Tiruvāvaṭutuṟai, Gomuktīśvara, label intellectual authorship of edition Emmanuel Francis EpiDoc Encoding Emmanuel Francis DHARMA Aubervilliers DHARMA_INSTiruvavatuturai10011

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMAbase Label inscription to the sculpture, which is above to the left of the inscription on a pilaster and represents a man worshipping a liṅga with a woman behind him.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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Ik-kōyilil Oru pa ṭai ceyviccttu Iñ-ñn-ni ṉṟāṉ varampūcal u ṭaiyāṉ Eḻuvaṉ can=ti rātittaṉ

Ivaṉ piṉ pē niṉṟāḷ periyavēḷa ttu peṇṭāṭṭi nakkaṉ va ṇṇātt-aṭikaḷ

He who stands here,That is, the man worshipping a liṅga represented in the sculpture, which is above to the left of the inscription on a pilaster and represents a man worshipping a liṅga with a woman behind him. having had a tier paṭai made in this temple, is Eḻuvaṉ CantirātittaṉSanskrit Candrāditya. of Varampūcal.

She who stands behind him is Nakkaṉ Vaṇṇāttaṭikaḷ, a servant lady peṇṭāṭṭi of the palace periya vēḷam.

The labelled portraits are portraits 6 and 7 in (pp. 127-128 and fig. 8).

Reported in (ARIE/1924-1925/B/1925/106).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on photos (EFEO, 2006; E. Francis, 2024) and autopsy (2024).

ASI transcript and estampage, if any, yet to be consulted.

24 B/1925 106