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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by G. Vijayavenugopal.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
nam pērāl kaṭṭiṉa kō-taṇṭa-rāmaṉ cantikku Amutu-paṭi cāt=tu-p-paṭi Uḷḷiṭṭa n
kaḷukkum nām piṟanta nāḷ pūcam tīttam-āka-k kaṭṭiṉa puraṭṭāti-t tiru-nāḷukku tiru-nāḷ-c ce
k-kōyil pala tiru-p-paṇik=kum Uṭal-āka I
Āka nilam Iru-patt-aṟu vēliyum kaṇṇaṅ-kuṭi nilam Eṇ vēliyum kutta-maṅkalam nilam n
lam Iraṇṭ' aṟaiyum neṭuṅ-kāṭu nilam mū
patiṉ mūṉṟ-āvatu Etir ām āṇṭu tai-
varuṅ kaṭamai Antarāyam kāriya-Āṭci nel-vari poṉ-vari kācu-kaṭamai māvaṭai puṉ-payir
taṟi-Iṟai cekk-iṟai taṭṭoli
-pāṭṭam kāṇikkai kĀRttikai-p paccai mañca mali Ōlai Eḻuttu viṉipōkam vācal pēṟu I
lāñcaṉa-p pēṟu veṭṭi nīraṇi Āḷttaram Utaiccu-t tāḻvu Āṉai-c-cālai-t tiraip panti tari
ṭṭa maṟṟum Eppēṟpaṭṭa Iṟaikaḷum tēvaikaḷum I
Ip-ppaṭikku Iv
v-ōlai piṭi-pāṭ' āka-k koṇṭu cantirātitta-varaiyum celvat' āka kallilum cempilum veṭṭi-k-ko
ṇṭu I
maṟṟum E
pōtavum pāṟka
yāṇṭu patiṉ mūṉṟ-āvatu Etir ām āṇṭu nāḷ
Edited (18 lines; line 19 not edited) in
This edition by G. Vijayavenugopal (2019). Curated by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on photos (N. Ramaswamy, 2016).