Ukkal, Perumāḷ temple, time of Rājarājakesarivarman, year 14 EpiDoc encoding Emmanuel Francis intellectual authorship of edition Eugen Hultzsch Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSSII0300003

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svasti śrī cālai kalam aṟuttu vēṅkai-ññnāṭum kaṅka-pāṭiyūum taṭiya-vaḻiyūum nuḷam pa-pāṭiyuṅ koṇṭa

kō-v-irāja-rāja-sarivarmarkku yāṇṭu 10 4-Āvatu

kāliyūr-k-kōṭṭattu taṉ kūṟṟu śiva-cūḷāmaṇi-maṅkalam-ākiya śrī-vikramābharaṇa-ścaturvveti-maṅkalattu sabhaiyōm Eḻuttu

cōḻa-nāṭṭu teṉ-karai tiru-vaḻuntūr-nāṭṭu kaḻaṉi-vāyil kaḻaṉi-yil-uṭaiyāṉ peṟṟāṉ ātitta Emm-uūr puvaṉi-māṇikka-viṣṇugr̥hattu para ma-svāmikaḷukku tiru-nanta-ṉa-puṟattukku Ivaṉ vilai koṇṭu vaitta bhūmi taṟutampa-vāykkālukku vaṭakku pakaṭikku teṟkum perumāṉ-aṭi-vatikku mēṟku Otimukkibhrāmta-kramavittaṉ pakkal vilai koṇṭa viḷai-nilam paṅkiṭṭa kōlāl 5 100 3 10 8 kuḻiyum

Ivaṉē-y nanta-vāṉattukku sabhaiyōm pakkal vilai koṇṭa nilam muṭumpai canticca-kramar ku ṟṟ-ētta-vāykkālukku mēṟkkum Āṟṟukku vaṭakkum Oru kōl vaḻi nīkki Itaṟku kuriaivu śrī-nārāyaṇa-Akkigniśāarma-kramar pula ttukku kiḻakku muṭumpai cantirācca-tampiyum uḷḷiṭṭārkku teṟku paṅkiṭṭa kōlāl 5 100 1 kuḻiyum

ñca ṭṭa-paṭṭa nilattukku kraya-dravyamum Iṟai-dravyamum Aṟa-k-koṇṭu In-nanta-ṉamum nanta-vāṉa-puṟamum ścantdrāditya-val ḻi Iṟai-Ili-y-āka Iṟai Iḻicci ślśilā-le kai ceytu kuṭuttōm sabhaiyōm

sabhaiyuḷḷ iruntu paṇi kēṭṭē Eḻutiṉēṉ madhyastthan· nāl-āyirava makaṉ Āyiratt-iru-nūṟṟuvaṉ-ārkiya brahma-kuṇā kara-vijdyā-sthāna-makalātitta-samañcasa-priya-ēṉ

ścaturvveti-maṅkalattu śaturvvetimaṅkalattu notes: rvve looks almost like se; read caturvedi. cōḻanāṭṭu cōḻaṇāṭṭu notes: Read coḻanāṭṭu or coṇāṭṭu. °vijdyā-sthāna-makalātitta-samañcasa° °vijyāsthānamakalātittasamañcasa° notes: Read vidyāsthānamaṅgalādityasamañjasa.

Hail! Prosperity! In the 14th year of the reign of king Rājarāja-Kesarivarman, who, having destroyed the ships at Cālai, conquered Vēṅkai-ññāḍṭu, Kaṅka-pāṭi, Taṭiya-vaḻi and Nuḷampa-pāṭi. The writing of us, the assembly of Śivacūḷāmaṇimaṅgala, alias Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-caturvedimaṅgala, a village in its own subdivision of Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam.

Kaḻaṉivāyil-uṭaiyāṉ Peṟṟāṉ Ātittaṉ of Kaḻaṉivāyil, a village in Tiruvaḻuntūr-nāṭu, a district on the southern bank of the Kāvērī in Cōḻa-nāṭu, had purchased from Otimukkibhrānta-Kramavittaṉ 538 kuḻis of cultivated land, measured by a graduated rod, to the north of the Taṟutampa channel,The same channel was mentioned in No. 2, line 4. to the south of Pakaṭi, and to the west of the road to the temple of the god perumāṉ-aṭi, and had assigned this land for the maintenanceThe term puṟam occurs again in No. 4, line 8, and in No. 12, line 6. of a flower-garden nantavāṉam to the god paramasvāmin of the Puvaṉimāṇikka-Viṣṇugr̥ha in our village.

The same person had purchased from us, the assembly, for a flower-garden, 501 kuḻis of land, measured by a graduated rod, to the west of the irrigation channelLiterally, ‘the channel (from which water is drawn by) small levers;’ on kuṟṟ-ēttam see Vol. II. p. 360, note 4. of Muṭumpai Cantirācca-Kramar, to the north of the river, to the east of the field of Śrīnārāyaṇa-Agniśarma-Kramar with the exception of a road of the breadth of one rod, and to the south of the field of Muṭumpai Cantirācca-Tampiyum-Uḷḷiṭṭār.The expression uḷḷiṭṭār, ‘partners,’ occurs in Vol. I. Nos. 54 and 71, and in Vol. II. p. 115.

Having received in full the purchase-money and the revenue of the land and having exempted this flower-garden and the land assigned for the maintenance of the flower-garden from taxes for as long as the moon and the sun exist, we, the assembly, engraved this on stone.

Having been present in the assembly and having heard their order, I, the arbitrator Āyirattirunūṟṟuvaṉ, alias Brahmaguṇākaravidyāsthāna-Maṅgalāditya-Samañjasapriyaṉ, the son of Nālāyiravaṉ, wrote this.The inscription No. 2 was written by the same person. Prosperity !

Prosperity! Fortune!

14th year of ...,

Writ of ...

The land that ... has given ... is 538 kuḻis ...


We, the members of the assembly have given ...



Reported in (ARIE/1892-1893/B/1893/21).

Edited in , with English translation (SII 3.3).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on .

5-6 3 13 B/1893 21