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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Samana Gururaja.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_idListMembers_v01.xml file.
Internal URIs using the cal prefix to point to calendar systems in DHARMA_calendarDesc_v01.xml file.
paramēśvara-parama-bhaṭṭāraka-satyāśraya-kuḷa-tiḷakaṁ cāḷukyābharaṇaṁ
śrīmad-āhavamalla-dēvara vijaya-rājyam uttarōttarābhiv
m ā candrārkka-tārāmbaraṁ saluttam ire saka varṣa
vaiśākha suddha
pūrvada sthāna-mānyaṁ mūṟuṁ śivālayakke naḍeva piriya kōla kariya
gey-i matta
svasti samadhi-gata-pañca-mahā-śabda-pallavānvayaṁ śrī-prithvīva
llabha-pallava-kuḷa-tilak’ anēkavākyaṁ kāñcī-pura-varēśvaraṁ śrīman-vīra-no
ḷaṁba-pallava-permmānaḍi-dēvara mahādēvi śrīmadu-rēvala-dēviyar-kkā
ḷapr̥ya-dēvargge biṭṭa matta
As the victorious rule of Āhavamalla-deva — the refuge of the entire world, lord of the earth,
king of kinds, supreme lord, most venerable, ornament to the Satyāśraya family,
ornament to the Cāḷukyas — was growing, attaining new heights of prosperity; as long as the moon, sun, and stars exist in the sky,
on Thursday, the 5th day of the bright fortnight of Vaiśākha in the Vikrama Samvatsara of the year
Whether given by oneself or another, he who robs/destroys that which is another’s, for sixty thousand years he will be born as a worm in excrement
Having obtained the right to the five great titles, of the Pallava lineage, lord of the earth, ornament to the Pallava family, with many titlles,
the lord of the city of Kāñci