# JXASublimeText This package makes it easier to use your favorite editor Sublime Text to program with JavaScript for Automation. This works just on Mac OSX Yosemite (10.10). For now I created the build system. ## Install 1. Use Package Control to install: Search for `JXA` 2. OR Download [Latest Release](https://github.com/dharma-guardian/JXASublimeText/releases/latest) and paste into Sublime Package Folder (use `Browse Packages`in ST to open Folder) ## Features ### Build System Run and Build commands for Scripts, Script Bundles and Applets. Choose `Tools > Build Systems > JXA` from the menu. The standard `Build` command creates an executable and in Apple Script Editor editable script file (.scpt). The `Run` command executes the script directly in ST. In the command palette are more variants to build: - `Build: App`: Build an executable application (.app) - `Build: Script Bundle`: Build an executable Script Bundle (.scptd) The Build System takes a vanilla JavaScript file and runs the shell command `osascript -l Javascript [file_name]` or `osacompile -l JavaScript -o [file_name].scpt [file_name]`. Look the `osacompile` manual for more options.