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            <title>Chaprakot Stone Slab of the Time of Gopāla IV, year 9</title>
               <resp>EpiDoc Encoding</resp>
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               <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
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            <idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSBengalCharters00045</idno>
               <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
                  <p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported
							Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit
							https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to
							Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
							California, 94041, USA.</p>
                  <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Ryosuke
            <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
         <sourceDesc><!-- only the handDesc can be filled in at this stage -->
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                  <!-- offers the possibility to give a summary of the inscription's content -->
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                     <!-- If you need to identify individual hands (EGD §7.5/) in addition to one or more paragraphs of general palaeographic description, wrap <summary> around the <p> or <p>s above, and, outside <summary>, create <handNote> elements for each hand as follows:
						<handNote xml:id="Pallava00001_hand1"></handNote>
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            <p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
                        under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
                        agreement no 809994).</p>
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               <p>Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named
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               <p>Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the
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          <change who="part:ryfu" when="2023-11-03" status="draft">Encoding correction made.</change>
         <change when="2021-10-08" who="part:ryfu">Dandas encoded as glyphs.</change> 
         <change who="part:axja" when="2020-11-03" status="draft">Updating toward the encoding template v03</change>
         <change who="part:ryfu" when="2020-10-11">addition of markups to translation.</change>
         <change who="part:ryfu" when="2020-09-07">conversion to template v02 and some revisions in Bibliography.</change>
         <change who="part:ryfu" when="2020-08-23" status="draft">revision based on suggestions</change>
         <change who="part:argr" when="2020-08-12" status="draft">inserted further suggestions for revision</change>
         <change who="part:ryfu part:argr" when="2020-08-11" status="draft">joint round of revisions</change>
         <change who="part:argr" when="2020-08-05" status="draft">inserted suggestions for revision</change>
         <change who="part:ryfu" when="2020-08-05" status="draft">initial encoding</change>
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         <div type="edition" xml:lang="san-Latn">
         	 <p><lb n="1"/><g type="spiralR"/><!-- siddham -->namo vuddhāya<g type="ddanda">.</g></p>
             <lg n="1" met="śārdūlavikrīḍita">
                 <l n="a">bhāvābhāva-vicāra-cāra-dha<unclear>valāl</unclear><!-- ryfu2argr: dhavalāloka plausible, in view of the space between two "la"s-->oka-traya-trāyaka<unclear>ḥ</unclear><surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus></l>
                 <l n="b">dur-vvāra-smara-vikramākṣata-tapaḥ prauḍhi-pravr̥ddho<lb n="2" break="no"/>dayaḥ<g type="danda">.</g> </l>
                 <l n="c">jñānālo<unclear>ka</unclear>-niras<unclear>t</unclear>a-moha-timiraḥ sarvvāpadām viplavaḥ<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus></l>
                 <l n="d">nairātmaika-samādhi-sādhita-vapuḥ śauddhodaniḥ pātu <lb n="3"/>vaḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
             <lg n="2" met="vasantatilakā">
                 <l n="a">Aisā<unclear>m sth</unclear>itīśa-saśarā<unclear>nvayana</unclear>tva-janmā<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus></l>
                 <!-- argr2ryfu: śra-sānti error for śrī-śānti? or maybe śra-sāstri error for śrī-śāstr̥?
                       or Aisām vi
                       maybe tī instead of dhī?
                       va of śarāva maybe rather a conjunct?
                        read rāṣṭraphalatvajanmā?                   
