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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.
Halantas. Final M is derived from the shape of a classical ma with an upward extension that bends right and then up again, but is now stylised into a circle with a tail on top that bends right and then up. The circle part is much like an anusvāra. E.g. l3 °litānāM. Final N is likewise based on na, but has only a horseshoe shape at the bottom, with the upward tail bending right, up, then right again. E.g. l10 māsāN. Final T is normally formed in the same way. A clear example is l17 avarddhayaT; the two instances in line 15 look rather like a regular ta, but I assume that the vertical extension is missing here because this is the first line of a plate.
Original punctuation marks are long, straight and plain verticals. This sign is doubled after l27 ca. The one after l14-15 āharata is unclear and may in fact consist of three short verticals.
Other palaeographic observations. Anusvāra is a fairly large circle well above the headline, atop or to the right of the consonant to which it belongs, occasionally atop the next character, probably only when displaced by a descender, e.g. the first anusvāra of l10 saptatriṁśataṁ is above śa, because stra in the previous line prevents it from being closer to tri. Occasionally it is also lowered to or below headline height, e.g. l1 Ekānnaviṁśatin, where jo and vi in the previous line (themselves pushed downward by descenders further above) prevent its regular placement. Rare jha occurs (as a subscript consonant) in l26 jhaṭiti. Upadhmānīya occurs before l45 parantapaḥ. Initial Ī occurs in line 52, but in the scanned photo it cannot be made out at all.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
trānāṁ hārīti-putrāṇāṁ kauśikī-vara-prasāda-labdha-rājyānāṁ mātr̥
-kṣaṇa-vaśīkr̥tārāti-maṇḍalānām aśvamedhāvabhr̥
trīkr̥ta-vapuṣāṁ cālukyānāṁ kulam alaṁkariṣṇos satyāśraya-va
siṁhas trayastriṁśataM
jo maṁgi-yuvarājaḥ paṁcaviṁśatin
d-anujaḥ kokkil
sa vijayādityaś catuśca
tasya vijayādityasya bhrātur vvikramākrānta-saka
la-bhuvana-talasya vi
sa sarvva-lokāśraya-śrī-vi
jādhirāja-parameśvaraḥ parama-māheśvaraḥ varavara-rāṣṭra
raṇa-santuṣṭaḥ kr̥tajñatā-prakhyāpana-nimittaṁ sarvva-kara-parihāre
Greetings! Satyāśraya Vallabhendra
forcibly seized, in order to donate it, the silver and other
pressed the Gaṅgas up to the Gaṅga peak, struck off the head of Maṅgi, defeated Kr̥ṣṇa in battle—who would be capable of recounting his daring deeds?
—that Vijayāditya
Then, after two Jayasiṁhas and likewise five Viṣṇuvardhanas, Kokkili along with Maṅgi, and three Vijayādityas had thus passed—
that Vijayāditya’s
ascended the throne, pulverised his foes, held the earth in his fetters,
the one who, wrathfully mounting the heavy shoulder of his excellent elephant the raging Ādityaprasāda, with the arrows released from his bow at once dispersed—just as the sun ascending Mount Sunrise
that shelter of all the world
The foremost baron
Yuddhamalla of the boar ensign, son of the foremost baron
Their resplendent daughter Śrī-Mahādevī was slender but bent with
and who—
appeared like Manu in his considerate speech, like Hari in his majesty
the valour of this Vijayāditya was indomitable, his figure bright as the sun, his mind innately excellent, his truthfulness constant, his banner of victory unbroken, his reputation brilliant like tufts of
He, His Highness the above Vijayāditya, truthful of speech and a scorcher of foes, accomplished
To that Śrī-Mahādevī,
Its boundaries the hill with three(?) pipal trees
a hollow between hills in which stood the village
.some two trees (?)
. Venkataramanayya's gloss of the term is soap-nut trees
A donor of land rejoices in heaven for sixty millennia,
The executor
Prospérité ! Kubja Viṣṇuvardhana, frère de Satyāśraya Vallabhendra, ornement de la lignée des Calukya, illustres, du même
qui, rapporta, par la force, l’argent des Kāliṁga et des Gaṁga, etc., les éléphants des Kośala, etc., maître de l’or des Pāṇḍya et des Pallava , etc., dans le but de les donner ;
contraignit les Gaṁga à monter sur le Gaṁgakūṭa, coupa la tête de Maṁgi,
Lui, Vijayāditya, fit prospérer à chaque saison le royaume de Veṅgī, pendant quarante-quatre années.
Lorsque les deux Jayasiṁha, les cinq Viṣṇuvardhana avec Maṁgi, Kokkili, les trois Vijayāditya, s’en furent allés,
le fils aîné du roi Vikramāditya, dont la vaillance avait conquis toute la surface de la terre, le frère de ce dernier Vijayāditya.
Il s’assit sur le trône, tourmenta ses ennemis, veilla sur la terre, fit la joie de ses sujets, étendit sa gloire vertueuse, honora les deux-fois-nés, respecta les saints hommes, porta des guirlandes de vertus.
Monté sur les épaules d’un excellent maître éléphant ivre de fureur, faveur
Lui, refuge du monde entier, l’illustre Viṣṇuvardhana Cālukya Bhīma, roi suprême des grands rois, seigneur suprême, dévôt de Māheśvara, ordonne ceci aux chefs de familles, habitant le rāṣṭra de Varavara, rāṣṭrakūṭa en tête :
Ce roi universel, éminent feudataire, au tejas renommé,
telle Umā
Le fils du seigneur des feudataires, - illustre, nommé Baladakayya -,
l’épousa, comme Śaṁbhu, Yuddhamalla, porteur de la marque du sanglier ;
sa fille
qui ployait sous le poids de ses seins charnus et proéminents, au nombril profond, à la démarche grave, aux lèvres couleur du bimba mûr, menue, éclatante comme l’or en fusion, resplendissante.
Le seigneur des feudataires, l’illustre Pāṇḍarāṁga, eut un descendant exempt de blâme et splendide, dont le front s’ornait du bandeau irréprochable hérité du lignage célèbre des
il ressemble à Manu par ses paroles réfléchies, à Hari par sa Fortune, à Kr̥tānta par sa vaillance, à Smara par sa beauté, par son intelligence, au
L’illustre Vijayāditya, aux paroles sincères, destructeur des ennemis,
atteignit la réalisation du
Les limites de ce dernier
le donateur d’une terre se réjouit pendant soixante mille années dans le ciel ;
celui qui abroge
L’exécuteur de
Sankaranarayanan gives the metre of stanza 4 as
In agreement with previous editors, I assume that Vijayāditya, introduced in stanza 10 as the son of Niravadya Dhavala and grandson of Pāṇḍarāṅga,
Unlike the previous editors, I believe that the problematic stanza 13 (for which see the apparatus to line 45) in fact mentions their marriage explicitly. In this way, the description of Śrī-Mahādevī in the accusative in stanzas 8-9 is picked up by the accusative
Previous editors are probably correct to assume that Vijayāditya has died and that the grant is being made to his widow. This is implied by the fact that the recipient is the lady, but nowhere in the text is Vijayāditya’s death explicitly mentioned (unless the damaged and tentatively restored part of stanza 13 say this instead of what I restore in the edition). Moreover, the remark
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