Ashmolean Museum Metal Vase of Attākaradeva EpiDoc Encoding Ryosuke Furui Arlo Griffiths intellectual authorship of edition Ryosuke Furui Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Tokyo DHARMA_INSBengalCharters00123

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jayati jina-muniḥ surāsurāṇāṅ gurur avilaṅghita-śāsanopahātmatyā. jayati sugati-kāraṇañ ca dharmmo jayati ca pūjya-tapaś cirāya saṁghaḥ. dhairyāvadhārita-samasta-vipakṣa-cakro vakretara-prakr̥tir asta-madādi-doṣaḥ. yaḥ sāmyam eti caritaiḥ sugatasya so ’yam attākaro jayati bhūpatir ūrjjita-śrīḥ.

sa khalu vividha-maṇi-ratna-prasava-bhūmitayā ramaṇīyatayā copahasita-surendra-purād varddhamāna-purāT rājādhirājaḥ samara-mr̥gāṅka-dvitīya-nāmā śrīmān attākaradevaḥ kuśalī. Ihaiva harikelā-maṇḍale yathākāla-bhāvino bhūpatīn rāja-putra-rāṇaka-ṭhakkurān ākṣapaṭalikādi-sarvva-rāja-karmmiṇo vrāhmaṇa-mānanā-pūrvvakaṁ mānayati vodhayati samājñāpayati ca. matam astu bhavatāM.

gurum iva janam āryan devatāvad-guruñ ca priyatamam iva dīnāN prāṇavad-vandhu-varggaM. gaṇayati guṇa-bhārākrānti-vaddho ’tinamras tri-śaraṇa-dr̥ḍha-vuddhiḥ sādhu-śavdaika-vācyaḥ.. paruṣa-vacasi mūkaḥ satya-vāde paṭīyāN sumatir anagha-janmā yo viśuddha-sva-bhāvaḥ. suta Iha sahadevo nāma kalyāṇadevāt samajani varadevyāṁ vuddhadevasya pautraḥ.

tena prāpta-pañcamahāśavdena mahāpratihāra-śrī-sahadevena mātā-pitror ātmanaḥ sakalasya ca satva-rāśer anuttarāyāḥ samyak-samvodher adhigamaika-hetoḥ puṇyasyābhivr̥ddhyai bhagavantaṁ sakala-surāsurendra-vr̥nda-vandita-caraṇāravinda-yugalaṁ munīndra-bhaṭṭārakam uddiśya maṭhikā kāritā. tasyāṁ sthāpitasya tathāgata-bhaṭṭārakasya yathā-vidhi pūjā-pravarttanāya vela-vihāra-samvaddha-sthāvirīya-nikāya-pratipannārya-bhikṣu-saṁghasya cīvara-piṇḍapāta-śayanāsana-glāna-bhaiṣajyādi-sampādanāya tad-āyatanasya ca pratisaṁskārāya larāvr̥hat-tad-upāṅge nava-caṭa-samvaddhāśīti-padika-mera-trayaM. Asya sīmānaḥ pūrvveṇa kuvāsī jolābhimās paścimayor muñcan muñcan nava-caṭopayamāna-kṣetrañ ca. Uttareṇa śilā mahiḥ. turpuṅga-puṣke vr̥ddha-rnava-caṭa-samvaddha-kṣetram ekaM. Asya sī śaśa. paśūmyeśrīmānuvīṭhi paścimartanāñ ca nava-caṭṭopajāyamāna-kṣetrañ ca. Uttareṇa taye taM. śavā|.bhūsośregatyā rtyaṁ* nyadhasāndavepyatr̥ghā yaśādhavehāra laluppratakolapāṭaṣidiśau śilāpadbhiḥ. natta pijoḍe kārada-dhisāṁ vādharā saṁvāsaāvasarataḥ prāpi-catvāriṁśat-padādhikāśīti-pādrakāṭapāṁ* kārada-Indranātha-saṁva-pañcadaśa-padāni. kārada-Amhela-sa-dadavelaṣa-pañcadaśa-padānisarvvaṇḍe sate va-dharmma-dattena kārita-prayiśayargga-kṣetraṁ yasyābhīra-chattrayā tāmra-sthityā vandya-sthavira-dharmmadatta-haste pratipāditaM. tad iyaṁ sthitiḥ sarvvadā sarvvair eva yuṣmābhiḥ paripālanīyā.

taḍigt iva cañcalā lakṣmīr aniyatam api jīvitaṁ janasyeti. paricintya kīrttir eṣā pālyā śreyo 'rthibhiḥ puruṣaiḥ.

dharmmaśāstre ca paṭhyate.

svarggaḥ pālayatāṁ kīrttiṁ nara-hastām icchayiyāT. Iti matvā sadā sadbhiḥ pālyā kīrttiḥ prayatnataḥ.

praśastir iyaṁ sāndhi-śrī-Ādityasenasya. khanika śapratriloka Iti|.


bhūyo ’pi mahāpratīhāra-śrī-sahadeva-maṭhika-śākya-vuddha-bhaṭṭārakasya pūjārthaM turpuṅgapota-śaṁśāsyāṁ nava-caṭa-samvaddhāśīti-padika-kṣetra-mera-catuṣṭayaM ratna-traya-tāmra-sthityā ’smābhir dattaM nāgadatta-samvaddha-guvā-vr̥kṣādi-vāṭikā ca dattā.

