Grant of Dugirāju’s son Koṁḍivillu EpiDoc Encoding Jens Christian Thomas intellectual authorship of edition Buduraju Radha Krishna DHARMA Berlin DHARMA_INSTelugu00065

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svasti śrī dugirāju maganṟu koṁḍivillu raccayiṟṟiki Iccinadi panduṁbu Āṟla paṭṭu sēnu pedakuḻ eṟayurājuL daya sēsiri dīni Immaḷūri raṭōḍi kāpuḷu kācuvāru vadagi panduṁbu Āṟla paṭu dīni ceṟuñcuvāru ḷa bhāraṇōśi ḻacinavāru luḷi mēṟa prabhu rāmunṟu kḻoce

maganṟu maganḍu koṁḍivillu konḍivillu panduṁbu pandubu nu pedakuḻ eṟayurājuL penudaku ḻeṟayurājuL sēnu pedaru ṛeṟayurājuL Immaḷūri Inmaḷūri Inmaḷūri kāpuḷu kāṁpuḷu kācuvāru kōcuvāru vadagi bedagi panduṁbu pandubu ceṟuñcuvāru ceṟuñcuvāru ḷa ḷakōṭi gaḷarēni The latter two akṣaras seem to be omitted by mistake in Radha Krishna's edition. bhāraṇōśi ḻacinavāru luḷi mēṟa bhā ḻacinavāru ḍacinavāru prabhu rāmunṟu kḻoce prabhurāmunḍu kḻoce praburāmunṟu kḻoce The picture of the estampage clearly shows ⟨bhu⟩ wherefore I think that Sastri's reading is just a printing mistake.

Hail! Prosperity! Konḍivillu, son of Dugiráju, granted land sowable with ten túms of seed to Rachchayirru. The kings Pedakuṛeṛayu granted. The Raṭoḍi (?) Kápus of Inmaḷúru shall protect this. It is sowable with ten túms of seed. Those who injure this (charity) will incure the sin of killing a crore od cows at Bháraṇási (Benares). (??) Signature of () the lord (Prabhu) Rámunḍu.

Hail! (Peda)ru Ṛeṟayurāju, son of the illustrious Dugirāju granted land sowable with ten tūmus of paddy in Beḍagi to Konḍivillu Rayccayiṟṟi. The raṭōḍi kaṁpuḷu (farmers) should protect (it). If there are any who destroy this ... ll. 13-14. Prabhurāmunṟu engraved (this inscription).

The picture of the estampage published by Butterworth and Venugopaul Chetty is of minor quality. The estampage consists of a bigger and a smaller part. Referring to the minor part, the authors state: The other two lines on this piece are the last portions of the first and second lines of the first portion of the inscription.6072. Although the quality in the publication does not permit a full decipherment of the piece the authors' statement seems to be correct so that the colophon (i.e. lines 13-14) has been engraved on the right upper margin on top of the inscription it refers to.

The inscription was first published by Butterworth and Venugopaul Chetty (606-607) with a picture of the estampage and a translation (the transliteration being provided by V. Venkayya). K. M. Sastri edited the text based on the reading of M. S. Sarma and provided a new translation (307-30834). B. Radha Krisha re-edited the text of Butterworth and Venugopaul Chetty but provided some new readings that he obtained in reading the estampage together with K. Harshavardhana Sarma (46-4765).

606-607 307-30834 46-4765