# SublimeLinter-contrib-ameba [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/epergo/SublimeLinter-contrib-ameba.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/epergo/SublimeLinter-contrib-ameba) This linter plugin for [SublimeLinter](https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter) provides an interface to [ameba](https://github.com/veelenga/ameba). It will be used with files that have crystal syntax. ## Installation SublimeLinter must be installed in order to use this plugin. Please use [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io) to install both SublimeLinter and the linter plugin. Before installing this plugin, you must ensure that `ameba` is installed on your project. Add `ameba` to your `shard.yml` file, in `development_dependencies`: ```crystal development_dependencies: ameba: github: veelenga/ameba ``` Run `shards install`, this will place an `ameba` executable in a `bin` folder inside your project's folder. That executable will be used by default, if you want to use another executable just specify it in SublimeLinter User settings. If an `.ameba.yml` config file is located in your project's root path, it will be used. ## Settings - SublimeLinter settings: - Linter settings: - Custom `ameba` executable: ```json // SublimeLinter Settings - User { "linters": { "ameba": { "executable": "path_to_ameba_executable" } }, } ```