ā                    -->
                 <!-- ryfu2argr: Tried to reconstruct in this way. Meaning unclear.-->
                 <l n="b">ra<unclear>tna-tra</unclear>ya-p<unclear>r</unclear>aṇati-sañcita-puṇya-kośaḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
                 <l n="c">dānārttha-rakta-hr̥d-a<supplied reason="lost">bh</supplied>ijita-śa<pb n="4" break="no"/>tru-cak<unclear>raḥ</unclear><surplus><unclear><g type="danda">.</g></unclear></surplus></l>
                 <l n="d"><unclear>kalyāṇa</unclear>va<unclear>r</unclear>ddhana Iti prathitaḥ pr̥th<choice><sic>r̥</sic><corr>i</corr></choice>vyāṁ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
             <lg n="3" met="vasantatilakā">
                 <l n="a">teneha sādhu-caritena kuṭumvaville<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus></l>
                 <l n="b">sa<choice><orig>n</orig><reg>ṁ</reg></choice>sāra-sāgara-sa<lb n="5" break="no"/>muttaraṇo<choice><orig>cch</orig><reg>ts</reg></choice>ukena<g type="danda">.</g></l>
                 <l n="c">samvāñchatā su-rucirā<unclear>m pa</unclear>davīṁ jinasya<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus></l>
                 <l n="d">śrīmān ayaṁ ś<unclear reason="eccentric_ductus">u</unclear>cir akāri mahāvihāraḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
             <lg n="4" met="śārdūlavikrīḍita">
                 <l n="a">ta<lb n="6" break="no"/>sya śrīdharavarddhanaḥ pravikaśal-lakṣmīr abhūn nandanaḥ<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus></l>
                 <l n="b">ślāghyaḥ pāhilavarddhanaḥ sukr̥tinas tasyāpi putro ‘bhavaT<g type="danda">.</g></l>
                 <l n="c"><lb n="7"/>Etasyāpi vabhūva dhar<supplied reason="lost">mma</supplied>-<unclear>vi</unclear>naya-tyāga-praśaktaḥ sutaḥ<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus></l>
                 <l n="d">śrīmad-vikramavarddhano vara-tanur yuddhāvdhi-kumbhodbhavaḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
             <lg n="5" met="vasantatilakā">
                 <l n="a">candrāvadāta-<unclear>su</unclear><lb n="8" break="no"/>viśāla-yaśo-vitāna<unclear>ḥ</unclear></l>
                 <l n="b"><seg met="++"><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg><!-- argr2ryfu: maybe the last vowel of the gap can be supplied as follows <supplied reason="lost">o</supplied>, but it depends on whether udita is fitting in the context --><!-- ryfu2argr: yasyo most suitable in the context, but cannot ascertain, so leave as it is.-->ditākhila-nabho bh<unclear>u</unclear>vanā<unclear>ṅga</unclear>ṇena<g type="danda">.</g></l>
                 <l n="c">sandhopakāra-karaṇārppita-mānase<supplied reason="lost">na</supplied> </l>                
                 <l n="d"><unclear>dha</unclear><!-- ryfu2argr: compare with "dha" in the next line. -->nyena dāna-patinātra sata<seg met="-"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg><!-- ryfu2argr: In metrical term, what is lost here is a conjunct ending with a short vowel. --><lb n="9"/>naiva<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
                <!-- argr2ryfu: none of the following yields a sense, but I just not the kinds of syllabic structures we are looking for 
		dāna-patinā+atra sagopinaiva
		dāna-patinā+atra satāpinaiva
		dāna-patinā+atra satambinaiva
                 <!-- ryfu2argr: ab can make a sense by supplying 'yasyo', as translated below, but cd difficult with instrumental structure only. -->
             <lg n="6" met="vasantatilakā">
                 <l n="a">dharmmātmakaḥ <choice><orig>ś</orig><reg>s</reg></choice>aka<unclear>la</unclear>-sattva-ritaika-<!-- arge2ryfu: I don't understand this sequence. Maybe rita = r̥ta 'virtue, fathfulness', though this word has rather a Vedic than a classical Sanskrit ring (but is not unattested in class. Skt.). Do you clearly see ttv or is there actually only tv? What about reading sañcarita?  --><!-- ryfu2argr: santvarita possible, but does not make sense. Take rita for r̥ta seems to be the best so far. -->pātraḥ<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus></l>
                 <l n="b">pātrānurūpa-pari<unclear>poṣi</unclear><!-- ryfy2argr: paripoṣita 'nourished' most probable and suitable for a vessel. -->ta-dīna-lokaḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
                 <l n="c">lokeśa-pāda-sarasīruha-bhakti-śīlaḥ<surplus><unclear><g type="danda">.</g></unclear></surplus></l>
                 <l n="d"><unclear>śīl</unclear>ā<!-- argr2ryfu: on the photos I am looking at, I cannot read anything after bhakti-śīlaḥ, so I don't understand why you single out the ā as relatively clear, and suggest you may want to use <supplied reason="lost">śīlā</supplied> for the end of line 9 --><!-- ryfu2argr: see the relevant part of the photograph DSC_0034 provided by me. Some strokes constituting śīla visible but slight, except a vertical stroke constituting ā at the end, which is rather clear. So I put in this way.--><lb n="10" break="no"/>nvitaḥ parama-kāruṇikas tapasvī<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
             </lg><!-- ryfu2argr: this stanza is inetresting in connecting padas by beginning it with the last word of the previous one, and it also support the reconstruction of  śīlā at the end of line 9. -->
             <lg n="7" met="āryā">
                <l n="ab">sthaviraḥ kuśala-nivāsaḥ prajñā-vala-kalpita-nikhila-śama-mārggaḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l> 
                <l n="cd">mañjuśrījñāna Idaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> <unclear>cakāra ru</unclear><lb n="11" break="no"/>ciraṁ mahādvāraṁ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>               
             <lg n="8" met="āryā">
