#!/bin/sh # Detect the Operating System case "$(uname -s)" in Darwin) CENO_OS="Mac" ;; Linux) CENO_OS="Linux" ;; CYGWIN*|MINGW32*|MSYS*) echo "Windows is not supported by this script" echo "Please download the CENO Windows installer" exit 1 ;; *) echo "Could not automatically detect your Operating System" echo "Manually download the latest release for your system from https://github.com/equalitie/ceno/releases/latest" exit 2 ;; esac commandExists() { if command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 then return 0 else return 1 fi } browserSupported() { for browser in firefox iceweasel chrome chromium-browser chromium google-chrome do if commandExists $browser then return 0 fi done return 1 } if ! commandExists java then echo "Please install Java Runtime Environment and execute this script again" echo "In Debian/Ubuntu/Mint... we recommend you install the 'default-jre' package (apt-get install default-jre)" echo "In fedora/CentOS/Red Hat... we recommend the 'java-1.8.0-openjdk' package (yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk)" echo "OpenJDK documentation: http://openjdk.java.net/install/" exit 3 fi if [ "$CENO_OS" = "Linux" ] then if ! browserSupported then echo "Please install Firefox or Chrome/Chromium and execute this script again" exit 4 fi fi if ! commandExists unzip then echo "Please install unzip" exit 5 fi echo " _____ ______ _ _ ____ " echo " / ____| ____| \ | |/ __ \ " echo " | | | |__ | \| | | | | " echo " | | | __| | . ' | | | | " echo " | |____| |____| |\ | |__| | " echo " \_____|______|_| \_|\____/ " # Learn the latest release LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/equalitie/ceno/releases/latest | grep 'tag_' | cut -d\" -f4) # Download and Unzip the latest release of CENOBox for this OS echo echo "Downloading CENOBox Release" $LATEST_RELEASE "for" $CENO_OS echo curl -0 -J -L "https://github.com/equalitie/ceno/releases/download/$(echo $LATEST_RELEASE)/CENOBox_$(echo $CENO_OS).zip" -o "CENOBox_$(echo $CENO_OS).zip" unzip -q CENOBox_$(echo $CENO_OS).zip rm CENOBox_$(echo $CENO_OS).zip cd CENOBox echo "Updating Freenet installation..." sh ./update.sh &> /dev/null # Start CENOBox echo if [ "$CENO_OS" = "Linux" ] then echo "Creating Desktop shortcut" head -6 CENO.desktop > CENO.desktop.new echo Path=`pwd` >> CENO.desktop.new echo Icon=`pwd`/icon.png >> CENO.desktop.new cp CENO.desktop.new CENOStop.desktop echo Name=Stop CENO >> CENOStop.desktop echo Exec=sh `pwd`/CENO.sh stop >> CENOStop.desktop cp CENOStop.desktop "$HOME"/.local/share/applications/CENOStop.desktop echo Name=Start CENO >> CENO.desktop.new echo Exec=sh `pwd`/CENO.sh start >> CENO.desktop.new mv CENO.desktop.new CENO.desktop cp CENO.desktop "$HOME"/.local/share/applications/CENO.desktop fi cd .. echo "Successfully installed CENO"