Nimgachi Stone Slab OF Pāhila EpiDoc Encoding Ryosuke Furui Ryosuke Furui Ryosuke Furui DHARMA Tokyo DHARMA_INSBengalCharter00044

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Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya||

bhakti-prahva-viriñci-śaṅkara-surādhīśādi-nākaukasāṁ| cūḍā-ratna-marīci-cumvi-caraṇāmbho-jas tri-lokīśvaraḥ| gandharvvāpsarasāṁ gaṇaiḥ kṛta-nutiḥ saṁravdha-saṁgītakaiḥ| śaśvad yacchatu maṅgalāni bhavate lakṣmī-sanātho hariḥ|| cakraṁ kvāsya gadā kva cāsir amalaḥ śārṅgaṁ kva carmmeṣavo hantā kena raṇe hiraṇyakaśipor astreṇa cittraṁ mahaT| Itthaṁ vyākula-cetasāṁ na marutām udyanti yāvad giras tāvat tīkṣṇa-nakhāgra-bhinna-danujaḥ kaṁsārir anyotsavaḥ|| yasyāḥ surāsura-naroraga-rājya-lābhāt·| saṁpattayo vahu-vidhā jagati prasādāT| sā kaiṭabhāri-hṛdaya-sthala-vāsinī śrīḥ kalyāṇam āvahatu vo jagad-eka-vandyā| sarasvatī-saṁbhava-pāvanīkṛte śriyānvite bhaṭṭalanāmni maṇḍale| dvijāti-veda-dhvani-yajña-karmmabhir nnirasta-sarppat-kali-kāla-kalmaṣe|| tattrādhipaḥ samabhavaj jagad-ekavīraḥ śrī-pañcabhūtir iti viśruta-nāma-dheyaḥ| Adyāpi saṅgara-kathāsu sadaiva yasya rekhāḥ pṛthor iva vudhāḥ prathamaṁ likhanti|| tasyānvaye bhaṭṭaladeśa-nāyakaḥ śrī-karkkarājaḥ prathito mahāvalaḥ| Āsīd yaśovarmma-nṛpaika-vallabho mittra-dvija-jñāti-suhṛt-samāśrayaḥ|| karppūrasyātibhogena pradānenātiyogataḥ| yasya cakre janair nnāma karppūra Iti cāparaṁ|| tasmād ajāyata jagat-spṛhaṇīya-karmmā śrīmān udāra-caritaḥ śivarudra-nāmā| śliṣṭaṁ śriyā yam abhivīkṣya śaśāṅkāa-śubhrā pāraṅgatā jalanidheḥ kupiteva kīrttiḥ|| bhottebhaṭṭārikāyām asadṛśa-mahimā tasya plautro vabhūva śūraḥ śrī-pāhilākhyaḥ sakala-guṇa-gaṇa-khyāta-kīrttir mmanasvī| yasmin rājyaṁ nidhāyākhila-viṣaya-sukhaṁ sevate tyakta-cinto devaḥ śrī-devapālaḥ sa-mada-ripu-vala-strī-vilāsāpanodaḥ|| bhakto deva-guru-dvijātiṣu sadā snigdhaḥ suhṛn-mitrayor bhogī sarvva-janopabhogya-vibhavo namraḥ pratāpotkaṭaḥ| gāmbhīryasya nidhānam apratihataṁ dhairyasya cāmbho-nidhir yasyoddāma-yaśo-vitāna-pihitaṁ jātaṁ nabhaḥ pāṇḍaraṁ*|| tenāsmin kalikāla-kalmaṣa-muṣā kīrttiṁ sthirāṁ tatnvatā lakṣmī-nātha-samarppitācala-dhiyā tad-bhaktimadbhyaḥ sadā| sampaj-jīvita-yauvanāni capalāny ālocya dharmmaṁ sthiraṁ dattaḥ pravrajitebhya Eṣa vivudha-sthānānukārī maṭhaḥ|| yāvac candra-kalā vibhāti giriśe yāvat prabhā bhāskare lakṣmīr yāvad adhokṣajasya vasati premālasā vakṣasi| nakṣatra-graha-cakravāla-vimalaṁ* yāvan nabho rājate tāvat kīrttir ihātanontu vipulā śrī-pāhilasya sthirā||

