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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.
Halantas. Final N (l8, l16) is a simplified na, reduced and raised, without a headmark. Final T is like a full-sized ta with a curly tail (l18); a character in l16 lacks this tail and so I read it as ta, emending to T, while LR reads it as T. Final M (l29, l30) is a circle with a vertical tail (straight or only slightly sinuous), slightly smaller than regular characters.
Original punctuation marks are plain short verticals, floating around median height.
Other palaeographic observations. Dependent o is sometimes written with a cursive single stroke, but the two-stroke form also occurs many times. Dependent au (e.g. l2) differs from cursive o in being conspicuously extended to the footline, and its humps are also slightly asymmetrical. Rare initial Ai occurs in line 28.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
ñchanekṣaṇa-kṣaṇa-vaśīkr̥tārāti-maṇḍalānām aśvamedhāvabhr̥
ndrasya bhrātā ku
ka Ekānnaviṁśati
sa vijayādityaś catuścatvāri
varṣam avarddhayaT|
rā-cakrasya vikramāditya-bhūpateḥ priya-tanayaḥ|
sa sarvva-l
kya-bhīma-nāmāttili-viṣaya-nivāsino rāṣṭrakūṭa-pramukhāN kuṭu
Ittham ājñāpayati
viditam astu vo
kākhyā tasyā
n diśi sahasra-kramuka-tar
pari na kenacid bādhā kara
to bhavati
sya dharmmasya kaḍeya-r
cāmikuṟṟācāryyeṇa likhitā
Greetings! Satyāśraya Vallabhendra
who shone ever in a nimbus of glory by the name “Mortal Maheśvara
vehemently seized, in order to donate it, the silver and other
pressed the Gaṅgas up to the Gaṅga peak, struck off the head of Maṅgi, defeated Kr̥ṣṇa in battle—who would be capable of recounting his daring deeds?
—that Vijayāditya
His Majesty Cālukya-Bhīma
The ocean whose water was his swords swallowed up, along with his rivals, the forces of Kr̥ṣṇa Vallabha.
that shelter of all the world
Let it be known to you that to the
A donor of land rejoices in heaven for sixty millennia,
The executor
Stanza 5 consists only of two
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