Focus Last Tab for Sublime Text =============================== Always focus the last tab with ⌘+9 (on OS X) or Ctrl+9 (on Windows and Linux) in Sublime Text 2 or 3, just like in your favorite browser! Installation ------------ Install via [Package Control][1] to automatically keep up to date with new versions. To install manually, clone this repository into your `Packages` folder (e.g. Sublime Text 3 on OS X): ```sh cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages git clone git:// "Focus Last Tab" ``` Customize --------- To customize, add your desired key binding to _Preferences -> Key Bindings - User_: ```json [ { "keys": ["ctrl+end"], "command": "last_view" } ] ``` To keep the default key binding, add the following to _Preferences -> Settings - User_: ```json { "focus_last_tab_override": false } ``` [1]: "Package Control"