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Copyright (c) 2023 by Samana Gururaja.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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samasta-bhuvanāśraya śrī-prithvī-vallabha-mahārājādhirāja-paramēśvara-parama-bhaṭṭāraka-satyāśraya-kuḷa
tiḷakaṁ cāḷukyābharaṇaṁ śrīmad-āhavamalla-dēvar・
cōrāri-māriḍāmarōpasargaṁgaḷ-amaḻgisi nā
nā-dēsāḍīsaraṁ vasagata
rājyam ā candrārkka-tāraṁ saluttam ire
tat-pāda-padmōpajīvitaṁ samadhigata-paṅcamahāśabda-mahāsāma
ntan-anēkar praṇutōnnata-lalāṭa-nirīkṣaṇōpalakṣita-kadaṁbakuḷācaḷōditādityaṁ paramēsvara-makuṭa-
ghaṭṭata-caraṇāravindaṁ śākhāmr̥ga-dhvajan uttuṁga-siṁgha-lāṁchanaṁ mahā-paṭu-paṭaha-rava-prapūrṇna-di
gantarāḷa-virājamāna-caturāśīta-nagarādhiṣṭhitam himavanta-
sūtaṁ banavāsi-puravarēsvaram aṇiyaṁkakāṟa
bhr̥tya-cintāmaṇi śrīmad-ādityavarmarasar·kōgaḷiy'
rttāgarttāntaṟ patita-bhavya-jīvōttaraṇa-sāmarthyōpētar appa śrīmat· kōgaḷiya sthānādhipatigaḷ appa gaṇa
dhara-deva-bhaṭṭārakar pramukhavāgi nālkuṁ yugada poḻal kōgaḷiya kāḷayyaseṭṭiya koṭiseṭṭi Ajavarmmaseṭṭi Āyja
seṭṭi baddiyammaseṭṭi pōcayyaseṭṭi sācayyaseṭṭi kāḷiseṭṭi Int’ ī seṭṭiyargaṁ māḷimayyaṁ jōgimayyaṁ māramayyaṁ
nāgavarmayyaṁ Āyavarmayyaṁ maruḷayyaṁ gōvindayyaṁ nāgamayyaṁ Int’ ī pannasigarggaṁ kaliyammaṁ caṭṭayya kō
gaḷi-vārayya Eḍavāycayya Eṟejōgayyaṁ baṁkayyaṁ kēkayyaṁ Āycagāvuṇda kannayyaṁ Int’ ī gāvuṁḍuga
ḷuṁ paṅca-maṭa-sthānakkaṁ koṭṭu vyavasthey' ent' endaḍe
mūlaṁ basadiy' aḷiviṁge muṁde nilvar·
yamaṁ nōḍiyuṁ kīḻ-ōkkal· pasugege
Eṇtaneya śrāhege pattige
vuṇḍagaḷgaṁ biṭṭa koṭṭaṇaṁ bīḍu besaṁ poṟagu phalavāda maṇgey' āṟuvaṇaṁ eleyabaḷḷi
gadyāṇaṁ karvvina tōṇṭa mattariṁge gadyāṇa geṟde mattarge dharaṇaṁ kāḷ-keyge mattariṁge paṇaṁ
phalavāgada maṇge Aruvaṇa
ṅḍagaḷ śrōdal' āgi mānyakāṟar
ryyāde Eraḍaneya śrāhege padinayd' arave mūṟeneya śrāhege purbba sthitiyoḷ kare basadig' ett' iruvar· basadige taḷavr̥tti
n' aṁgadoḷ vāradarigeya paccavaṁ koṇḍu pādarigeya mūgan' aridu pādariganaṁ kolvaru
paradan' ār bbandaḍav' aṁgaḍiy' apājikadiṁd' iṟey anyāyadoḷ paradhanaṁ poydaḍe sā
vu sālvar·
baṭṭala-taṁbulaṁ baḍevant' ī maryyāde yellam ā
ytavarmm' arasara māḍisid' eraḍun dēgulaṁ kōgaliya praje verasi mūṟeneya dēgulaṁ idan aḻidoṁ prayāgeyuvaṁ kurukṣētra
Āhavamalla-dēva — the refuge of the entire world, lord of the earth, king of kings, supreme lord, most venerable, ornament to the Satyāśraya family, ornament to the Cāḷukyas -- having paired thieves and enemies with illness and omens of death, having brought under his control the leader of the Nānādēśi sect, having punished the wicked and protected the lawful, having performed the ritual of the great gift, the one who brought the one hundred fifty elephants which swung the arms of the Coḻa to the streets of his residence at Rodda — his rule was growing, attaining new heights of prosperity; as long as sun, moon, and stars exist:
One sustained by his lotus feet — having attained the five great sounds, the mahāsāmanta, the rising sun over the mountain
A number of years having elapsed since the time of king Śaka, while the year nandana of 914 was progressing, during the dark half of the month, in the week associated with Puṣya, on the Friday, during the passage of the sun to its northern course
The shore enclosing the ocean of transmigration
All the twelve village headmen, including Ekkala-gāvuṇḍa, with the aquiesence of Vāḻgi-gāvuṇḍa, having seen the measure of the surroudning forests for the division of the lower tenacy, 30
They will proceed with a share of 3
For the proprietorship/fees for rituals of the muddy water within the four boundaries of Kōgaḷi all of the fines and fees are for the
The institution of the five maṭhas is to maintain the grant of land for livelihood according to the previous stipulations.
In the
As long as the trader’s six shops which provide the prescribed cuisine exist respectfully, he who steals another’s wealth attains death.
For the merchants, the revenue collectors, the village headmen and the institution of the five mathas, there is no obligatory, unpaid labour
All of these stipulations are like striking an areca nut. The two temples build by King Āytavarma having spread the offspring of Kōgaḷi, he who destroys this, the third one is a great sinner who has destroyed a Prayāga, Kurukṣētra, Varanasi, kaḻbappu, a thousand brown cows, a thousand brahmins, and a thousand ascetics. He would also be the killer of Brahmins.
Whether given by oneself or another, he who robs/destroys that which is another’s, for sixty thousand years he will be born as a worm in excrement
Poison is not poison, but the