## edp-install configuration ## Ref: https://github.com/epam/edp-install ## ## global: # -- EDP version version: "3.5.3" # -- platform type that can be "kubernetes" or "openshift" platform: "kubernetes" # -- a cluster DNS wildcard name dnsWildCard: # -- Can be gerrit, github or gitlab. By default: github gitProvider: github # -- Gerrit SSH node port # gerritSSHPort: "22" dockerRegistry: # -- Define Image Registry that will to be used in Pipelines. Can be ecr (default), harbor type: "ecr" # -- Docker Registry endpoint url: ".dkr.ecr..amazonaws.com" # -- AWS Region, e.g. "eu-central-1" awsRegion: # -- Enable SSO for EDP components. Required keycloak-operator deployment. Default: false sso: enabled: false # -- Keycloak URL keycloakUrl: https://keycloak.example.com # -- Administrators of your tenant admins: - "stub_user_one@example.com" # -- Developers of your tenant developers: - "stub_user_one@example.com" - "stub_user_two@example.com" argocd: # -- Configure Argo CD for EDP platform. enabled: false # -- Custom secret name for argo-cd keycloak client. Ignored if external secret enabled. oidcSecretName: # -- @default -- `""` (defaults to https://argocd.{{ .Values.global.dnsWildCard }}) url: # Configure External Secrets Operator to provision secrets for Platform and/or EDP # https://external-secrets.io/latest/provider-aws-secrets-manager/ externalSecrets: # -- Configure External Secrets for EDP platform. Deploy SecretStore enabled: false secretProvider: aws: # -- Use AWS as a Secret Provider. Can be ParameterStore or SecretsManager service: ParameterStore # -- IAM Role to be used for Accessing AWS either Parameter Store or Secret Manager. Format: arn:aws:iam:::role/ role: # -- AWS Region where secrets are stored, e.g. eu-central-1 region: eu-central-1 # When installing EDP, three secrets must be created: super-admin-db, db-admin-console, keycloak and kaniko-docker-config # see https://epam.github.io/edp-install/operator-guide/install-edp/ # manageEDPInstallSecrets creates required secrets using ExternalSecretOperator # Ensure external secret source is configured properly # -- Create necessary secrets for EDP installation, using External Secret Operator manageEDPInstallSecrets: true # -- Value name in AWS ParameterStore or AWS SecretsManager. Used when manageEDPInstallSecrets is true manageEDPInstallSecretsName: /edp/deploy-secrets annotations: {} keycloak-operator: enabled: false # image: # repository: epamedp/keycloak-operator # tag: codebase-operator: enabled: true # image: # repository: epamedp/codebase-operator # tag: # envs: # - name: RECONCILATION_PERIOD # value: "360" # The value should be typed in minutes # # Maximum number of parallel reconciliation codebasebranches # - name: CODEBASE_BRANCH_MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES # value: 3 # jira: # integration: false # name: "jira" # apiUrl: "https://jiraeu-api.example.com" # rootUrl: "https://jiraeu.example.com" # credentialName: "ci-jira" cd-pipeline-operator: enabled: true # image: # repository: epamedp/cd-pipeline-operator # tag: # -- defines the type of the tenant engine that can be "none", "kiosk" or "capsule" tenancyEngine: "none" nexus-operator: enabled: false # image: # repository: epamedp/nexus-operator # tag: # nexus: # deploy: true # name: "nexus" # image: "sonatype/nexus3" # version: # basePath: "" # imagePullSecrets: # storage: # class: gp2 # size: 10Gi sonar-operator: enabled: false # image: # repository: epamedp/sonar-operator # tag: # sonar: # deploy: true # name: "sonar" # image: "sonarqube" # version: # initImage: "busybox" # dbImage: "postgres:9.6" # storage: # data: # class: gp2 # size: 1Gi # database: # class: gp2 # size: 1Gi # imagePullSecrets: # basePath: "" gerrit-operator: enabled: false # image: # repository: epamedp/gerrit-operator # tag: # gerrit: # deploy: true # name: "gerrit" # image: "openfrontier/gerrit" # version: # imagePullSecrets: # storage: # size: 1Gi # class: gp2 edp-headlamp: enabled: true config: oidc: enabled: false clientID: "kubernetes" clientSecretName: "keycloak-client-headlamp-secret" clientSecretKey: "clientSecret" issuerRealm: "openshift" # image: # repository: epamedp/edp-headlamp # tag: edp-tekton: enabled: true dashboard: # -- Deploy EDP Dashboard as a part of pipeline library when true. Default: true enabled: true # -- Make it possible