Stone Inscription #1 of the time of Raṭṭa Prince Kārtavīrya IV: A.D. 1204 EpiDoc Encoding Amandine Wattelier-Bricout intellectual authorship of edition Amandine Wattelier-Bricout DHARMA Aubervilliers DHARMA_INSEI13_3a

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. bahubhir vvasudhā bhuktā rājabhis sagarādibhiḥ. yasya yasya yadā bhūmis tasya tasya tadā phalam. Api gaṁgādi-tīrttheṣu hantur ggām athavā dvijaṁ. niṣkr̥tis syān na deva-sva -brahma-sva-haraṇe nr̥ṇām.

Sagara and many other kings have made grants of lands; whosoever has at any time the soil has at the same time the fruit thereof. The slayer of a cow or of a Brahman may perchance find atonement in the Ganges and other holy places; but in the case of appropriation of the possessions of gods and Brahmans there can be no atonement for men.

Inscription incised on a massive stone slab without ornament ; script : Kanarese (type common about A/D/1200); Language : Kanarese except for the prelude and two verses; inscription refers to the time of the Mahāmaṇḍaleśvara Kārtavīrya IV, one of the Raṭṭa princes of Saundatti; object of the record : donations for the upkeep of the Jain temple named Raṭṭa-Jinālaya at Beḷgaum which had been founded by the Bīchirāja II
