Kōlār, Kōlārammā, time of Rājakesarivarman Rājarāja, year 22 intellectual authorship of edition Emmanuel Francis EpiDoc Encoding Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Aubervilliers DHARMA_INSTamilOutsideTN00006

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Copyright (c) 2019-2026 by Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMAbase Donation of a village for Piṭāriyār of Kuvaḷālam.

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The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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svasti śrī

ko-rājakēsari-pammar-āna Uṭaiyār śrī-rājarāja-devarkku yāṇṭu 2 10 2-Āvatu kaṅkāsāyirattu-k kuvaḷāla-nāṭṭu-k kuvaḷālattu-p piṭāriyārku-t tiru-c-ceṉnapep-puṟam-āka It-tēvarai Ārātikkum civa-brāhmaṇan kauśikaṉ pu ḷiṭṭa bhaṭṭaṉ kaiyyil dhārai Aṭṭi-k kuṭutt-aruḷina deva-tāṉam kuvaḷāla-nāṭṭu Aṟaiyūrai sarvva-bādhā-parihāram-āka-k kuṭutt-aruḷinār

°panmar° °pammar° kaṅkāsāyirattuk kaṅkāsāyarattuk tirucceṉnapeppuṟamāka t cce na pempuṟam pu sarvva° sarva

Edited and translated in (EC 10 Kl 106b).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on EFEO pictures (2004, 2017).

Kl 106b