Tiruveḷḷaṟai's well, gnomic verse EpiDoc encoding Emmanuel Francis intellectual authorship of edition Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Paris, CEIAS DHARMA_INSPallava00525

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMAbase Gnomic verse.

The puḷḷi is consistently used, although not for most of duplicated consonants and sometimes unduly.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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śrī kaṇ·ṭār kāṇā-v ulakattiṟ· kātal-a cey·tu nillātēy paṇ·ṭēy paramaṉ paṭait·ta nāḷ pārttu niṉ·ṟu naiyyātē taṇ·ṭ’ ār· mūp·pu van·t’ uṉ·ṉai-t· taḷara-c· cey·tu nillā muṉ· uṇ·ṭ’ ēll uṇ·ṭu mik·katu Ulakam·m aṟiya vaim·miṉ·ēy
kātal-a kātal There is not puḷḷi on the final l. One could concur with and emend kātala to kātal, or, alternatively, analyse, without emending the original text, this word as kātal-a, an adjectival form of kātal, “things related to love.”


Without being passionately attached to this world where men seen today are not seen tomorrow; without giving yourself up to despair looking for the final day appointed by the Creator; and before your limbs become weak at the appearance of old age with its appendage of a stick; if you have wealth maintain yourself and devote what remains to charity so that all the world may know it.

Fortune !

Dans ce monde que ne voient plus ceux qui ont vu, sans t'affairer à l'amour Littéralement "sans t'arrêter à faire les choses de l’amour"., Sans dépérir à penserLittéralement "à regarder". sans cesse au jour qu’a jadis fixé le Seigneur suprême, Avant de succomberLittéralement "ne plus pouvoir tenir debout". à la venue du vieil âge qui ressemble à un bâtonAlternativement: "un châtiment". et te fera décrépirLittéralement "le vieil âge étant venu … et t’ayant fait décrépir"., Si tu as quelque chose en abondanceLittéralement "ce qui est abondant et existe, s’il en est"., afin que le monde sache, donne-le !

See also inscription Pallava 98.

In two instances, consonants are unduly duplicated at word sandhi (uṇṭ’ ēll, ulakamm).

The particle is consistently appended with a y (nillātēy, paṇṭēy, naiyyātēy, vaimmiṉēy). 1577 notes: In these four instances the final y seems to have been inserted to represent the full sound produced in pronouncing the words.

Edited in (EI 11.15); text and summary in (IP 98).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2020), based on autopsy, photographs, and facsimile published in .

335-336 98 33 B/1905 541 16 40 Summary only.