Eṭuttaṉūr hero-stone, time of Mahendravarman, year 34 EpiDoc encoding Emmanuel Francis intellectual authorship of edition Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Paris, CEIAS DHARMA_INSPallava00284

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMAbase Records the death of a hero in a fight.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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kō-vicaiya mayiēntira-parumaṟku mu-p-pattu naṅk-āvatu

vāṇa-kō -Araicaru maru-makkaḷ poṟṟokkai -Ār Iḷa-makaṉ karun-tēva-k-katti ta erumai-p -puṟattē vā ṭi-p paṭṭā ṉ kal

mu-p-pattu naṅk-āvatu reads "fifty-fourth". ṭi-p paṭṭā ṭi paṭṭā

Tirthy-fourth year of the victorious king MahendravarmanMayientiraparumaṉ the original Tamil..

This is the stone of Karuntēvakkatti, the younger son of Poṟṟokkaiyār, the nephew of the royal Bāṇa king, he who fell and died vāṭi in the buffalo shed erumaippuṟamSee for this meaning.

See DHARMA_INSPallava00527 for the label of the dog represented on the same slab.

Edited in (CN 1971/59); text and summary in (IP 284.1); encoded here by Emmanuel Francis (2021), based on previous editions and the facsimile in .

1971/59 674-675 284 59 40 23