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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.
Halantas. Final M is a raised and reduced complex form with a curly vertical attachment. Final N (e.g. l7) is likewise raised and reduced, but fully shaped, with the curly vertical attachment. Final T (l14) is also the reduced but fullly complex form with a sinuous vertical attachment.
Original punctuation marks are verticals of varying length; the short ones may be aligned to the top or middle. The various vertical marks do not seem to be distinguished in function, but multiples of a mark are used at some major junctures.
Other palaeographic observations. The writing is neat and calligraphic, with many curlicues that are uncommon in related grants. Anusvāra is a fairly large circle above and to the right of the consonant to which it belongs. Rare jha occurs in line 21.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
kauśikī-vara-prasāda-labdha-rājyānāṁ mātr̥-gaṇa-paripālitānāM svāmi-mahās
na-pādānuddhyātānāṁ bhagavan-nārāyaṇa-prasāda-samāsādita-vara-varāha-lāñchane
-vapuṣāṁ cālu
jendrarāja-nandano viṣṇuvarddhano nava
nujo jayasiṁhas trayodaśa
jaṁ kokkilim uccāṭya saptatriṁśataM
śata-narendreśvarāṇāṁ karttā catvāriṁśataM
sa vijayādityaś catuś-ca
tvāriṁśataṁ veṁgī
sya vikramākrā
sa sakala-ripu
-sarasiruha-yugalas sarvva-lokāśraya-śrī-cālukya-bhīma-mahārājādhirāja-parame
śvaraḥ parama-bra
yas tu
sya dīnānātha-bandhor bandhu-vatsalasya| Iṟimaṟtigaṇḍāpara-nāmnaś śubha-dhāmna
rāvāra-pāragebhyaḥ vismr̥ta-viriṁcānana-vana-vanaja-sarasvaty-eka-nivāsā
yamāna-mānanīyānanebhyaḥ sapta-soma-saṁsthārādhita-svāhāpati-sanni
dhānebhyaḥ sva-karmmānuṣ
trebhyaḥ padmeya|
rmmabhyaḥ| bhāra
doṇeya-śarmmabhyaḥ| vatsa-gotrebhyaḥ mādhava| cakrapāṇi| dantyama-śarmmabhyaḥ
kāśyapa-gotrebhyaḥ| Apcatā
raviyaṇa-śarmmabhyāM| gautama-gotrābhyāM vāmana| bhadraṇa-śarmmabhyā
pūtimāṣa-gotrāya dārapaśarmmaṇe| pau
ṇe| vādhrya
nānā-gotrebhyaḥ he
devata| Amara
trikoṭiśarmmaṇe| hiraṇyakeśi-sūtrāya vatsa-gotrāya māvya
prāvacana-sūtrāya kauśika-gotrāya nīlamaśarmmaṇe| parāśara-go
trāya govamaśarmmaṇe| kauśika-gotrāya muruga
trāya puruṣottamaśarmmaṇe|
rvvam uttara-kaṇḍeṟuvāḍi-viṣaye vedatulūru nāma grāmo datta(ḥ)
sya sīm
taḥ mrā
-bhogo grāmas sīmā| vāyavy
mā| Uttaratas sevennu nāma grāmas sīmā| Īśānataḥ
Asya mahāgrahāra
syopari na kenacid bādhā karaṇīyā
Greetings! Satyāśraya Vallabhendra
who shone ever in a nimbus of glory by the name “Mortal Maheśvara
forcibly seized, in order to donate it, the silver and other
—that Vijayāditya
whose swords were the water of an ocean, swallowed by which the
Do shrouds of darkness, though they may cover the world,
—that shelter of all the world
Let it be known to you that…
surpasses the moon in delightfulness
mounted on a king of elephants in the battle of Niravadyapura, laughingly scattered and devoured the troops of the fierce Vallabha bristling with elephants, horses and bowmen, as the king of beasts
by defeating the one named Guṇḍaya along with the Vallabha’s army in the battle of Peruvaṁgūr village and dispossessing
Having given riches to beseechers, love to his lady mother and terror to his enemies; having cast his true reputation in
being obviously eager the sooner to ravish divine ladies, since he despised prostitutes or the wives of others, having never so much as cast a lewd glance at them.
Having performed the last rites
Its boundaries shall
Let no-one pose an obstacle
He who would seize land, whether given by himself or by another, shall be born as a worm in faeces for sixty thousand years.
A donor of land stays in heaven for thousands of millions of aeons,
Over and over again, Rāmabhadra begs all these future rulers: “Each in your own time, you shall respect this bulwark of legality that is universally applicable to kings!”
The executor of this
It was Bhaṭṭa Vāmana, a bull among poets and a knower of the lore
The text of this stanza is literally identical to its parallel in the Attili grant of Bhīma I.
The first two lines of this stanza occur in Attili grant of Bhīma I, but this is the only complete version that I am aware of.
This stanza has much in common with stanza 5 of the Moga grant of Bhīma I, including an almost identical last quarter.
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