to use openshift as OIDC provider to hide tekton-dashboard. # -- Only for openshift deploy scenario, # -- For EKS scenario - uncomment dashboard.ingress.annotations block and # -- set the value of the oauth2_proxy.enable to true # -- More details: # -- https://epam.github.io/edp-install/operator-guide/oauth2-proxy/?h=#enable-oauth2-proxy-on-tekton-dashboard openshift_proxy: # -- Enable oauth-proxy to include authorization layer on tekton-dashboard. Default: flase enabled: false ingress: # -- Annotations for Ingress resource annotations: {} # -- Uncomment it to enable tekton-dashboard OIDC on EKS cluster # nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-signin='https:///oauth2/start?rd=https://$host$request_uri' # nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-url='http://oauth2-proxy.edp.svc.cluster.local:8080/oauth2/auth' ctLint: # -- This block make possible to modify ct-lint configuration. It setup ct-lint parameters: "--config", "--chart-yaml-schema" and "--lint-conf". # -- Config block. validateMaintainers: false # -- true or false # -- Chart schema block. # -- Example parameters: https://github.com/helm/chart-testing/blob/main/etc/chart_schema.yaml # chartSchema: | # name: str() # home: str() # version: str() # type: str() # -- Lint-conf block. # -- Example parameters: https://github.com/helm/chart-testing/blob/main/etc/lintconf.yaml # lintconf: | # --- # rules: # braces: # min-spaces-inside: 0 # max-spaces-inside: 0 # Proxy configuration section oauth2_proxy: # oauth2-proxy requires keycloak to be configured properly before deployment # you can set enable: true, when your platform is deployed and keycloak is # configured. # -- Install oauth2-proxy as a part of EDP deployment. Default: false enabled: false image: # -- oauth2-proxy image repository repository: quay.io/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy # -- oauth2-proxy image tag tag: v7.4.0 # Create a cookie-secret with the following command # openssl rand -base64 32 | head -c 32 | base64 # Use an existing secret for OAuth2 cookie-secret existingSecret: # -- Secret name which stores cookie-secret secretName: oauth2-proxy-cookie-secret # -- Secret key which stores cookie-secret secretKey: cookie-secret extraEnv: [] extraArgs: {} # -- Additional volumes to be added to the oauth2-proxy pod extraVolumes: [] # - name: custom-ca # secret: # defaultMode: 420 # secretName: custom-ca # -- Additional volumeMounts to be added to the oauth2-proxy container extraVolumeMounts: [] # - name: custom-ca # mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/CA.crt # readOnly: true # subPath: CA.crt ingress: annotations: {} # -- pathType is only for k8s >= 1.1= pathType: Prefix # -- For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the ingress-controller via the field ingressClassName # -- See https://kubernetes.io/blog/2020/04/02/improvements-to-the-ingress-api-in-kubernetes-1.18/#specifying-the-class-of-an-ingress # ingressClassName: nginx tls: [] # - secretName: chart-example-tls # hosts: # - chart-example.local # define EDPComponents, more details: https://github.com/epam/edp-component-operator/ EDPComponents: {} # - prometheus: # url: https://ingress-prometheus.example.com # visible: true # icon: icon_in_base64 # - kibana: # url: https://ingress-kibana.example.com # visible: false # icon: icon_in_base64 # - another_tool: # url: https://ingress-anothertool.example.com # visible: true # icon: icon_in_base64 # -- Array of extra K8s manifests to deploy extraObjects: [] # - apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1 # kind: ExternalSecret # metadata: # name: example-secret-1 # spec: # data: # - remoteRef: # key: /edp/deploy-secrets # property: example-secret-1.username # secretKey: username # - remoteRef: # key: /edp/deploy-secrets # property: example-secret-1.password # secretKey: password # secretStoreRef: # kind: SecretStore # name: example-parameterstore # - | # apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1 # kind: ExternalSecret # metadata: # name: example-secret-2 # spec: # data: # - remoteRef: # key: /edp/deploy-secrets # property: example-secret-2.username # secretKey: username # - remoteRef: # key: /edp/deploy-secrets # property: example-secret-2.password # secretKey: password # secretStoreRef: # kind: SecretStore # name: example-parameterstore