Main Body -śāsanopahātmatyā-śāsanāpahatātmā jayati ca jayati sa -tapaś-dhāmaś ūrjjita-urjjita- copahasita-thāpahasita- -purāTpurād -guruñ ca-gurun ca paruṣa-The first akṣara shows a trace of correction. sumatisupatir -samvaddha--samvaddha- larāvr̥hat-tad-upāṅgenarāvr̥hattadvaṇṇāṅge -caṭa--caṭṭa- -samvaddhāśīti-padika-mera-trayaMsamvaddhāśā bhimāsseemingly later overwriting, original could be . dakṣiṇa- muñcan muñcanpuñcan-puñcan- mahiḥ-pāhiḥ turpuṅga-puṣke vr̥ddha-rnava-turpuṅgama-kṣetra nava- Here later scribblings are engraved in two lines each of which has five mostly unreadable akṣaras. takolata-kāla saṁvāsaāvasarataḥsaṁvāsa-vasanataḥ -padādhikāśīti-pādrakā-pādā pāṭakā -saṁva--saṁpa- kārada-Amhela-bharāda amhela- sate va-dharmma-dattena kārita-prayiśayaThe last ten akṣaras or so are squeezed in a narrow space between lines 14 and 16, and the followed by blank space merged with that of line 14. GB opines that the line between cross signs was added between lines 14 and 16. yasyāyathā yuṣmābhiḥyuṣmābhir paripālanīyāparipālanīya taḍigt ivatad iyam iva nara-hastām icchayiyāTnaraka-sthiti yāT
Rim Misreading this sign as T, GB starts the text with nava-caṭṭa-samvaT bhūyo ’pi. But the sign indicates the place where the text is meant to begin. -śaṁśāsyāṁ-śaṁghaṭasyāṁ -caṭa--caṭṭa-The second consonant is the same as the second in -vāṭikā in line 2. -samvaddhāśīti-samvaT dvāśīti- -vāṭikākā has an extra horizontal stroke above.
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Success! Welfare!

May the sage who is the winner, the teacher of deities and demons the Buddha be victorious by suppression with the teaching never transgressed! May the Dharma, the cause of good conduct, also be victorious! May the Saṁgha with venerable austerity also be victorious for long time!

May he, that king Attākaradeva of lofty glory, who has the circle of all enemies ascertained of their firmness, who has a straight character thrown off of sins like drunkenness, and who goes to the sameness as Sugata by deeds, be victorious!

From Vardhamānapura, which has the city of the king of deities Indra laughed at, by being the birth land of diverse jewels and also by its beauty, rājādhirāja illustrious Attākaradeva, healthy, who has the second name of the Moon at Battlefield Samaramr̥gāṅka, honours, announces and orders kings, rājaputras, rāṇakas and ṭhakkuras, and all the royal workers beginning with ākṣapaṭalika who would be in these positions in due time just here in Harikelā maṇḍala, with homage to brāhmaṇas beforehand as follows:

“It should be approved by you.

The one bound to the rising of a load of virtues, very humble, with the firm wisdom of the threefold refuge and to be censured only by words of the righteous, counts noble people and a teacher with divinity as if they are his father, and poor people and a group of lively friends in distress as if they are the most beloved ones.

Silent in a harsh word and fit for a true word, that intelligent one of the sinless birth has a purified natural character. Here, this son named Sahadeva, the grandson of Buddhadeva, was born from Kalyāṇadeva in Varadevī.

By that mahāpratihāra illustrious Sahadeva, who obtained the five great sounds, for the increase of merit which is the sole cause of attaining the excellent complete enlightenment of his mother and father, himself, and all sentient beings, a maṭhikā was constructed in the name of the Lord Munīndra the Buddha, venerable, whose lotus-like feet are praised by a host of all the deities and demons. For the practice of worship, according to the rule, of the Lord Tathāgata established there, for bestowing cloth, alms food, bedding, seating, medicine for the sick and so on of the saṁgha of noble bhikṣus belonging to Sthāvirīya nikāya attached to Velavihāra, and also for repairs of his abode, a group of land such as three meras of 80 padas belonging to navacaṭa in Larābr̥hat and its subdivision: its borders are to the east, the watercourse of Kuvāsī, to the south and west, a land arising from navacaṭa, moving repeatedly, to the north, a great stone; one land belonging to mature navacaṭa in Turpuṅgapuṣka: its borders are a land arising from navacaṭa, to the north, with fallings of stones kārada Dhi 80 pādrakas added with 40 padas reaching to and bypassing the house 15 padas belonging to kārada Indranātha; 15 padas of Dadavelaṣa belonging to kārada Amhela, all constructed by Dharmadatta , with its shed of cowherds, was given in the hand of adorable elder Dharmadatta by the custom of copper plate. So this ordinance should always be protected by all of you.”

Thinking that wealth is unsteady like lightning and the life of a man is uncertain, this meritorious deed should be protected by people longing for the better.

It is also taught in Dharmaśāstra as follows:

“Heaven should protect the deed of fame and desire it to be in the hand of a man.” Having thought as such, a deed of fame should always be protected by good people with effort.

This eulogy is of sāndhivigrahika illustrious Ādityasena. Engraver is triloka.


Success! Again, for worship of the Lord Śākya Buddha of the maṭha of mahāpratīhāra illustrious Sahadeva, at Śaṁśāsī of Turpuṅgapota, fourfold meras of land of 80 padas belonging to navacaṭa was given by us with the rule of copper plate of the Three Jewels. A small garden with areca nut trees and so on belonging to Nāgadatta was also given.

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GB wrongly identified the meter of the stanza 1 as Āryā.

First edited and published by Gouriswar Bhattacharya, when it was held by a private collector. Now re-edited by Arlo Griffiths and Ryosuke Furui based on the reading from the photographs taken by Adeline Levivier at Ashmolean Museum, the present custodian, in June 2022.