<!-- ADD TITEL HERE --> Creation of file Jens Christian Thomas intellectual authorship of edition Jens Christian Thomas DHARMA Berlin DHARMA_INSTelugu00027

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svasti śrīmaT satyāśraya-śrī-pr̥ithivī-vallabha-mahārājādhirāja-vikramāditya-paramēśvara-bhaṭaruḷākuN śrīmad-unnata-pravarddhamāna-vijayarājya-saṁvatsaraṁbuḶ ĀcandratārapurassaraMdvitīya-varṣam-pravartamānaṁ kānu goggi-bhaṭaraḷa dakṣiṇabhujāyamānuṁṟ ayina ālakumarapriya-tanayiyuṁṟ ayina Ujēnīpiśāca-nāmadhēyiyuṁṟu tuṟu-taṭāka-nāmābhidhāna-nagaradhīrādhiṣṭhāṇuṁṟ ayi Ēṟuva-viṣayaṁb ēḷan tasya trā dattaṁ gōvr̥ṣāṇa-bhaṭṭārahō śata-paṁcāśat kṣētram svadattāṁ paradattāṁ vā yō harētita vasuṁdharāM ṣaṣṭhiṁṣṭiṁvarṣa-sahasrāṇi viṣṭhāyāṁ jāyatē krimiḥ

ōṁ The reading of the editor is an interpretation of the symbol. bhaṭaruḷākuN bhaṭaruḷākuN

The halanta akṣaras in this inscription are not written without the upper horizontal stroke of the standard akṣaras but with an elongated horizontal stroke that rises to the right side.