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Copyright (c) 2023 by Samana Gururaja.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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kaṁ cāḷukyā-vaṁśōdbhavaṁ śrīmat·-nūrmmaḍi-tailapa-dēvana rājyam-uttarō
ttarābhivr̥ddhige saluttire
jiḍurāḷge Eḻpattakaṁ biṭṭagaṁ nār-ggaṁvuṇḍu geyye
karaṁ punupaḷḷiyal' iḻdu pu vana
yyalaṁ paridu mārbbalaman taḷt’ iṟidu svarggālayakke sandaṁ
kōkarana tāy arasabbeyum ātana maydunaṁ punuvalavaḷḷiya gāvuṇḍan a
ggasar ēḷavaritamma bāvaṁge parōkṣavinayaṁ geydu kallaṁ nirisidaṁ maṁgaḷaṁ
mādhavayyaṁ baredaṁ nāgaṁ besegeydaṁ
— and Biṭṭiga was nāṟ-ggāvuṇḍa of the Jiḍuraḷge Seventy; —
(on the date specified), when Mādeyūr Sāntivarmma raided Bariyūr; the bangle-seller Kōkara being in Punuvaḷḷi, attacked
By the victor is gained spoil and c.
His mother and other relatives (named) set up this stone.
Verse in praise of a good son.
Mādhavayya wrote it; Nāga did the work.