Cīrkāḻi, Brahmapurīśvara, time of Vīrarā<unclear>jendra</unclear>, year lost intellectual authorship of edition Veluppillai Uthaya EpiDoc Encoding Francis Emmanuel DHARMA DHARMA_INSCirkali00050

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by John Doe.

DHARMAbase Fragment on an orphan stone slab. The inscription was engraved on at least two stone slabs, of which the present one is the first. Land donation.

No distinction between e and ē, o and ō, i and ī.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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svasti śrī

vīra-rājentira tiru-k-kaḻumala-nāṭu viīra-cōḻa viṭaṅkanalllūr Ijiīcuram-uṭai nāṅkal v-iṭṭa nilam

Ivv-ūril ti ca-vāykkālukkku teṟku mutaṟ kaṇṇāṟṟu mutaṟ Iru-mā v-araiyum cantirātitta-varai cel

vīrarājentira vīrarā cavāykkāluku cavāykāṟku Irumā varaiyum yum

Prosperity! Fortune!

Emptieth year of Vīrarājendra in the Tirukkaḻumalanāṭu, Vīracōḻa Viṭaṅkanallūr, the Lord of the Rājeśvara the land that we have given is as follows.

In this village south of the canal vāykkāl, in the first canal kaṇṇāru up to two s, this should proceed as long as the moon and the sun

First reported and edited in (CEC 50), based on autopsy and photos (G. Ravindran, EFEO, 2005).

This edition by Uthaya Veluppillai (2024). Curated by Emmanuel Francis. Translation (2024) by Emmanuel Francis.

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