# sublime text JSTL snippet and autocomplete attribute Basic support for sublime text jstl autocomplete of the standard core libs costructor plus some non-core libs (spring) ### Info * jsp/tag file support * fn, x, sql, fmt, c, spring, sec, pe, tiles tags support * autocomplete for parameters not present in the base snippets start to digit one of the above taglib to view all tags associated to it. jstl comment **included**! ### Installation ##### Using Package Manager The easiest way to install is to use the Package Control extension. Once this is installed, simply select 'Package Control: Install Package' from the command pallette and search for 'JSTL autocomplete'. ##### Manually Within Sublime Text, click Preferences > Browse Packages... and create a folder named JSTL-snippet. Clone this repo or add the files into the folder. #### develop note: * highlight JSTL syntax: https://github.com/eparisio/st3-jstl-syntax-highlight , from package control: JSTL syntax highlight * if i miss some tag or there is some error please open an issue * credits to https://github.com/JeroenVdb/jstl-sublime-snippets for starting the works, i have resolved some errors and added all the missing tags and libs, plus added to package control ### TO DO: ### Contribute If you want contribute follow the project at: * https://github.com/eparisio/st3-jstl-snippet-autocomplete