Nallūr, Vilvāraṇyeśvara, Kullotuṅga Cōḻa king, year 24 Intellectual authorship of edition Renato Dávalos Emmanuel Francis EpiDoc Encoding Renato Dávalos Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSTamilNadu00046

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Emmanuel Francis & Vincent Tournier.

DHARMAbase Seems to record the appointment of Būmāḻvi, daughter of Poṟkōyil-Naṅgai, as the devaraḍiyāḷ of the temple for performing the śākkai on festival occasions and to sing the Tiruvempāvai kaṭai-k-kāppu, before the deity on certain terms details lost on the demise of one Uṭaiyanācci, alias Kulottuṅga Cōḻa-māṇikkam, daughter of Tiruvēkampa-Naṅkai.

No distinction between e and ē, o and ō.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.

Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.

Creation of the file

tiripuvaṉa-c-cakkara-varttikaḷ ciī-kulōttuṅka-cōḻa-tēvarkku yāṇṭu 2 10 4-vatu

muṉṉal āraiāṇṭu Ik-kōyi lil tēvaraṭiyāl tiru-vekamaṭṭā nakai makaḷ Uṭaiya-nācci -y-āṉa kulōttuṅka-cōḻa-māṇikkam mariccttu I nāyanār-k kōyil tēvaraṭiyāril nācci-y-āṉa poṟ-kōyil naṅkai makaḷ pūmāḻvi-y-āṉa Aṉa kattukku tiruvaēmpāvai kaṭu-k kaṭai-k-kāppu tiru-v-eḻucci tiru-c-cā kkaai kāṇ ṅ kaṭu Ivaḷ ṇṭāka

Reported in (ARIE/1939-1943/B/1940-1941/160).

94 160 B/1940-1941