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sabhai mā-bha
śyapaṉ kaṇṭa
Ivaṉ tēci-y-
Ivaṉ Eḻupaṇai-tēvaṉukkum Ivaṉ Anvayattār
vaḻi vaḻi candrāditta-val Ivaṉukku vēli nilam nivan=tam ceytu kuṭukka v-eṉṟu Ēvalāl Ivaṉukku nivantañ ceyta nilam āvatu Uṭaiyār tēva-tā
ṉam vēṇṇāṭu
In-nilam vēliyum Ivaṉ ātal Ivaṉ Anvayattār Ātal Oruvaṉē-y tēci-y pāṭiyu
nalluḻān śrī-mūla-sthā
Iv-vūr nāśrī-kōyil
kō-p-parakesaripaṉmaṟki yāṇṭu Eḻ-āsabhaiyār iṭaiya nāṉ Iṟai-kāval Uṭaiya para
matirai-koṇṭa kō-p-parakesaripaṉmaṟkki yāṇṭu brahmadeyam vaisabhaiyōm tiru-v
tiru-viṭai-marutil talai-k-kōlimahā-devaṣṇukkaḷukkum
m Iru-vēli
Ivv-ūr iṭu vari-p-pāṭum sabhaiyōm
Ivv-ōlai mēl paṭṭa paricē kallil veṭṭi-k-koḷḷa-p peṟuvat' ā
sabhai paṇikka Eḻmaddhyasthan· nārāyaṇa
Ivai-y e
Ip-paṭi-y aṟivēśrī- dharan-ē
The continuation of this is lost in a gap of portions of lines 7-14.
the assembly
for Eḻupaṇai Tēvaṉ
the accountant who oversees
At the time of the seventh year of the king Parakesarivarman,
Thirtieth year of the king Parakesarivarman, who took Maturai,
So that there be
for Talaikkōli in Tiruviṭaimarutu,
for the Mahādeva
We have become those who will ensure the giving ..., We, the members of the assembly ...
We have become those who will ensure the giving ...
They should obtain to engrave
We, members of the assembly of Vaikal, have agreed and issued
A the assembly ordered, I, Nārāyaṇaṉ Nakkaṉ, the
This is my writing.
In this manner, I know ...
The status of this inscription is not clear from the editions available. It appears that a single record has received by mistake two ARIE numbers. SII 19.181 is the edition of ARIE/1907-1908/B/1907/234, whereas SII 23.233 is the edition of ARIE/1907-1908/B/1907/233, but the 6 + 2 lines of the latter correspond to lines 1-8 of the former. This together with No. 233 of 1907 seems to form a single inscription with some portions lost, and hence with gaps in the continuity of lines.
This seems to be part of a bigger inscription, evidently No. 234, of which the beginning is lost. being also damaged the sequence is not clear after the first six lines.
All the lines in fragment 2 are evidently lacunose at their ends, even though not indicated in
Reported in
Fragment 1 edited in
Fragment 2 first edited in
This digital edition by Renato Dávalos and Emmanuel Francis (2023), based on previous editions. This translation by Renato Dávalos and Emmanuel Francis (2024).