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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.
Halantas. Final N is a raised and reduced na shape with a sinuous tail like a repha, e.g. l9 māsāN, l15 mAsAn. Final M is a small raised circle with a sinuous stroke at the top right, e.g. l7 triṁśataM (which may also have a curved left arm in addition to the top stroke), l8 viṁśatiM etc. Final T is the shape and size of a regular ta, but with a repha-like sinuous vertical stroke instead of a headmark (identical to ta according to Kielhorn, but this is inaccurate), e.g. l7 layaT; l17 apalayaT.
Original punctuation marks are straight verticals with a small hook or a wedge-like headmark at the top.
Other palaeographic observations. Anusvāra is normally at headline height to the right of the character to which it belongs. It can also occur above the next character, as in l17 meḻāṁbā. The Ārumbāka grant of Bādapa likewise puts anusvāra on top of the next character in (vernacular?) names ending in āṁbā, but not in other circumstances. As Kielhorn points out, the vowel marker for o is sometimes cursive, very similar to and not clearly distinguishable from that for au. The non-cursive o of two separate strokes also occurs. Cursive o-s are marked in the text by an XML comment but not otherwise indicated in the edition. They probably differ from au in having a slightly shorter tail, compare kau in l2 and ko in l8. Initial I in l22 Ittham looks strange to me; Kielhorn calls it a "later form" .
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
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ti-putrāṇāṁ kauśi
mi-mahāsena-pādānudhyātānāṁ bha
tyāśraya-vallabhendrasya bhrātā kubja-viṣṇuvarddhano
ṭya saptatriṁśataM
varāja-vikramāditya-bhūbhr̥d-ātmajaś cālukya-bhīmas triṁśataM
vikramāditya-rāja Ek
sa sarvvalokāśra
m ājñ
tat-pautra Evā
Greetings. Satyāśraya Vallabhendra
The delightful son of Meḻāmbā and Vijayāditya
Eradicating his haughty foes and reinstating his kinsmen, he has propagated his reputation, bright as jasmine or the moon, to the ten quarters.
The kingly extravagances
That shelter of all the world
In the lineage of Gotama there arose a
His son, the Soma sacrificer Mādhava, was devoted to Janārdana
His son in turn is the
His courtyard, turned into a morass by water
His sons and grandsons, youngsters eloquent in committee assemblies
His observance
Let it be known to you that on the occasion of the winter solstice we have given to him the field
Its boundaries
He who would seize land, whether given by himself or by another, shall be born as a worm in faeces for sixty thousand years.
Prospérité ! Kubja Viṣṇuvardhana, frère de Satyāśraya Vallabhendra, ornement de la lignée des Calukya, illustres, du même
le fils de Meḻāṁba et Vijayāditya, qui comblait son peuple, ayant noué le bandeau héréditaire, protége la terre tant que dure la lune,
lui, qui a déraciné les orgueilleux ennemis et réinstallé les alliés, a conduit sa gloire, qui a la blancheur du jasmin et du lotus, jusqu’aux dix horizons.
En lui resplendissent les beautés des rois, en nul autre parmi les rois :
l’éclat qui envahit ce massif de lotus qu’est la main de Padmā, le trouve-t-on dans un massif de lotus ?
Lui, refuge de tous les hommes, l’illustre roi suprême des grands rois, Viṣṇuvardhana, excellent seigneur, excellent dévôt, méditant aux pieds de sa mère et de son père, ordonne ceci aux chefs de famille habitant le
habitant le
Son fils fut Mādhava, sacrificateur de soma, dévot de Janārdhana, source de joie pour l’univers grâce à ses immenses capacités.
L’illustre récitant
L’eau avec laquelle on lavait les pieds des brahmanes rendait boueuse,
la vaste cour de sa demeure , jusqu’à la septième génération.
Ses fils et petit-fils, jeunes brahmanes, éloquents dans les éminentes assemblées,
étant entrés dans les comités de cinq membres,
Qu’il soit connu de vous que nous donnons à ce dernier, récitant de Dāmodara, * * *
Les limites de celui-ci sont :
à l’est un large ruisseau,
Beaucoup ont donné une terre, beaucoup l’ont protégée, celui qui possède la terre en possède la fruit.
Qu’elle soit donnée par lui ou par un autre, celui qui prend une terre renaît ver de terre dans les excréments pendant soixante mille ans.
Concerning sāṣṭācatvāriṁśataM in line 11, Kielhorn lists variants in related inscriptions known to him. I duplicate his note here; it may be worth tracing these and listing them by inscription title. The reading is °rājas sā° in IA 13 p249 l11 and this may have been intended in SII I p47 l18. The reading is °rājaś cā° in IA 7 p16 l12, IA 12 p92 l14, IA 14 p52 l41, EI 4 p306 l40, EI 5 p140 l10. It is °rājaḥ Aṣṭa° in IA 13 p213 l15, which is one of the earliest inscriptions that give 48 years as the duration of this king’s reign; and in IA 19 p429, IA 14 p56 l13.
Some details of this grant were cited by John Faithfull Fleet (