<!-- ADD TITLE HERE --> EpiDoc Encoding Jens Christian Thomas intellectual authorship of edition K. V. Lakshmana Rao DHARMA Berlin DHARMA_INSTelugu00001

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Jens Christian Thomas.


The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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pura pu di bhūpālakuṇḍu paṭṭaṁbu gaṭṭina prathamaṁbun ēṇḍu bala-garvvaṁb-oppaga bailēci sēna paṭṭaṁbu gaṭṭiṁci prabhuṁ baṇḍaraṁgu baṇcina samatta-paḍu vabōyakoṭṭaṁbul vaṇḍṟeṇḍu goṇi vēṁgināṇṭi goḻelci ya tribhuvanāṁkuśa bāṇa nilpi kaṭṭepudurggaṁbu gaḍu bayal sēsi kaṇḍukur-bbejavāḍa gāviṁce mecci paṇḍaraṁgu parama-mahēśvaruṇḍu Āditya-baṭāraniki Iccina bhūmi Enubodi vuḍlu aḍlu paṭṭu nēla dammavuraṁbuna dammuvulu vīni rakṣiñcinavāriki asvamēdaṁbuna palaṁbu agu

(Line 1.) . . . . . . . . pura (L. 2.) The king . . . . . . . . . (Verse 1.) In the first year after the coronation, (the king) being proud of his army (or strength) and elated (thereby), having anointed (i.e. appointed) Paṇḍaraṁga, the Sāmanta, to the command of the army and sent (him), he (i.e. Paṇḍaraṅga) captured twelve koṭṭāms belonging to one [Vasō]-Bōya. He reached (i.e. ascended and captured) the hill-top (i.e. forts on the top of the hill) of Vēṁgi-nāṇḍu and planted the goad of Tribhuvanāṁkuśa (there). He exposed fully (i.e. made bare after conquest) the fort of Kaṭṭe. He liked and praised Kaṇdukur and Bejavāḍa. (Lines 9-12.) Paṇḍaraṅga who was the best of the Māhēśvaras (i.e. the worshippers of Mahēśvara or Śiva) gave to (the god) Āditya-Bhaṭāra, land sowable with eighty candies of paddy. This is a charity at Dammavuram. Those who protect these charities will acquire such merit (as is obtained) by (performing) the Aśvamēdha (sacrifice).