<!-- ADD TITEL HERE --> Creation of file Jens Christian Thomas intellectual authorship of edition V. Venkayya DHARMA This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994). Berlin DHARMA_INSTelugu00020

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Creation of the file

svasti śrī viṣṇuvarddhana-mahārājulaku pravarddhamāna-vijayarājya-saṁvatsaraṁbuḷu dvādaśa varṣambuna du pridhivi-rājyaṁbuyavāri māmayya veḷḷakivāḍi Ēḷu vu bāllaM bhaṁṭāraḷa Uttaraṁbuna dēsámu nālugu vuṭṭu Āṭla paṭu sēnicciriṣṭa sōmuku Icciri dīniki pratiravalu vaccuvāru Īmi cēnuku pāliduṟa vāragaḷu dīni gācinavāru raṭṭāna ralaruka Iccinavāru vaṁburāganaḍacinavāru kōrimāstha baḍitimalimu ṭṭukobunaAni Icinānu | śrī

Hail! In the 12th year of the prosperous and victorious reign of the glorious Vishṇuvardhana Mahárája, Bhanṭáraḷa which is in the domain of . . . Veḷḷakiváḍu his father-in-law, a field requiring four puṭṭis of seed, in the northern quarter. (he) gave to Ishṭa Sómu . . . . Whoever obstruct this filed of Sómu will incur (the sind of) . . . . Whoever protects this will . . . .

The inscriptions was published by Alan Butterworth and V. Venugopaul Chetty in 1151-1152 as Podili (1). This text was reprinted by Buduraju Radha Krishna with slight changes (1814-15).

1151-1152 1814-15