Nākappaṭṭiṉam, bronze label EpiDoc Encoding Emmanuel Francis intellectual authorship of edition Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSTamilNadu00302

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Emmanuel Francis & Vincent Tournier.

DHARMAbase Label on a Buddhist bronze.

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The Nāyaka Buddha, the lord of Buddhist forum of theological debate.Cf. Madurai caṅkappalakai.

The glorious Lord of the stage araṅkamThat is, Sanskrit raṅga..

's suggestion that the Buddha is here the lord of Buddhist forum of theological debate with reference to the Maturai caṅkappalakaiSee MTL, s.v. caṅkappalakai: Miraculous seat capable of accommodating only deserving scholars, believed to have been granted by Śiva at Madurai to the Sangam poets. appears far-fetched. It seems that the Buddha is presented here as a rival of Viṣṇu, known as Raṅganātha, "the Lord of the stage," in his famous temple on the Śrīraṅga island at Trichy.

See Tamil Nadu 381.

Edited in , with a facsimile.

Edited and translated here by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on and the facsimile therein.

TBC XIV, no. 2 106 III, no. 2