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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.
Halantas. Final M (e.g. l3, l8) is a small circle with a hook on top (a stylised, reduced ma) with a slightly sinuous vertical tail. Final N (e.g. l9) is a reduced na with a slightly sinuous tail on the right-hand side of the stem. Final T (e.g. l17) is likewise a reduced ta with a tail attached on the right.
Original punctuation marks are plain verticals.
Other palaeographic observations. Anusvāra is normally at head height after the character to which it belongs; occasionally atop the next character, e.g. l19 aṁbhodhi; l28 velaṁbaṟṟu. Initial O occurs in line 1; initial Ī in l31.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
On namo nārāyaṇāya| svasti
gotrāṇāṁ hārīti-putrāṇāṁ kauśikī-vara-prasāda-labdha-rājyānāṁ mātr̥-gaṇa-pari
pālitānāṁ svāmi-mahāsena-pādānudhyātānāM bhagavan-nārāyaṇa-prasā
da-samāsādita-vara-varāha-lāñchanekṣaṇa-kṣaṇa-vaśīkr̥tārāti-maṇḍalānām a
kariṣṇoḥ sa
ṇi| tat-putro jayasiṁha-vallabhas trayastriṁśataṁ| tad-anujendrarāja-nandano vi
ṣṇuvarddhano nava| tad-ātmajo maṁgi-yuvarājaḥ paṁcaviṁśatiM| tat-putro jaya
siṁhas trayodaśa| tasya dvaimāturānujaḥ kokkiliṣ ṣaṇ māsāN| taj-
rāyatanānāṁ sva-yuddha-jaya-saṁkhyānāṁ karttā vijayādityo
jaś catu
ś cālukya-bhī
rājaṣ ṣaṇ māsān veṁgī-deśam anupālya nāka-lokālayaṁ yayau|
yaś ca Indur iva mr̥du-ka
rānandita-kuvalayo dinakara Iva sad-vr̥tta-maṇḍalo vainateya Iva vinatāna
nda-janako guha ivāpratihata-śaktis sa sarvva-lokāśraya-śrī-viṣṇuvarddhana-mahā
ditam astu vaḥ kauśika-gotrāya vemūru-vāstavyāya mādhavaśarmmaṇaḥ pautrā
ya viṣṇuśarmmaṇaḥ putrāya ṣaṭ-karmma-niratāya veda-vedā
rīya-sabrahmacāriṇe koḍaliśarmmaṇe karppaḍam mocayitvā da
mitte sodaka-pūrvvaṁ sarvva-kara-parihāram agrāhārī-kr̥tya| velaṁbaṟṟu nāma grā
lli| paścimataḥ kuccaripaṟṟu| Uttarataḥ Iṁpaṟṟu| kṣetrāvadhayaḥ
nairr̥tyāṁ vāyavyataḥ Īśānataś ca|
tathā co
Ājñaptiḥ kaḍaya-rā
Om! Obeisance to Nārāyaṇa! Greetings! Satyāśraya Vallabhendra
A son named Ammarāja
Endowed with all
He donned the the eternal
He—who moreover gladdens the orb of the earth
Let it be known to you
Its bordering villages
He who would seize land, whether given by himself or by another, shall be born as a worm in faeces for sixty thousand years.
A donor of land stays in heaven for sixty millennia,
The executor
The genealogy seems to contain several
Although according to NV, the grant does not mention anything of historical interest not known from other sources,
stanza 1 says Amma’s mother was Lokamahādevī. This is the name of Amma II’s mother, but I am not aware of Amma I’s mother having the same name. Either this is new historical information, or perhaps the grant in fact belongs to Amma II and omits by mistake the kings from Amma I to Bhīma II. The Pulivaṟṟu (spurious?) grant of Amma I records Amma I’s mother’s name as Pallava Mahādevī, but the authenticity of that grant is questionable, and even if the information is authentic, she may have been Lokamahādevī of the Pallava dynasty.
Edited by N. Venkataramanayya (