# sublime text JSTL and JSP syntax highlight Better support for sublime text jstl and jsp syntax highlight. Based on original Java Server Page(JSP) syntax highlight. **- not compatible with sublime text 4** ### File support * jsp * tag ### Installation #### Using Package Manager The easiest way to install is to use the Package Control extension. Once this is installed, simply select 'Package Control: Install Package' from the command pallette and search for 'JSTL syntax'. #### Manually Within Sublime Text, click Preferences > Browse Packages... and create a folder named JSTL. Clone this repo or add 'jstl.tmLanguage' file into the folder. ### develop note: * highlight __all__ jstl base tags(``````), parameter in the tag(```xxx="```) and server variable(```${}```) * add highlight support for all base color scheme * added general regex for __jstl tags and custom tags__ * added support and internal text highlight * add highlight for operator, add highlight for jstl functions * add highlight for nested tags and vars! * fix some compatibility with cross-language nesting * add new jstl support with snippets and autocomplete at: https://github.com/eparisio/st3-jstl-snippet-autocomplete ### TO DO: * fix other compatibility/regex with mixed nested language syntax * Add support for sublime text 4 ### Contribute If you want contribute follow the project at: * https://github.com/eparisio/st3-jstl-syntax-highlight