team_name: Department of Mathematics and Statistics Masaryk University Team model_name: SEIAR model_abbr: MUNI_DMS-SEIAR model_contributors: - name: Veronika Eclerova - name: Lenka Pribylova website_url: license: cc-by-4.0 team_model_designation: primary methods: SEIAR model with A compartment of absent unobserved infected estimated from hospital data with incorporated mobility data dependence; optimized to the compartment of all exposed (unobserved included) team_funding: MUNI/11/02202001/2020 data_inputs: UZIS data for predictive models (anonymized set modely_05_datumy.csv of confirmed subjects, google mobility reports ( methods_long: This is a model based on a mechanistic compartmental approach, where some parameters are taken from literature, some parameters are estimated from an anonymized dataset of confirmed subjects. It estimates moving ascertainment rate using data of hospitalized subjects (using a proportion of cases not caught before admission to hospital), so it estimates not only the observed part of the epidemic (compartment I) but also the undetected absent infected (compartment A). The model incorporates transmission rate estimate dependence on mobility data and immunization after vaccination and optimizes affected clusters' size to estimate all exposed individuals using the moving ascertainment rate estimate. To model deaths, we incorporated fixed time delay from positivity report to death estimated from data. Currently, we assume around 0.44% IFR, a simple division of the age structure 0-20/20-65/65+ is used. The model estimates continuously from the first outbreak (spring 2020), the prevalence corresponds to the Czech prevalence study from May 2020 as well as to December community test screenings. We incorporated dominance of alpha variant at the beginning of the year 2021 by multiplying the transmission rate by 1.5 (the estimate is based on data that reveal evidence on its dependence on the number of risk contacts - study PAQ research or mobility data). With the dominance of alpha variant we increased the probability of hospitalization by factor 1.3 and the conditional probability of death in case of hospitalization by factor 1.1. There is a significant decline of death rate of 65+ cohort in hospitals from the second half of March. We started to adjust its value to estimated 0.36% daily decrease based on fit to data of hospitalized positive subjects (starting form submission 2021-05-10). Thanks to time series of vaccinated we could compare two different estimates of the probability of hospitalization and we deduced that we underestimated the prob. of hospitalization and overestimated the size of the affected clusters, and that 1/100 (starting from 2021-03-15) now seems more appropriate than 1/160 (starting from submission 2021-06-07). We incorporated dominance of delta variant. We assume the transmisibility of the delta varinant is 1.4 times higher than the alpha variant (submissions 2021-07-12, 2021-07-19). Starting from submission 2021-07-26 during the summer time we work again without incresed transmissibility of the delta variant. Starting from 2021-09-25 we increased the transmissibility of the delta variant to 1.8 times higher value than the alpha variant value. Starting from 2021-12-20 we gradually increased the virus's transmissibility according to the ratio of the omicron variant in discriminated PCRs with a multiplicative coefficient 2.61 according to delta variant. We started to decrease the probability of hospitalization and death proportionally. We changed the model from SEIAR to SEIARS. We submit a single calibration to forecast deaths and cases while the prediction intervals are estimated using time series decomposition. Especially, we subtract a deterministic trend given by the SEIARS model.