Vallam, Vedānteśvara, pillar inscription of Kantacēṉaṉ EpiDoc encoding Emmanuel Francis intellectual authorship of edition Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSPallava00036

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DHARMAbase Records the foundation of a cave-temple by Kantacēṉaṉ (Skt. Skandasena), son of Vayantappiri (Skt. Vasantapriya) and servant of Mayēntirappōttarēcaru (Mahendravarman I Pallava).

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Left/South Pillar

pakā-p·-piṭuku laḷitāṅ·kuraṉ·

Right/North Pillar

cat·turum·mmallaṉ· kuṇaparaṉ· mayēn·tira-p-pōt·t-arēcaru Aṭiyāṉ· vayan·tap·piri Arēcaru makaṉ· kan·tacēṉa ṉ· ceyivit·ta tēvakulam·

Kantaceṉaṉ Skandasena, the son of Vayantappiriarecaru Vasantapriyarāja, the servant of Pakāppiṭuku Laḷitāṅkuraṉ Lalitāṅkura Catturummallaṉ Śatrumalla Kuṇaparaṉ Guṇabhara Mayentirappōttarecaru Mahendrapōtarāja, caused this temple devakula to be made.

Temple tēvakulam, Skt. devakula caused to be made by Kantacēṉaṉ Skt. Skandasena, son of the king arēcaru Vayantappiri (Skt. Vasantapriya), servant aṭiyāṉ of Pakāppiṭuku Laḷitāṅkuraṉ Skt. Lalitāṅkura Catturummallaṉ Skt. Śatrumalla Kuṇaparaṉ Skt. Guṇabhara Mayēntirappōttarēcaru i.e. Mahendravarman I Pallava.

It is not clear what the relation is between the two discrete inscriptions, each on a different pillar. We read them in succession as Pakāppiṭuku, Lalitāṅkura, Śatrumalla and Guṇabhara are well attested birudas of Mahendravarman I. We follow here the interpretation of .

Pōttarēcaru (and its variants, e.g. Pōttaraiyar) is a title of the Pallava kings. Mayēntirappōttarēcaru is Mahendravarman I (r. ca. 580-630).

Edited in (SII 2, no. 72) with facsimile and English translation; text and summary in (IP 36); re-edited here by Emmanuel Francis (2020), based on autopsy and photographs (2004).

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