                 <l n="ab">vanaśara-tanaye<unclear>neda</unclear>ṁ<g type="danda">.</g> <unclear>go</unclear>pāla-nr̥pasya vatsare navame<g type="danda">.</g></l> 
                 <l n="cd">maṇḍanaśareṇa ghaṭitaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> vuddhimatā sva<unclear>rgga</unclear>dhā<lb n="12" break="no"/>reṇa<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
         <div type="apparatus">
                  <app loc="1">
		<rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04">va<unclear>ṭa</unclear>re loka</rdg>
                   <app loc="2">
		<rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04">jñāny-ārā<unclear>dha</unclear></rdg>
                   <app loc="3">
                       <lem>Aisā<unclear>m sth</unclear>itīśa-saśarā<unclear>nvayana</unclear>tva</lem>
                       <rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04">grāsā<unclear>sth</unclear>e dhī-śasa-śār-ā<unclear>laya-pi</unclear>tra</rdg>
	       <app loc="3">
                       <rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04">koṣaḥ</rdg>
                   <app loc="4">
                       <rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04">pr̥thavyāṁ</rdg>
                   <app loc="8">
                       <rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04">bhavan-āṅgaṇena</rdg>                       
                   <app loc="8">
                       <lem>sandhopakāra-karaṇārppita-mānase<supplied reason="lost">na</supplied></lem>
                       <rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04">sāndh-āpta-kāra-karuṇ-ārppita-mānas<unclear>o</unclear><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></rdg>
                   <app loc="8">
                       <rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/>ānyena</rdg>
                   <app loc="9">
                       <rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04">pari<unclear>moci</unclear>ta</rdg>
                   <app loc="10">
                       <rdg source="bib:Furui2013_04">cukā<unclear>ra</unclear></rdg>                       
         <div type="translation" resp="part:ryfu">
 	<p n="1">Success! Adoration to the Buddha!</p>
            <p rend="stanza" n="1">The protector of the three beautiful views in the dispute over existence, non-existence and fetter, who has asceticism unbroken by the irresistible valour of Smara <supplied reason="explanation">Kāma</supplied> and rising with increased greatness, may Śuddhodana’s son <supplied reason="explanation">the Buddha</supplied>, with darkness of ignorance expelled by the lustre of wisdom, who is the destruction of all distresses, with essence accomplished by contemplation only on the voidness, protect you!</p>
            <p rend="stanza" n="2">The one born in the lineage of arrow-holding king of these(?), who is the storehouse of merit accumulated by salutation to the three jewels, who has mind devoted to the profit of donation, and who has his enemy circle totally conquered, is known as Kalyāṇavardhana on the earth.</p>
            <p rend="stanza" n="3">Here at Kuṭumvavilla, this illustrious radiant mahāvihāra was made by this man of good conduct, who is desirous of crossing the ocean of worldly existence, wishing the beautiful path of the Victor <supplied reason="explanation">the Buddha</supplied>.</p>
            <p rend="stanza" n="4">His son was Śrīdharavardhana with expanding wealth. Also the son of this virtuous one was praiseworthy Pāhilavardhana. To him also was born the son occupied with law, discipline and donation, illustrious Vikramavardhana, having a beautiful body, who was the Pitcher-born <supplied reason="explanation">Agastya</supplied> for the ocean of battles.</p>
            <p rend="stanza" n="5">The heap of <supplied reason="subaudible">his</supplied> fame, clean like moon and very large, <supplied reason="subaudible">rose to</supplied> whole the sky by going <supplied reason="subaudible">around</supplied> the world. … then by the fortunate donor who has the mind fixed upon the action of vow and favour.</p>
            <p rend="stanza" n="6">He <supplied reason="explanation">Mañjuśrījñāna</supplied> is religious-minded, the only vessel of all the truth and faith. He has this poor world nourished, as suitable for <supplied reason="subaudible">such</supplied> a vessel. He is disposed to the devotion to the lotus that is feet of the lord of the world <supplied reason="explanation">the Buddha</supplied>. He is the ascetic accompanied by discipline and extremely compassionate.</p>
            <p rend="stanza" n="7">Mañjuśrījñāna, the elder, the abode of benevolence and having the way of tranquility prepared by the power of wisdom, made this radiant great gate.</p>
            <p rend="stanza" n="8">In the ninth year of the king Gopāla, this <supplied reason="subaudible">inscription</supplied> was accomplished by Maṇḍanaśara, the son of Vanaśara, having wisdom and holding the heaven.</p>
         <div type="commentary">
            <!--commentary encoded as per section §9.3 -->
        <div type="bibliography">
           <p>First edited unsatisfactorily by S. C. Mukherji <bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Mukherji2001_01"/></bibl>, then edited by Ryosuke Furui <bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Furui2013_04"/></bibl> with translation and study. Re-edited here by Ryosuke furui from the photographs taken by himself on 22/07/2017 and Adeline Levivier on 11/11/2019. Due to the poor condition of editing, S. C. Mukherji's edition is not consulted here.</p>
        	<listBibl type="primary">
		<bibl n="RF"><ptr target="bib:Furui2013_04"/></bibl>
           <listBibl type="secondary">
              <bibl><ptr target="bib:Mukherji2001_01"/></bibl>