Pillar from monastic hall of site 1 at Nagarjunakonda — presumably of the reign of Siri-Vīrapurisadatta EpiDoc Encoding John Doe intellectual authorship of edition John Doe Conversion of encoding for DHARMA John Doe DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSEIAD00039

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by .

Pillar from monastic hall of site 1 at Nagarjunakonda — presumably of the reign of Siri-Vīrapurisadatta Arlo Griffiths Arlo Griffiths Vincent Tournier Stefan Baums Ingo Strauch assistance with XML encoding and metadata verification Chloé Chollet assistance with XML encoding and metadata verification Marine Schoettel digital humanities consultant Emmanuelle Morlock digital humanities consultant Andrew Ollett

First digital edition made by École française d'Extrême-Orient (Paris, France), realized in collaboration with the HiSoMA Research Centre (Lyon, France) and hosted by TGIR Huma-Num (France) as Early Inscriptions of Āndhradeśa, in 2015-2017.

Early Inscriptions of Āndhradeśa DHARMA_INSEIAD00039

Copyright (c) 2017 by Stefan Baums, Arlo Griffiths, Ingo Strauch and Vincent Tournier.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

DHARMAbase EFEO EIAD 39 Nagarjunakonda Museum 506

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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EIAD file transformed to follow the DHARMA encoding structure. Metadata extracted to be checked and updated according DHARMA workflow. Done through XSLT.
virupakhapatimahāsenaparigahitasa °agihotāgiṭhomavājapeyāsamedhayājisa padāyisa savathesu °apatihatasaṁkapasa siṭhīputasa °ikhākusa siṭhīputasa pukinaṁ kaṁdasirisa bhariyā khaṁdasāgaraṁṇakamātā °ikhākunaṁ sirivirapurisadatasa °āyuvadhanīke vejayike ca °apano °ubhayakulasa °atichita m anāgatavaṭamānakakapanīke ca dhātuvaraparigahitasa macetiyadamūle °aparamavinaselina parigahe bhikhusaṁghasa patiṭhapita ti
°ikhākusapūkiyānaṁVogel's restoration would be out of place at this stage of the formula. The word pūkiyānaṁ indeed figures in its expected place in l. 3.-sāgaraṁṇaka--sāgaraṁnakaanāgatavaṭamānakaanāgatavaṭamānakeEmend -mānake.°aparamavinaselina°aparamahāvinaseliyānaṁpatiṭhapitatipatiṭhapitaṁ ti

... of Vāsiṭṭhīputta the Ikṣvāku, favored (by Mahāsena who has Virūpākṣa as his lord,) sacrificer (of the Agnihotra, the Agniṣṭoma, the Vājapeya and the Aśvamedha), giver of … whose will (is unimpeded) in all matters; wife of (...) Vāsiṭṭhīputta Kandasiri of the Pūkīyas, mother of Khandasāgaraṇṇaka, for the increase of the life-span and the victorious reign of Siri-Vīrapurisadatta of the Ikṣvākus ... to the past, future and present members of her own family on both sides and to nikapanīka ... established ... at the base of the Great Shrine of him who is ensconced in the excellent relic [or: element (i.e., nirvāṇadhātu)] for the community of monks, in the possession of the Aparamahāvinaseliyas.

As observed by , there are traces of a line before his l. 1 in M2 (our face B), which corresponds to our l. 2. We think our l. 1 did not cover the whole length of the line on face B, and this means that the text expected before -padāyisa (i.e. hiraṇakoṭigosatasahasahalasatasahasa-) might not have been represented. See also our comment on l. 2.

siṭhīputasaA part of the usual characterisation of king Cāntamūla and the general is missing here. This corresponds, in EIAD 6, ll. 4-6, to siricāṁtamūlasa sodarā bhagini raṁño sirivirapurisadatasa pituchā mahāsenapatisa mahātalavarasa. This might have been overlooked by the engraver. An alternative explanation would be that the missing text was engraved on yet a third face of the pillar, but that third face is entirely abraded.

First described and edited by : 66-67 (M2, M9). Re-edited here from the estampage published by Vogel and from our photos.

: 175 (ii, iii): nos. 27, 31: nos. Naga 20, 27: 125 (no. 22), 128 (no. 25)