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Copyright (c) 2022 by Samana Gururaja.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_idListMembers_v01.xml file.
ṣābhyantarade māgha suddha paṁcamī maṁgaḷavāra
d’ andu śrī-pr̥thvī-vallabha-mahārājādhirāja-paramēśvara
n ellaram-aruḷaṁ teri-viḷāsaṁ madha-gaja-mallan āne-veḍaṁ
ga-śrī-kannara-dēvana māḍida maryyāde Eleya pēṟige E
raḍu paṅa-vaḍḍaṁ suṁka-samucchaya naḍevudu
kōgaḻiy’ aynū
ṟuvan-āditya-varmm’ arasar āḷuttavire suṁkad’ anyāya peṟcida
ḍe bāḷguḷiy’ayvadiṁbaruṁ siddhaseṭṭi sōbhanayya mallayya
seṭṭi aṇnamman intavar pramukhavāgi taṁbuliga sāsirvvaruṁ A
ynūrvvaruṁ pōgi śrīpr̥thvī-vallabha-mahārājādhirāja-pa
ramēśvara-parama-bhaṭṭārakaṁ satyāśraya-kuḷa-tilaka-cāḷu
kyābharaṅaṁ srīmad-āhavamalla-dēvara śrīpādagaḷge śāṣṭāṁga
m eṟagi poḍevaṭṭu binnapaṁ-geydaḍe kannaradēvana marryādeya
l’ āda suṁkada marryādeyuṁ tappade naḍayim-endu biṭṭan-int’ ī
sthitiyaṁ tappi koṇḍutaṁ vāṇarāsiyuṁ kavileyuṁ kurukṣētramu
man-aḻida paṁca-mahā-pātakaṁ
yayvadiṁbaruṁ sāsirvvaru(ṁ)v’ irdu bārikēcaṁge koṭṭaru
kkalalu hāga talevoṟege bēḷe
A multitude of years having elapsed since the time of king Śaka, the boundary made by the auspicious
Kannaradēva — the lord of the earth, king of kings, supreme lord, he who blesses everyone,
When the five hundred
Whether given by oneself or another, he who robs/destroys that which is another’s, for sixty thousand years he will be born as a worm in excrement
the five hundred and the thousand being present, they gave this to Bārikēca
made by Candōja