Kurhatti Hanumān Temple Inscription of the reign of Taila II, Śaka 902 EpiDoc Encoding Samana Gururaja intellectual authorship of edition Krishnamacharlu, C. R. R. S. Panchamukhi, N. Lakshminaraya Rao, H. K. Narasimhaswami DHARMA DHARMA_INSKalyanaCalukya00007

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śrīmad-ravija-sphura-duru -dhāmaṁ rēvanta-nātan' anvayadoḷ saṁ grāma-jayi keṁcan eṁbō ni ḷā-mahitaṁ vīran arkka-sutanin-udāra . piḍid’ aḍasi navilakond’ aḍi giḍe taḷt' ikki bēḍav' aḍeyaṁ ballāḷ paḍedaṁ beḷvalamaṁ nōḷ paḍemunnaṁ baḷikke nele navilgundapuraṁ . mēr-ttale yenisidoṁdaṁ kali toṟ tuḷid’ uḷid' ikke pareya bhānūdayadoḷ karttaley ant' ire ripugaḷ’ karttale vesar’ ādud’ ātan’ okkal vesaruṁ . sirimuddan emban ātana piriya magaṁ negaḻdan atanu bhuja-vikraman ē doreyaram ātana bhuja-bala d’ oregevaral neṟeyar ēṁ pratāpiyo muddaṁ . avar’ anvaya-tilakaṁ lō ka-viśrutaṁ piriya ṭi-gāvuṇḍaṁ saṁ bhavisidan ātana māḍida śivagr̥hamuṁ jainasāleyuṁ bhābhū-vidita . nayamaṁ meṟevaṁ tat suta n ayanāya[ṁ] paran enisi negaḻda pi riy’ āycanan āśrayaṇīyan ādan ā kṣa triyādigaṁ sakaḷa-samayigaṁ budha-janakaṁ . caṇḍa-bhuja-viṁkramaṁvikramaṁ bhū maṇḍala-vikhyāta-nātaniṁ baḷikaṁ-gā vuṇḍdige nindan āhava śauṇḍaṁ toṇḍaṁ tad anvavāyana jīyaṁ . piriya magaṁ kāḷiduran dhara-nāthaṁ toṇḍigage meccisidōṁ kan nara-dēvana nāḍoḍeyar ppariṇatar ār kkandukakkerēvantanan ēṁ . baḷavad-vid-viṭtamō ṟe mitraṁ bujaṁgaḷ nija śrī nilayat· vikasise khaḷa-varggōtpaḷa tējō naḷa taptaṁ dīna-vṛddha-dvija-naṭa-bhaṭa-saccakrayugmaṁ sarugmaṁ naliyuttaṁ nōḍe tannaṁ beḷaguva neḷeyoḷ beḷval' ādityadēvaṁ .

ātmaṁātma-jñana prasaṁgaṁ dorekoḷe besagō ṇḍa phaḷa bhūmidānāncita ḷi darppar-ppaṭu mō nāṁga tajñātāśīṣāgamar nniścita-matim amage rjja tōr-vviśa-ṁkhyā-sama-samaya maṭhav’ ī nāga-sō mayāji pravara-caturvvēdi-bhaṭṭa nubhavar akhiḷa-śāstra-paṭugaḷ· dvēdigaḷ jāta-vēda-bhaṭṭar nnegaḻdar· .

āvēdārṅnava jātarāsi tanayaṁ cāvuṅḍda bhaṭṭaṁ vacaśrī-vistārita-bhūtaḷa sadamaḷaṁsadamaḷacētaśrītar-vviṣṇu-sa hiṣṇu-dharmma-nirataṁ muḷgunda-vāstavya-nāśā-viśrānta-yaśaṁ budhapriyan a gastyar-ṣanva-vāyōdbhavaṁ .

enisida puṇya-mūrtigaḷ adhi-śruta-kīrttigaḷ-iṣṭa dāna-sadguṇa mellam ond’ irppareṁb' ī kṣiti]yoḷ gu ṇanidhi vēda-śāstra-pariniṣṭhita-vāgvibhavar kkaḷāvidāgraṅi dorekoḷvad' embu d' idu puṇya-phaḷaṁ kṛta-puṇyanoḷ .

khanidhi 902 mā na śakāṁkada vikramābda phālguṇa da dviditadi hadoḷ prabhu ka rcci kālan ā guṇanidhig' itta nartiyoḷe leydu dha rmmam amānyam āge kāra ṅa guri-paṭṭiyaṁ dvija tāgrahāramaṁ .

