母鸡的要求,可以批量开设incus容器"; then echo -e "${green}你的vps符合开设incus要求,可以开设incus小鸡${re}" read -p $'\033[1;35m确定要开设incus小鸡吗? [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [ "$confirm" == "y" ] || [ "$confirm" == "Y" ]; then echo -e "${yellow}开始进行安装incus主体...${re}" sleep 1 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/incus/main/scripts/incus_install.sh -o incus_install.sh && chmod +x incus_install.sh && bash incus_install.sh sleep 2 # 检查incus是否安装成功 check_incus(){ if which incus >/dev/null; then echo -e "${green}Incus主体已安装完成${re}" # incus --version 2>/dev/null sleep 1 return 0 else echo "Incus主体已安装失败,请更新系统后重试,正在清理缓存..." rm -rf /root/incus_install.sh sleep 2 main_menu fi } while true; do clear echo "" echo -e "${yellow}温馨提醒:如果你开设的小鸡数量较多建议reboot重启一次系统使配置生效,再进入管理incus小鸡菜单${purple}新增即可${re}" echo "" read -p $'\033[1;35m选择哪种方式开设incus小鸡?\n1:普通批量生成(256RAM+1G+上下行300Mb) \n2:自定义配置批量生成 \n3:取消开小鸡 \n4:重启系统 \n请选择: \033[0m' confirm case $confirm in 1) echo -e "${green}开始运行普通版本批量生成小鸡${yellow}(1核256MB内存1GB硬盘限速300Mbit)${re}" sleep 1 curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/incus/main/scripts/init.sh -o init.sh && chmod +x init.sh && dos2unix init.sh read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入你要生成小鸡的数量:\033[0m' number sleep 1 install screen echo -e "${green}正在后台自动为你开设小鸡中,可关闭SSH,完成后运行cat log查看小鸡信息${re}" sleep 3 screen bash init.sh nat $number sleep 3 cat log break ;; 2) echo -e "${green}开始运行自定义批量生成小鸡${re}" sleep 1 install screen echo -e "${green}正在后台自动为你开设小鸡中,可关闭SSH,完成后运行cat log查看小鸡信息${re}" sleep 3 curl -L https://github.com/oneclickvirt/incus/raw/main/scripts/add_more.sh -o add_more.sh && chmod +x add_more.sh && screen bash add_more.sh cat log break ;; 3) echo -e "${green}你已取消了开设小鸡的操作${re}" exit 0 ;; 4) reboot ;; *) echo -e "${red}输入错误,请输入 1至4的数字${re}" ;; esac done else echo -e "${yellow}取消开设incus小鸡,正在退出...${re}" sleep 2 main_menu fi else echo "" echo -e "${red}你的vps不符合开设incus要求,请选择LXD或Docker方式开设小鸡${re}" sleep 2 break_end fi ;; 10) while true; do clear echo -e "${purple}▶ 管理incus小鸡${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}1. 查看所有incus小鸡运行状态${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}2. 暂停所有incus小鸡${re}" echo -e "${skyblue}3. 启动所有incus小鸡${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}4. 暂停指定incus小鸡${re}" echo -e "${skyblue}5. 启动指定incus小鸡${re}" echo -e "${skyblue}6. 给指定小鸡重装系统${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${skyblue}7. 新增开设incus小鸡${re}" echo -e "${red}8. 删除指定incus小鸡${re}" echo -e "${red}9. 删除所有incus小鸡和配置${re}" echo "------------------------" echo -e "${white}0. 返回上一级菜单${re}" echo "------------------------" read -p $'\033[1;91m请输入你的选择: \033[0m' sub_choice case $sub_choice in 1) clear echo -e "${green}所有incus小鸡运行状态:${re}" incus list echo -e "${green}所有incus小鸡密码端口信息${re}" cat log break_end ;; 2) clear incus stop --all break_end ;; 3) clear incus start --all break_end ;; 4) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入要暂停的小鸡的名字(如ex1,nat1等):\033[0m' nat incus stop $nat info_output=$(incus info $nat) # 检查指定暂停的小鸡状态 if echo "$info_output" | grep -q "Status: STOPPED"; then echo -e "${green}已暂停${nat}小鸡${re}" sleep 2 break_end elif echo "$info_output" | grep -q "Status: RUNNING"; then echo -e "${yellow}${nat}仍在运行,请重试${re}" sleep 2 else echo -e "${red}未知${nat}状态${re}" sleep 2 fi ;; 5) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入要启动的小鸡的名字(如ex1,nat1等): \033[0m' nat incus start $nat info_output=$(incus info ${nat}) # 检查指定启动的小鸡状态 if echo "$info_output" | grep -q "Status: RUNNING"; then echo -e "${green}启动成功${nat}小鸡${re}" sleep 2 break_end elif echo "$info_output" | grep -q "Status: STOPPED"; then echo -e "${yellow}${nat}暂停状态,请重新启动${re}" sleep 2 else echo -e "${red}未知${nat}状态${re}" sleep 2 fi ;; 6) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入要重装系统的小鸡的名字(如ex1,nat1等): \033[0m' nat incus stop $nat && incus rebuild images:debian/11 $nat sleep 2 incus start $nat echo -e "${green}${nat}小鸡已重装系统完成${re}" sleep 2 break_end ;; 7) read -p $'\033[1;35m确定要新增incus小鸡吗? [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [[ "$confirm" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${green}输入配置后将进入后台为你新增incus小鸡,可关闭SSH,完成后cat log查看信息${re}" curl -L https://github.com/oneclickvirt/incus/raw/main/scripts/add_more.sh -o add_more.sh && chmod +x add_more.sh && screen bash add_more.sh cat log else echo -e "${green}已取消${re}" break_end fi ;; 8) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m请输入要删除的小鸡的名字(如ex1,nat1等): \033[0m' nat incus delete -f $nat sleep 2 echo -e "${green}${nat}小鸡已删除${re}" sleep 2 break_end ;; 9) clear read -p $'\033[1;35m删除后无法恢复,确定要继续删除所有incus小鸡吗 [y/n]: \033[0m' confirm if [[ "$confirm" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then incus list -c n --format csv | xargs -I {} incus delete -f {} sudo find /var/log -type f -delete sudo find /var/tmp -type f -delete sudo find /tmp -type f -delete sudo find /var/cache/apt/archives -type f -delete # 删除配置 rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ssh_sh.sh rm -rf /usr/local/bin/config.sh rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ssh_bash.sh rm -rf /usr/local/bin/check-dns.sh rm -rf /root/ssh_sh.sh rm -rf /root/config.sh rm -rf /root/ssh_bash.sh rm -rf /root/buildone.sh rm -rf /root/add_more.sh rm -rf /root/build_ipv6_network.sh echo -e "${green}已删除所有incus小鸡${re}" break_end else echo -e "${green}已取消删除${re}" break_end fi ;; 0) break ;; *) echo -e "${red}无效选择,请重新输入。${re}" ;; esac done ;; 0) main_menu ;; esac done ;; 00) cd ~ curl -sS -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/ssh_tool/main/update_log.sh && chmod +x update_log.sh && ./update_log.sh rm update_log.sh echo "" curl -sS -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eooce/ssh_tool/main/ssh_tool.sh && chmod +x ssh_tool.sh echo -e "${green}脚本已更新到最新版本!${re}" sleep 1 main_menu ;; 88) clear exit ;; *) echo -e "${purple}无效的输入!${re}" ;; esac break_end done