Utkīrṇṇaṁ khānikara-dakkadāsena ḥ

prahvaprajña cittraṁvittaṁ danujaḥdanūjaḥThe same of nu does seem a bit unusual. Cf. the shapes at the end of l. 8, and in l. 14. sthalasathala voyo saṁbhavasambhava tattrādhipaḥtatrādhipaḥ pañcabhūtirpañcahūtirIn a note to his 1997 edition, the previous editor confidently rejects the possibility of reading pañcabhūtir. However, the akṣara in question looks more like bhū than like hū. mittramitra spṛhaṇīyaspṛhanīya abhivīkṣyaThe intended reading is certainly abhivīkṣya, but the last akṣara has not been properly executed. śaśāṅkāa-śubhrāśaśāṅka pāraṅga pāram tā bhottedottedyotte plautroputro mmanasvīmahaśvi nidhāyākhilabhidhayākhila pāṇḍaraṁ*pāṇḍāraṁ muṣāmṛṣā tatnvatāvatvatā bhaktimadbhyaḥbhaktimarghaḥ ālocyaālokya kārīkarī yāvanyāvn ihātanontuihātanotu

Success! Oṁ, salutation to Bhagavat Vāsudeva!

The master of the three world, whose lotus-like feet are kissed by rays of light from crown jewels of residents of sky (gods) beginning with Viriñci (=Brahmā), Śaṅkara and the Lord of Gods (=Indra), bowing with devotion, may Hari, who is endowed with Lakṣmī and praised by the group of gandharvas and apsarases singing with excitement, always go to the luck for you!

“By which weapon, his disk, mace, spotless sword, bow or shield and arrow, did the slayer of Hiraṇyakaśipu at the battle (made) a great wonder?” As long as such a song of Maruts with agitated mind does not rise, the enemy of Kaṁsa (=Kṛṣṇa, Viṣṇu), who tore the son of Danu by sharp tips of his claw, would have another celebration.

Because of whose favour, the acquisition of kingship of gods, demons, humans and snakes, there are prosperities in manifold ways in this world, may this Śrī, the resident of the chest of the enemy of Kaiṭabha (=Viṣṇu) and only one respectable in the world, catch you, the handsome!

In the maṇḍala named Bhaṭṭala, which was cleansed by the union with Sarasvatī, accompanied by Śrī, where the stain of creeping Kali period was expelled by brahmins, sound of vedas and rituals.

There, the sole hero of the world with the well-known name as illustrious Pañcabhūti became the lord. Even now, in the narratives of battles, sages always write his delineations first as if these were Pṛthu’s (delineations).

In his lineage was known the leader of Bhaṭṭala deśa illustrious Karkarāja, with great strength. He was the sole friend of king Yaśovarman and the shelter of friends, brahmins, kinsmen and allies.

Because of the strong connection with excessive enjoyment and donation of camphor, his another name, Karpūra, was made by people.

From him was born the one with actions desirable in the world and noble deeds named Śivarudra, the illustrious. Seeing him embraced by Śrī, the fame bright as the moon, which reached the other shore of the ocean was as if provoked.

To Bhottebhaṭṭārikā was born his son with unlike greatness, the hero named illustrious Pāhila, having the fame known by the collection of all the virtues and wise. After depositing the kingdom to him, the king illustrious Devapāla, abandoning anxiety, enjoys pleasure of all the territories / objects of senses, removing beauty of the wives of the excited enemy troops.

He is devoted to gods, gurus and brahmins, always affectionate to both ally and friend, enjoying the wealth to be enjoyed by all the people, humble and endowed with valour. He is the indestructible storehouse of generosity, and also the ocean of intelligence. Covered by the heap of his unbound fame, the sky became white.

Here, by him, who extend firm fame destroying stain of Kali age, and whose unshaken thought is placed on the master of Lakṣmī (=Viṣṇu), after reflecting upon that success, life and youth are inconstant and that dharma is stable, this maṭha, which imitates the abode of gods, was given to ascetics who always had devotion to him.

As long as the ray of the moon shines at the master of mountain (=Śiva), as long as splendor is in the sun, as long as Lakṣmī, idle in love, dwells on the chest of the one born under the axle (=Viṣṇu), as long as clean multitude of constellations and planets shine in the sky, may abundant and stable fame of illustrious Pāhila here expand!

(This is) engraved by engraver Dakkadāsa.