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tad ayam asmad-dāyo
'smad-vaṁśyair anyaiś cāgāmibhir bhūmipālaiḥ pālayoitavyo 'numantavyaś ca yata āha
tathā coktaṁ
tathā coktaṁ
yas tv ajñāma-paṭalāndhita-dṛśṭir anila-
rit-taraṁga-bhaṁguraṁ tṛṇāgra-lagnāvaśyayānavasthiraṁ kari-kalabha-karṇṇāgra-lolaṁ śrānta-vihaga-gala-capalaṁ
prakupita-bhujaga-jihvā-taḍit-kṣaṇa-diṣṭaṁ naṣṭaṁ pratikṣaṇām anavasthitaṁ gati-jī
mutra ca ya
ndyād ācchidyamānaṁ vānumodeta sa paṁcabhir mmahā-pātakais sopapātakaiś ca saṃyu
ka-narapti-kālātīta-sāmvatsara-śateṣv aṣṭāsv āṣṭācatvāriṁ śad-adhikeṣu vaiśākha-śuddhākṣata-tṛtīyāyāṁ
some aṁkato 'pi samvatsara
sanaṁ parameśvara-paramabhaṭṭāraka-mahārājadhirāja-śrīmad-akālavarṣadeva-pādānudhyāta-śrī-nitya
varṣadevānujñāta-śrī-sugatipājñayā saṁyāna-dhruva-vathaiyānu;atena sugatena śrī-dhruvarāja-sāṁdhivigra
maṁgalaṁ mahatī ca śrīḥ
Place of discovery : village of Chinchani in the Dahanu Taluk of the Thana District, Bombay State. Date of discovery : 28th of June, 1955. Set of three plates with a ring an a seal. The first and the third plates bear writing only in the inner side. 67 lines of writing. Date : 17th April, 926 A.D.
Usaual imprecatory and benedictory stanzas (verses 24-34) with a similar passage in prose in lines 45-50