Kōlār, Kōlārammā, no king, no year intellectual authorship of edition Emmanuel Francis EpiDoc Encoding Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Aubervilliers DHARMA_INSTamilOutsideTN00010

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Copyright (c) 2019-2026 by Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMAbase Foundation of a pīṭam (Sanskrit pīṭha), that is an altar or a pedestal.

No distinction between e and ē, nor between o and ō.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.

Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_idListMembers_v01.xml file.

Creation of the file
svasti śrī

Ip-piīṭañ ceyvittān AĀṇṭakku ṭaiyāṉ mātavaṉ pōr-ēṟu

°piīṭañ. piṭañ AĀṇṭakkuṭaiyāṉ Aṇṭaṭaiyāṉ See AĀṇṭakkuṭaiyāṉ in TIOTN 13 (EC 10 Kl 109b).

Prosperity! Fortune!

He who had this pīṭam made is Mātavaṉ, Lord of AĀṇṭakkuṭi, the fighting bull.

The same individual—Mātavaṉ, Lord of AĀṇṭakkuṭi, the fighting bull—is the donor of a pillar in TIOTN 13 (EC 10 Kl 109b).

Edited and translated in (EC 10 Kl 109b).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on EFEO pictures (2004, 2017).

Kl 109b