team_name: Universitaet Leipzig IMISE/GenStat model_name: SECIR model_abbr: LeipzigIMISE-SECIR model_contributors: - name: Yuri Kheifetz email: - name: Holger Kirsten email: - name: Markus Scholz email: twitter: GenStatLeipzig website_url: repo_url: license: mit team_model_designation: primary data_inputs: RKI and DIVI, ECDC, age distributions for cases and deaths from RKI as described in methods, case & ICU & death counts methods: SECIR type model methods_long: We integrate an adapted mechanistic epidemiologic model of the SECIR type into Input-Output Non-Linear Dynamical Systems (IO-NLDS) serving as hidden layers, i.e. the true dynamics cannot directly be observed. Thereby, we include an asymptomatic compartment, a compartment of patients requiring intensive care, and subdivide most of the compartments into three sub-compartments to model time delays. Changing factors of the system due to non-pharmaceutical interventions, changing age-structure of infected population, and changes in testing policy are imposed as inputs to the system. We then estimate parameters by a knowledge synthesis process considering parameter ranges derived from external studies and public data. Specifically, we use Bayesian inference for the parameters’ estimation, which can also be time-dependent. Public data is translated to model outputs not identical but related to hidden states of the model. The model is fitted to data by a full information approach.