Vallam, donation, time of unknown king, unknown year EpiDoc encoding Emmanuel Francis intellectual authorship of edition Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Paris, CEIAS DHARMA_INSPallava00461

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMAbase Donation of sheep for the upkeep of a perpetual lamp in a temple.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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hā-devarku non tā-viḷak=ku Eri ya śrī-Atikā ppiyaṉ vai tta cāvā muvā pēr āṭu to ṇūṟṟu A ṟu

Idhamma ra kṣippāṉ śrīpātam Eṉ talai mēlaṉa

Eri ya 4 10 notes: The number 40 is mentioned after the word, “nandavilakku” This may denote the weight of the lamp.

ninety-six undying unaging great sheep that the glorious Atikāppiyaṉ gave, so as to burn a perpetual for the Mahādeva

The feet of he who protects this pious act are on my head.

Summary and facsimile in .

Edited and translated here by Emmanuel Francis (2022), based on the published facsimile.

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