# CodeWrapper Inspired by [consolewrap](https://github.com/unknownuser88/consolewrap), `CodeWrapper` wraps any code with other code at the touch of a button(ish). ## How? To use, first set up some wrappings in `Packages/User/CodeWrapper.sublime-settings`. See the default settings for hints. It is also possible to add per-project settings to your `.project-settings` file. Just add the package settings to the key `CodeWrapper`. Once a wrapper is set up, select some code to wrap, open the command palette and select `CodeWrapper`. I don't like packages setting their own keybindings, so `CodeWrapper` doesn't. If you want to bind `CodeWrapper` to some keys (and you should), add the following to your `Packages/User/Default (${OS_NAME}),sublime-keymap` file: ```json [ // CodeWrapper { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+l"], "command": "code_wrapper" } ] ``` ## Contributions Bug reports, forks and pull requests are welcome. Please make sure the tests all work before submitting anything, and add new ones for new features.