Hero stone at Basinikoṇḍa EpiDoc encoding Jens Christian Thomas intellectual authorship of edition J. Ramayya Pantulu DHARMA Berlin DHARMA_INSTelugu00085

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svasti śrī ḻōṅkuḷa ḷki kumbandukala celvu ppana veggeḍaḷ ādityana prabhugaḷa gōṣṭi birakayi vikramarāmanamaḻuvakkadhūrttaN Anabaladakaya ḻōṅkuḷaprākaramavumuḍuvukayyaṁbuḷōna Ēnugu taṇki poḍici paḍiyeN

The text follows the edition of J. Ramayya Pantulu in 338623 in absence of a picture. The dots used in the edition to indicate lost or unintelligible characters can not clearly be attributed to a certain quantity of characters (one dot may indicate one or more lost or unintelligible characters). Sastri gives a summary of the content: The inscription refers to the ḻōṅkuḷa family, and a discussion (goṣṭhi) between the minister Āditya, and the king. States that a certain person attacked an elephant in the battle of Mavumaḍuvu (i.e. Mudumaḍuvu), and having fought with it fell.33777

The inscription was noted in A. R. No. 294 of 1905 and first published by J. Ramayya Pantulu in 338623 with few metadata and without translation. K. M. Sastry 337 provides a short summary while relying on J. Ramayya Pantulu's edition.

A. R. No. 294 of 1905 338623 33777