<!-- ADD TITEL HERE --> EpiDoc Encoding Jens Christian Thomas intellectual authorship of edition J. Ramayya Pantulu DHARMA Berlin DHARMA_INSTelugu00070

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panasa paradulaku ni payi Anniyabu voḍicinavanṟu baranasi vēvuru paṟa ḻacina caṟukaṭu

The inscription was noted in A. R. No. 337 of 1922 and first published by J. Ramayya Pantulu (336616). K. M. Sastri re-edits that edition and provides a summary: Refers to a gift of pannasa to brahmins of the Bhāradwāja gōtra and contains the imprecation that he who acts unjustly against it will incur the sin of having killed a thousand brahmins at Baranasi33573.

A. R. No. 337 of 1922 336616 33573