śrīmaccāḷukya taccakrīya pada-kamaḷāmōda-puṣṭāṁgaṁ na śōbanaṁ beḷvala-purika ra-dēśādhipaṁ kūrtakāntaṁṟaḷicaru ghrayaṁ jisidan’ ī dhanadiṁ dhanyar ā mānyar agni-ṣṭōmāptōryyamar ssarvvakratu-savanōpēta biṭṭudaṁ cakri kēḷdaṁ .

alligi tāmeḻtand' andallade santōṣam āge dēvarggendam' ati ballahan ambaḷiyaṁ dviguṇōllasitaṁ garghyam entu koṭṭan anagha-dhanaṁ catramaṁ dēvara-cīraṁ kanaka-daṇḍaṁ bhēri yendind' ēvaṁ vai ri-vadhō-vaidhavya-dīkṣā-guru sakaḷa-mahī-vallabhaṁ rāgadind' āhavamallaṁ koṭṭa naṁ bī mahīmarggedorevertt' irppante geydan atyutsavadindaṁ vājapēya kratuva n udita-sat-kīrtir-cāmuṇḍabhaṭṭaṁ .

avarindaṁ kiṟiyar llākuḷe[da] siddhānta-nayavē digaḷ ār avara-vōl iṣṭā-pūrttōtsava-yuktar ddhēvabhaktar amaḷar-ssāktar· .

kappurada karaṇḍageg' eṇeyappa sabhā-maṇṭapakke nārāyaṇam intappudu mukha-kāntiyu g' oppidud' idu ali tam ādud' ene maḍisidar· .

ritvig-pārvvaṇe satra-pūje bahu lōkēṣṭāḷi-mr̥ṣṭāṁnna-dā-nityaṁ dēva-saparyya-maṁtram akhiḷaṁ saṁpūrṇnamo sōmayā jityaṁ tatvagam endu baṅṅise janaṁ yajñakriyōpātta-saṁpat-varss' and' eṟeyamma dīkṣitaravōl matt' ār ddharābhāgadoḷ .

antavar mmanneyadoḷ sarvva-namasyamaṁ śrīma d-āhavamalla-dēvar alli mūnūṟu gadyāṇaṁ dharmma Ettaj-geyye pañcārasaṁ vajam-āgi pya ḍedu .

ūruṁ vidyajjanakk' ādaradoḷ bharaṇaṁ geydu gāmuṇḍar samyaktāmōdar ssaṁkhyeya mmāḍidar adipatigaḷ tānum aynūru mattarumaṁ tammaṁg' ī nūṟāytadaṟ oḷag' adaṟo ḷ mattar irppatan ā bhūsāraṁ satrakke biṭṭa heggaḍe mahī-taḷaṁ rakṣipar ggō-jātar· .

dēvariṁge tu diya kaṁbava suriyal mattar āṟu idan' aḷidaṁ pañca-mahā-pātaka

sāmānyōyaṁ dharma-sētur nrpāṇāṁ kāḷē kāḷē pāḷinīyō bhavadbhiḥ . ssarvvān ētāṁ bhāginaṟ pār tthivēṁdran· bhūyō bhūyo yācatē rāmabhadraḥ .

yasya yasya yathā bhūmis tasya tasya tadā phalam

In the family of Lord Rēvanta — the great light of a flashing comet — was the victor in war known as Keṁca — celebrated in the world, the valorous one, the exalted offspring of the sun.

Having caught and attacked, he beat the peacock to death, when he repelled and killed the weak-hearted man by throwing him to the ground, he obtained the characteristic of valour. Even before he saw Beḷvaḷa he shook the place, Navilgundapura.

He was called mēr-ttale; when he resisted, trampled, and defeated his enemies it was as if he was darkness to their rising sun and so the name, “darkness to his enemies” came to be his only name.

That lord’s elder son, called Sirimuddan, shone; he of the valorous arms. Who can come close in comparison to the crushing power of the strength of his arms? How majestic is Muddan?

The forehead ornament to their lineage, celebrated by the world, the senior Kōṭi-gāvuṇḍa was born. The Śiva temple and the Jain hall which he made were known across the world

The one who displays proper conduct on this path is his son, he shone, praised as the supreme, the senior Āyca. He became one in whom to seek refuge, that superior warrior, the wise father to all sects.

From the hero with violent arms, the lord who is known all over the circle of the earth, and to Baḷikaṁ-gāvuṇḍi was born the passionate lover of war, Toṇḍa, the master of his lineage.
